Chapter 2106 Kiki, I Like You 4
Chapter 2106: Kiki, I like you 4
"Is the mall you mentioned Bailian Mall?" Mrs. Han asked.

"Yes, ma'am, you also know that a bag inside is worth hundreds of thousands?" Mu Lan's tone was sour, Han Yuxuan really went too far, she acted so obviously, yet he still said such excessive words .

Mrs. Han nodded slightly, with a smile on her face: "I see, Mu Lan, thank you for coming here to tell me that I have been worried that Yuxuan can't find a girlfriend, and now I can sleep well."

"With his wooden character, if he can buy bags for a girl, he must like that girl very much." That shopping mall belongs to the Lu family. Lan Ziqi has everything she wants, and Yuxuan may not necessarily let Yuxuan pay for it. .

Mu Lan froze for a moment, choked and almost couldn't get up, this was different from what she expected.

Isn't Mrs. Han angry?
Would their family be willing to accept a girl from an ordinary family?

Doesn't Han Yuxuan need a family marriage?
Although Han Yuxuan's company is developing very well, it is still on the rise. If she has her father's contacts, it will be smoother.

But what does Mrs. Han think?

Mu Lan nodded with a stiff smile: "Maybe."

After Mu Lan came out of Han Yuxuan's house, her complexion became even worse.

When she got in the car, she kicked the door hard. The pain from her toes didn't calm her down.

The assistant saw that she was very angry, and comforted her, "Sister Lan, don't be angry, you still have a movie to shoot tomorrow morning, and people in the industry say that "Feng Yin" will definitely be a big hit, after all, the script is very good, wait until Sister Lan becomes popular Are you afraid that you won't be able to beat Lan Ziqi?"

Mu Lan thought about it too, "Go back."

Just why is it so uncomfortable and aggrieved in my heart?
Han Yuxuan had just sent Lan Ziqi back, and when he entered the apartment, he received a call from his mother.

He sat on the sofa before answering the phone: "Mom."

"Well, haven't you slept yet?" Mrs. Han's tone was very gentle.

"No mother, I just got home, what's the matter?" Han Yuxuan opened the curtains in the living room while answering the phone.

"It's okay, I'm afraid you're too busy with work, so I'll make a call to let you go to bed earlier."

"Mom, the company is progressing smoothly, so don't worry." Han Yuxuan stood by the window, his handsome smile reflected on the glass.

"Yuxuan, I'm in a good mood to hear your tone." Mrs. Han asked with a smile, and she could feel her son's brisk tone through the phone.

"Mom, I'm in a good mood." Han Yuxuan smiled.

"Okay, then rest early."

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuxuan's tall figure was still standing by the window, the summer night sky was particularly beautiful.

And today is also his happiest day.

After waiting for so many years, he finally let his girl know his heart.

The first thing Lan Ziqi did when she got home was to take a shower. Putting on a pink nightgown, she quickly got into the quilt and sent a message to Yan Zishu with her mobile phone. The only person she had been in touch with these years was Yan Zishu.

The relationship between the two is very good.

[Zi Shu, a handsome boy confessed his love to me today.Happy ing]

Yan Zishu: [Qiqi, it's Liang Siyuan again, I told you before that this man is no good. ]
Lan Ziqi: "...!"

[Zi Shu, no, the person who confessed to me today is my elementary school classmate Han Yuxuan. He went abroad for many years and I haven’t seen him, but he is really handsome when he grows up. ]
Yan Zishu: [Ah...Qiqi, how handsome is she? ]
Lan Ziqi: [I forgot to take a photo, by the way, there is one online, I'll send you one. ]
Lan Ziqi returned to Du Niang, quickly found a photo of Han Yuxuan and sent it.

Yan Zishu: [Wow, Qiqi and you are so compatible, tell me, how do you feel when you see him? ]

Lan Ziqi: [When he said he liked me and smiled at me, I felt as if there were thousands of flowers blooming in my heart, and the fragrance was everywhere, even the air was full of faint fragrance.It was a completely different feeling from when Liang Siyuan confessed to me. ]
Yan Zishu: [Silly girl, congratulations on falling in love! ]

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi threw her phone on the quilt, is this love?
"Dong dong..."

"Come in." Lan Ziqi looked towards the door, inexplicably nervous.

Lan Xin came in with a cake.

Lan Ziqi looked distressed, "Mom, why did you bring me a cake at such a late hour?"

Lan Xin smiled, and looked at her blushing face, "Didn't you bring this back? I ate a little because I was hungry, and I'll bring you some too."

Lan Xin approached her, looked at her blushing face, frowned and asked, "Are you feeling unwell? Why is your face so red?"

"Ah, Mom, am I blushing?" Lan Ziqi was a little nervous, and quickly patted her face, feeling a little hot.

Lan Xin gave her daughter a strange look: "Eat it, you won't gain weight if you eat it once in a while."

"Oh, okay, where's the second brother?" Lan Ziqi took the cake and ate it in small bites.

"I left by plane today. I called him just now. He has already arrived in country M."

Lan Ziqi was a little curious, "Mom, why did he come back this time? He came in a hurry and left in a hurry."

Lan Xin's eyes flickered, but she didn't answer her daughter's question: "Is the cooperation with Yuxuan going well?"

"It went well." Although there was a little episode in the middle, it didn't affect her work.

"That's good, go to bed early. Mom thinks that Yuxuan is a good kid. I asked Jincheng to check his past. He worked very hard. His main character is good. If you want to fall in love, you can consider him."

Lan Ziqi stopped eating the cake, and asked curiously: "Mom, if I really like him, do you agree with me marrying the Han family?"

Lan Xin smiled: "Our family does not need to get married like other aristocratic families. Your father and I must be in love with each other. Only if you love each other. As for family background, we don't care."

Lan Xin got up, patted her daughter on the shoulder, turned and left.

Lan Ziqi looked at her mother's back and sighed slightly: "Hey!"

Even mother can see that Han Yuxuan is a good person.

She ate a few bites of the cake before remembering the cell phone she had thrown away.

She quickly finished eating the cake before picking up her phone, watching Yan Zishu send a few more messages.

[Qiqi, this man really has perfect proportions of facial features, and his height is definitely not bad. ]
[Hee hee, little girl, how does it feel to be in love?Isn't it wonderful? ]

Lan Ziqi couldn't help but patted her feverish face.

It turns out that this is the feeling of falling in love.

My heart is very nervous, and I have a long period, sweet and nervous, nervous and sweet, this kind of feeling is very complicated.

Lan Ziqi: [Zi Shu, I don't know what to say, but I feel pretty good. When are you coming to Jiangshi? ]
(End of this chapter)

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