Chapter 2105 Kiki, I Like You 3
Chapter 2105: Kiki, I like you 3
The two women standing in the distance happened to be Mu Lan and her assistant.

Mu Lan watched Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi walking into the shopping mall hand in hand, she was dumbfounded.

Because of Han Yuxuan's words in the morning, she was very angry all day, and felt so irritable that she wanted to kill anyone.

She couldn't stay in the company any longer, so she took her assistant out to the mall.

But unexpectedly, she encountered a scene that she never wanted to see in her life.

What Han Yuxuan said in the morning has been circling in her head all day.

"Mu Lan, listen carefully. Try not to appear in front of me in the future. You can come over when there are morning meetings in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't come. I can ask your assistant to convey the work content to you, because I am very I hate you, every time I see you, I hate you several times more, if you are a little self-aware, you will rarely appear in front of me, I look disgusting."

His last words completely broke her down.

He said that seeing her was disgusting, and she couldn't bear such an insult.

She is not as good as Lan Ziqi in any way, she is beautiful and has a good family background, so is she not good enough for him, Han Yuxuan?

He insisted on saying such ugly things to her.

Lan Ziqi stopped suddenly, Han Yuxuan first turned his head to glance at her, then followed her gaze, and saw Mu Lan and her assistant.

Mu Lan walked up to Han Yuxuan in a few steps.

"Han Yuxuan, you still like Lan Ziqi after all, don't you?" Mu Lan asked sharply, with a pair of hateful eyes wishing to tear Lan Ziqi apart.

Han Yuxuan held Lan Ziqi's hand tightly again.

Only then did Lan Ziqi realize that Han Yuxuan was holding her hand.

It didn't take long before they developed to the point of holding hands.

Facing Mulan, Han Yuxuan's tone was very indifferent and cold, "This is a matter between me and Qiqi, it has nothing to do with you, and don't always tie you to me, I have never had any relationship with you beyond cooperation other things."

"But I've liked you for many years, Yuxuan, we studied abroad together. During the few years in college, we all studied in the same school. We can be regarded as childhood sweethearts..."

"Qiqi and I are childhood sweethearts, and you are just strangers we know."

After Han Yuxuan finished speaking, he led Qiqi and walked forward.

Mu Lan was so angry that tears were about to come out, Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi were childhood sweethearts, why didn't she believe it?

Han Yuxuan has been abroad all these years, how could he have the opportunity to be with Lan Ziqi as his childhood sweetheart.

These are all excuses.

Seeing that their backs matched surprisingly, her eyes turned red with jealousy, "Lan Ziqi, do you think you are worthy of Yuxuan?"

Lan Ziqi stopped suddenly and looked back at her: "Whether I am worthy of Han Yuxuan is not up to you."


"Qiqi, let's go." Han Yuxuan didn't want to have too much interaction with Mu Lan, and she didn't like meeting her.

"Hmm! Go to the fourth floor and have a look. I want to buy a bag." Lan Ziqi thought for a while, and finally came, so she bought something she liked.

Mu Lan stood where she was and stomped her feet fiercely.

He said fiercely: "Let's go, let's go to Yuxuan's house. Han Yuxuan is dating an ordinary girl. Her mother will definitely not agree."

Although Mrs. Han has been a housewife for many years, her life is still very self-disciplined. Except for some investment and financial management, she puts all her efforts on her two sons.

She had just finished applying the mask and was about to go to bed when she heard a knock on the door.

The servant on the first floor opened the door, she thought it was Han Jin who came back.

Just as I was about to go down and have a look, I heard a girl's voice again.

She frowned slightly, tidied up her appearance, and went downstairs slowly.

"Aunt Han." Mu Lan called out obediently with a gift in her hand.

Mrs. Han nodded slightly, "Mu Lan is here, please sit down."

Mu Lan sat on the sofa with her assistant, her every move was very well-behaved.

After Mrs. Han sat down, the servant served tea.

Mrs. Han looked at her, and said calmly: "Mu Lan, you're here so late, what's the matter?"

Mu Lan thought for a while, then lowered her head a little aggrieved.

Mrs. Han's eyes flickered slightly. She knew that Mu Lan liked Yuxuan, but Yuxuan didn't mean that to her.

Every time there is a banquet or a small gathering between Mrs. Kuo, Mu Lan's mother will intentionally or unintentionally mention things about Mu Lan and Yu Xuan.

Mu Lan said aggrievedly: "Auntie, Yuxuan seems to have a girl he likes, and I saw him go shopping with that girl by the hand tonight."

"Really?" Mrs. Han was slightly taken aback. She knew Yuxuan's character, and she was too indifferent.

She didn't know what was going on, why did the child she cared for grow up become so cold?
Mrs. Han knew her purpose in an instant.

"Mulan, do you know that girl?"

Mu Lan nodded, "Yes, we are in charge of the art team of this drama now, as if from a family background, with an assistant and a team of several people, named Lan Ziqi."

"Lan Ziqi?" Mrs. Han raised her voice slightly.

She frowned and looked at Mu Lan, didn't she know who Lan Ziqi was?
In Jiang City, in the whole of Asia, is there a girl with a better background than Lan Ziqi?
She asked why Yuxuan hadn't found a girlfriend all these years, and it turned out that he was thinking about Lan Ziqi in his heart.

She still remembered that when she was in primary school, Yuxuan would bring love breakfast to Lan Ziqi every day, and it didn't stop until they all went abroad.

"Yes, ma'am, do you know her?" Mu Lan was a little surprised by Mrs. Han's expression.

Mrs. Han smiled, "I heard Yuxuan mentioned it, but I don't care about Yuxuan's affairs. I am also very happy that he has a girl he likes. I think that girl must be very good to catch his eyes."

It would be great if it was Lan Ziqi.

If Yuxuan can become Lu Haocheng's son-in-law, is he worried that there will be no room for development in the future?
The property that Lan Ziqi now owns is beyond compare.

Before the death of the old chairman, he gave all his property to these children, and after the death of the Gu family and grandma Gu, the children had a share.

At her age, although she doesn't care about money, she cares about her child's future life and development.

Lan Xin is also the chairman of Yida Group, and he is a nice person. With these connections, the son-in-law of the little princess of the Lu family is very popular everywhere.

More importantly, Yuxuan likes Lan Ziqi, and Lan Ziqi also likes Yuxuan.

No matter how much money there is, it is not as important as feelings. Only by being happy with each other can they go further.

When Mu Lan heard this, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but Mrs. Han didn't care.

Mu Lan thought for a while, then said worriedly: "Ma'am, Lan Ziqi is with Yuxuan because of Yuxuan's money, I'm worried that Yuxuan will be cheated, I just met them in the mall, I heard When she asks Yuxuan to buy her a bag, that shopping mall is full of luxury goods."

(End of this chapter)

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