Chapter 2107 Kiki, I Like You 5
Chapter 2107: Kiki, I like you 5
Yan Zishu: [Wait, Qiqi, I still have something to do here. After I finish handling the company's affairs, I will come to you immediately. ]

Lan Ziqi: [Okay, when are you coming, tell me in advance, I will spare time to play with you for a few days, by the way, my second brother is going to country M today, and he will not go abroad when he comes back at the end of September up. ]
After a long time, Yan Zishu replied with the word "oh".

Lan Ziqi: [Zi Shu, go to bed early, we will talk tomorrow. ]
Yan Zishu: [Okay, good night!Be sure to dream about your Prince Charming. ]
Lan Ziqi: "..."

She smiled and lay down to go to bed. She is very strict with time management and doesn't go to bed late.

But just laying down, the phone rang again.

Lan Ziqi grabbed the phone again to check, it was Han Yuxuan.

[Qiqi, are you asleep? ]

Lan Ziqi felt her heart pounding when she saw Han Yuxuan's WeChat. She held her chest and took a deep breath, feeling very depressed. Lan Ziqi, you are too spineless.

Isn't it just being confessed?Why is it so hard to hold back, even the heart is about to jump out.

Lan Ziqi began to reply to the message, but she found that her fingers were trembling.

woo woo woo woo……

It's all my father's fault for raising her into a little white rabbit who doesn't understand anything.

Lan Ziqi took several deep breaths and drank a few mouthfuls of cold water before she felt that she had calmed down a lot.

Only then did Lan Ziqi reply to Han Yuxuan: [Going to sleep! ]

Han Yuxuan: [Qiqi, good night, I will pick you up tomorrow morning. ]
Lan Ziqi: "..." She was looking forward to it.

Lan Ziqi: [Are you too tired from running back and forth, I can drive there by myself. ]

Han Yuxuan: [Qiqi, but I want to pick you up. ]
Lan Ziqi: [Oh, all right! ]

Han Yuxuan was still standing in front of the window, looking down at the news of Lan Ziqi's return dazzlingly, he laughed softly, it turns out that Qiqi is still so cute.

When Lan Ziqi woke up, it was already bright outside, watching the morning light pouring in through the gaps in the curtains, making the whole room warm.

She thought she would have a dream last night, but she had no dreams, nor did she dream of the Prince Charming that Yan Zishu mentioned.

Thinking of Han Yuxuan saying that he would come to pick her up last night, she also got up quickly to wash up, put a mask on her face, tidied her bedding, and went to make herself a cup of morning tea.

After removing the facial mask, applying skin care products, and taking a few sips of morning tea, she packed up her things and went downstairs. She got up early, but no one at home got up, so she went to the kitchen to get busy.

By the time everyone got up, her breakfast had already been prepared. She was afraid that her father would be suspicious, so she left the house 5 minutes earlier.

When Han Yuxuan arrived, he saw her standing at the door with a food box waiting for her.

The clothes in Lan Ziqi's closet are all beautiful, she doesn't need to pick them out, she can wear the most fashionable feeling, white shirt, cherry red suit and trousers, she looks fresh and charming under the sun, and she is shrewd and capable.

It was rare for Han Yuxuan to see her dressed like this. He parked the car, got out of the car and opened the door for Lan Ziqi, protecting her head with one hand, and walked back into the cab after she sat down.

"Good morning Kiki!"

Lan Ziqi smiled, at this moment, he was not at all like the usual cold and aloof him.

"Morning!" Lan Ziqi lifted the breakfast box in her hand.

"I got up in the morning and made breakfast, and went to the company to eat together."

Han Yuxuan suppressed the excitement in his heart, nodded, and said "yes" softly.

Then start the car and turn around, driving in the direction of the company.

Han Yuxuan thought about the breakfast that Lan Ziqi made with her own hands, and couldn't help but think of the egg rolls she made that morning. They were soft and delicious. He was not only curious about what delicious breakfast Qiqi made today.

The car was a little quiet, and when the car stopped at a red light intersection, Han Yuxuan asked her, "Qiqi, do you want to listen to music?"

"Ah, no." Lan Ziqi shook her head slightly, she couldn't sing perfectly, and she seldom went to KTV.

Unlike Lan Ziran, he can sing any song very well.

They are brothers and sisters, each with their own specialties.

The three younger brothers are also very smart now.

This is the pride of my father's life and the happiness of my mother's life.

Looking at the six children every day, her father's arrogant expression always makes her want to laugh.

Every time I get together with Uncle Mu, Uncle Ou, Uncle Su, and Uncle Lin, my father will never tire of showing off.

It always made a few uncles want to beat him up.

Han Yuxuan handed her a glass of water.

He smiled and said, "The temperature of the water in the newly bought cup is just right."

Lan Ziqi looked at the white thermos, the lavender pattern on it was very elegant.

She smiled: "I bought it specially for me?"

"Yes, I saw that you often use paper cups to drink water in the office, so I bought one for you." Actually, no, it was her birthday present last year. He prepared it for her, but he didn't have a chance to give it to her.

Although it would be strange to give a thermos, but I know that she often goes out and needs a thermos.

When he saw this thermos, he thought she would like it very much.

"Very beautiful, thank you, Han Yuxuan!" Lan Ziqi looked sideways at him, feeling warm in her heart early in the morning.

The way he drives is also very handsome, and the voice is also very nice. Lan Ziqi feels like she is possessed by a demon, and feels that Han Yuxuan is perfect everywhere.

"I sent it to you, do you like it?" Han Yuxuan quickly glanced sideways at her, then looked ahead, and drove hard.

"I like it!" Lan Ziqi opened it and took a sip of water, the temperature was just right.

She often participates in art exhibitions and travels here and there. Her mother also prepared a thermos for her, but she often lost things. Her mother prepared several for her, but she lost them all.

Hearing that she liked it, Han Yuxuan felt much better again.

It was still early for the two of them to arrive at the company, and there were only the two of them.

Han Yuxuan took Lan Ziqi all the way to his office.

Lan Ziqi not only made egg rolls today, but also a seaweed soup and steamed dumplings.

The portion is generous enough to feed two people.

Han Yuxuan looked at Lan Ziqi who was doing things with her head down, her handsome dark eyes were full of love.

As expected of the girl he likes, she is beautiful and capable, and she cooks such delicious food.

Lan Ziqi looked at him standing still, and looked at her with gentle eyes that were about to overflow.

Lan Ziqi's heart beat inexplicably again, "Yuxuan, what are you doing standing up? Hurry up and sit down to eat, and you have a morning meeting after work?"

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan sat across from her, and Lan Ziqi handed him a bowl of seaweed soup: "Thank you for coming to pick me up for work."

Han Yuxuan smiled, and took the seaweed soup in her hand, the color is very beautiful, the seaweed and egg whites formed a beautiful contrast, he looked at her seriously, "Qiqi, do you make it by yourself when I pick you up every day?" breakfast?"

(End of this chapter)

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