Chapter 2114 Throbbing 5
Chapter 2114: Throbbing 5
Mu Lan looked at Han Yuxuan's back with a sneer, "What are you afraid of? If they can't find out, the surveillance has been destroyed."

The little assistant was relieved when he heard it, but he was still a little uneasy.

Mu Lan's face was very ugly. After giving so much money, the other party would not easily betray them.

Not long after, Han Yuxuan and Bai Mo left.

Mu Lan smiled, seeing that there was no one around, she lowered her voice and said, "Look, I just told you, they can't find it."

The little assistant was relieved, but there was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

When she came here today, she deliberately looked for the staff member in the ancient city, but she didn't see him, so she asked the people here and heard that he was off today.

"Sister Lan, it's your turn."

Director Jiang yelled over there, and she helped Mu Lan, who was wearing an ancient costume, over there. Mu Lan played the role of a daughter, domineering and vicious, and her face fit it very well.

Firstly, she likes this character, and secondly, she likes the clothes designed by Lan Ziqi, which are very beautiful and distinguishable.

But Mu Lan is a pampered person since she was a child. Her family conditions are good and she has developed such an arrogant temperament. If she can't get what she likes, she will grab it, and if she can't get it, she will use all means.

In her world, as long as you like it, you can definitely belong to yourself.

These also include Han Yuxuan.

Those women who wanted to attract Han Yuxuan's attention, once she found out, she would do anything to drive them away.

Lan Ziqi's appearance and Han Yuxuan's gentleness made her aware of a great crisis.

Han Yuxuan had never been so gentle to any woman, and Han Yuxuan was always indifferent and alienated towards her.

Han Yuxuan is so beautiful, his perfect face looks handsome no matter from any angle, and he is capable. This kind of Han Yuxuan makes her even more obsessed.

In her heart, Han Yuxuan belonged to Mu Lan.


Han Yuxuan and Mo Bai left because the staff in the video were resting. After he asked for the address, he and Bai Mo went directly to each other.

The other party was resting in the staff dormitory. When Han Yuxuan found the other party, the other party was sleeping.

At first, the employee refused to admit it, but when Han Yuxuan showed him the video, the other party explained everything clearly without coercion or bribery.

After coming out of the staff dormitory, Han Yuxuan's handsome face was filled with hostility, and a cold aura lingered all over his body.

Bai Mo looked a little scared, but the result was really similar to Han Yuxuan's prediction.

It was really Mu Lan and her assistant who did it.

The summer wind brought a wave of heat when it blew head-on, but Han Yuxuan's handsome face was extremely cold.

Han Yuxuan looked at Bai Mo and said angrily, "Change Mu Lan and apply for a new artist."

"Ah..." Bai Mo was stunned for a moment, "The filming has already started."

Han Yuxuan looked at him coldly, "Find someone to replace him, just make up the shoot. Our company is not short of this amount of money, but we will definitely not want a ruthless artist, so return the funds to her. The missing funds will come from me. debited from your account."

Han Yuxuan left after speaking.

Bai Mo stood there in a daze for a moment, staring blankly at Han Yuxuan's back as he left gracefully, why is he the one who does the bad guys?

Oh oh oh!
I'm really having a hard time!
Han Yuxuan walked all the way to the parking lot. His light brown hair was a little darker in the sun, his eyebrows were picturesque, and they were extremely sharp at the moment. If he couldn't even protect his girl well, how could he say he liked her.

Loving someone in my heart is probably the sweetest thing in the world, but watching her get hurt a little bit, I feel it is the bitterest thing in the world.

Mu Lan just finished filming a fighting scene, sat down to rest, the assistant handed her her mobile phone, and just opened the screen, a text message from the bank popped up.

She was stunned for a moment, how could such a large sum of money come in, and seeing the same amount, panic flashed across her eyes.

This is the money she brought into the group, why is it refunded in full?

At this time, her manager came over. Li Qiong was a well-known manager with a cold temperament, alienated from others, but very responsible.

Mu Lan happened to see her too, she stood up abruptly, "Sister Li..."

But Li Qiong interrupted her: "Qixuan Entertainment has terminated the contract with you."

"What? Impossible, how could Han Yuxuan terminate the contract for no reason?" Mu Lan looked at Li Qiong in disbelief.

Li Qiong still looked at her expressionlessly: "I warned you yesterday, telling you not to make trouble, and film your scenes well. You are a newcomer, and you still pick and choose, and finally do things that hurt people." Come on, with your quality, even if you are popular, you will capsize in the gutter, pack up your things and go back."

After Li Qiong finished speaking, he turned and left.

Mu Lan and her assistant stood there in a daze, the sudden news was like a bolt from the blue.

"Sister Lan, what should I do?" The assistant's bad premonition finally dissipated at this moment.

Mu Lan's face was pale. After she realized it, she remembered Han Yuxuan's warning. She looked at the assistant sharply, "He must have known about what happened last night. How did you do it? Didn't you say it was safe?"

The assistant was stunned for a moment, and his expression was a little bad. "Sister Lan, I thought it would be safe after giving so much money. I have been shut down by someone who monitors me. Don't you say you can't find it? Why are you blaming me now?"

"I..." Mu Lan walked towards the dressing room angrily, "Han Yuxuan, I won't just leave like this."

When Lan Ziqi came out of school at five o'clock, she saw Han Yuxuan's car parked in the parking space from a distance.

Han Yuxuan who saw Lan Ziqi also got out of the car and looked in her direction. Under the setting sun, he was smiling faintly, his tall and straight figure dazzling.

The female students passing by couldn't help but secretly looked at him and smiled.

Han Yuxuan kept his eyes on the girl who was walking towards him. After being separated for several hours, his longing was still growing like weeds. He wished he could stick to her all the time. Whenever he saw her, a faint smile from her could heal all his problems. miss.

"Han Yuxuan." Lan Ziqi was holding a few books in her hands. Han Yuxuan walked over and took the books in her hands. The weather was hot, and the girl ran all the way. There was a faint blush on her fair little face, and she smiled through her glazed eyes. Look at him, cute and charming.

"Did you wait long?"

Han Yuxuan smiled and shook his head: "I've just been here for a while, get in the car first, and I'll take you to eat delicious food."

"Hey... okay, I've been lecturing for a whole day, and I'm very hungry." Lan Ziqi took off the backpack from her shoulder.

"Teacher Lan." Suddenly, someone behind Lan Ziqi called her.

Lan Ziqi turned around and said with a smile, "Teacher Jiang."

Jiang Ming, graduated from Mingpai University, has a good family background, good looks, and good character. He is now teaching physics at school.

(End of this chapter)

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