Chapter 2113 Throbbing 4
Chapter 2113: Throbbing 4
Seeing her eating happily, Han Yuxuan couldn't help smiling. He wanted to give her the tenderness and romance he had saved for a long time for the rest of his life.

Lan Ziqi ate for a while before looking at him: "Han Yuxuan, don't you want to eat?"

"I've eaten, and I'm very happy to see you eating happily."

This world is a mess, only she hangs cleanly over his heart as his white moonlight.

"Qiqi, in the future, I will cook you breakfast instead. Although I like your breakfast, I think I prefer to cook it for you."

"Ahh...Han Yuxuan, how can you be so nice!" Lan Ziqi was so touched, she couldn't bear to be looked at by his gentle gaze, how could she be so gentle?
"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan looked at her, couldn't help but smile, his eyes were very bright and gentle: "Qiqi, how can you be so cute?"

He worked so hard to make money, so he wanted to spend more time with her when he came to her.

"Hmph! I'm already cute." After Lan Ziqi finished speaking, she lowered her head and continued to eat.

Han Yuxuan looked out of the car window. Many students entered the school in twos and threes, wearing maroon school uniforms. The school gate was very domineering, and the security measures were very good. They all entered the school with their fingerprints.

"Qiqi, I remember that when you were a child, your dream was to be a painter and designer. Why did you suddenly think of starting a school?"

"Because of my grandpa." Lan Ziqi smiled, "When we were young, it was a noble school that my grandpa invested in. My grandpa said that his wish is to open another school so that those children who have no money to go to school can go to school." Being able to go to school in the city, you also know that he founded a farm and experienced life there, and he also saw a lot of children in the countryside, especially left-behind children, he looked very pitiful."

"Later, my grandfather fell ill, so I told him that I would help him realize his wish. He was very happy at the time and gave me a lot of assets. After graduation, I asked my father to help me open the school here, but There is no equity, all of which are funded by me alone, and a lot of money is also the money I earned from holding art exhibitions over the years."

"Many of the children here are from the countryside. They are free. Their parents work in the city and subsidize their living expenses. Those children are very happy."

"Our Qiqi is really amazing!" After listening to Han Yuxuan, he looked at her. These years, she lived a fulfilling life according to her blueprint.

"Who belongs to your family, don't talk nonsense." Lan Ziqi was shy, always feeling that he spoiled her very much.

Han Yuxuan smiled, but didn't say anything, his love went deeper and deeper without knowing where it came from.

He hoped that when they meet, they will stay together in exchange for each other!
After Lan Ziqi got off the car, Han Yuxuan was still reluctant to leave.

Looking at the purple-red bricks and tiles, there is all her love here, and her love holds up the hope of many people.Her love warms the true feelings in the world.

Han Yuxuan returned to the office. There was no morning meeting today, so he took his time.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw the white ink waiting for him.

"Here we come." Bai Mo held a cup of coffee in his hand, wearing a pink suit, looking suave.

Han Yuxuan frowned slightly, and teased, "I've known you for so many years, I've never seen you wearing a pink suit."

Bai Mo glanced up and down at himself, he looks handsome, who did he provoke by wearing a pink suit?

"Is there a problem?" He raised an eyebrow.

Han Yuxuan shook his head: "It looks a bit coquettish."

Bai Mo: "...?"

"Han Yuxuan, if you attack someone personally, let me tell you that this is the Lu Group's new product this year. It's really expensive, but it's really comfortable to wear and doesn't feel stuffy at all. There's a reason why it's expensive."

"Tell me, how much money does the Lu Corporation have?" Mo Bai was very curious about this question, and his gossiping thoughts were written on his forehead.

Han Yuxuan smiled, and sat on the swivel chair nonchalantly, "Why do you want to know this all of a sudden?" They are all pretty good and easy to get along with, but those who are not very rich always look at people with their chins?"

Han Yuxuan smiled, it also depends on what kind of family background and what kind of parents he has, "No. 1 in the Asian wealth list, but after so many years, it should be Uncle Lu who is low-key, I'm afraid there are more of them than you can see too much."

"My God, my God, there are six children in the Lu family, even if there are six, Mr. Lu's company can't finish it all, not to mention Mrs. Lu is the chairman of Yida Group, Yuxuan, you must work hard, wait for you to grow up If you are the son-in-law of the Lu family, I can hug your thigh."

Han Yuxuan shook his head helplessly. He wanted to become the Lu family's son-in-law not because of the Lu family's money, but because all these years, he only had Qiqi in his heart.

He founded Qixuan Entertainment Company, which is the homonym of his and Qiqi's names.

He loves his girl and wants to give her the best that is in his power.

"Hey, Han Yuxuan, why don't you talk? After I've been talking for a long time, why don't you just talk to me." Bai Mo rubbed his nose, this character is really difficult to get along with.

Han Yuxuan looked up at him: "How is the matter I asked you to investigate?"

"Oh, you finally remembered?"

Han Yuxuan: "..."

Han Yuxuan raised his head slightly, and his facial features were more elegant and noble, especially his eyes, which were as black as gemstones, but they were also hidden.

"Speak." His tone was a little cold.

Bai Mo didn't dare to do it anymore, Han Yuxuan was very rational in everything he encountered, but when he encountered Lan Ziqi, he was very irrational, very, very irrational!

Bai Mo took out his mobile phone and clicked on the video to show him: "I came here today to show you this, otherwise I will rest today."

"Look at this video, the staff obviously did it on purpose, but the surrounding video was damaged. In the part I repaired, you can still see that the staff inside deliberately locked the door of the toilet and broke the circuit. As long as you find This person knows who made him do it."

Han Yuxuan looked at everything in the video, his eyes became more and more serious, "Let's go to the ancient city."

Bai Mo wilted, he never had a good rest when he was resting.

"Where's Gao Jie?"

Han Yuxuan got up, took the car keys, "I'm on a business trip."

Bai Mo, so, he has to work like a cow and a horse again, woo woo woo... I can't go on, it's too hard, he was busy until late at night last night.

The two soon arrived on the set. Today, Mu Lan also has some scenes to film, and has been on the set.

Seeing Han Yuxuan coming with Bai Mo, and thinking of Lan Ziqi being rescued by Han Yuxuan in the bathroom last night, she felt a surge of anger in her heart.

The assistant saw that the two of them didn't say hello to the crew, but walked directly to the backstage. She was a little worried, "Sister Lan, will Mr. Han find out?"

(End of this chapter)

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