Chapter 2115 Lost 1
Chapter 2115: Lost 1
He has always liked Lan Ziqi, who is beautiful, confident and cheerful.

Jiang Ming glanced at Han Yuxuan, and Han Yuxuan also looked at him, their eyes met, as if a battle without gunpowder was brewing.

As men, they could see the hostility in each other's eyes.

But Jiang Ming first looked away, looked at Lan Ziqi and smiled: "Qiqi, you forgot this." Jiang Ming handed Lan Ziqi a booklet.

"Ah...God, thank you Teacher Jiang, I almost forgot." This is her project, the project of Taohuayuan, if she lost it, she would have to stay up all night.

"You're welcome!" Jiang Ming glanced at Han Yuxuan.

Han Yuxuan looked at Lan Ziqi, and Lan Ziqi had no intention of introducing him: "Mr. Jiang, my friend and I are leaving first, goodbye!"

Jiang Ming's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "Goodbye!"

After getting in the car, Han Yuxuan drove the car for a certain distance before asking, "Qiqi, are all the teachers in your school so handsome?" There was an undisguised jealousy in his voice.

Lan Ziqi smiled and said, "There are several young and handsome teachers who graduated from prestigious universities. I don't know why they want to teach, but they all have strong qualifications, so they were recruited."

Han Yuxuan's eyes darkened, so, are these people here to teach because Qiqi is here?
He thought of Jiang Ming just now, who called Teacher Lan just a moment ago, and became Qiqi after seeing him. He already had a strong desire to possess his girl, so he naturally understood what she meant.

Han Yuxuan pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. After all, he has no definite relationship with Qiqi now, so what can he say?

The only thing he can do is to stand out from these powerful enemies and become a different man in Kiki's eyes.

Han Yuxuan didn't speak, and Lan Ziqi felt a little depressed in the car.

She secretly turned her head to glance at Han Yuxuan, only to see that his complexion was very bad, his jaw was tense, and there was an air of indifference on his handsome face.

This kind of Han Yuxuan was full of abstinence all over his body, and was damn charming.

"Han Yuxuan, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you speak suddenly?" She felt the atmosphere was weird when he didn't speak. She was a little nervous and her heart beat faster.

Han Yuxuan smiled helplessly. Qiqi is strong in other aspects, but she is very slow in emotions.

Thinking of it this way, he felt a lot more at ease.

"Qiqi, the person who locked you in the toilet last night has been found out, I'm sorry, I was negligent, it was Mu Lan who used money to bribe the staff in the ancient city, locked you in the bathroom, and then cut off the electricity. "If he hadn't come to pick her up last night, he wouldn't have dared to imagine how scared she would be if she was locked up there overnight.

"How could it be her?" Lan Ziqi was stunned for a moment, then she figured it out, her mood changed a lot in an instant, "It's because of you that she attacked me, Han Yuxuan, doesn't she like you?"

Han Yuxuan parked the car steadily at the red light intersection, looked sideways at her and smiled: "Qiqi, what she likes is not me, what she likes is that the Han family can bring her a richer life. I can do well in the entertainment industry, but not enough to become a wealthy family, I know that Mu Lan has always dreamed of being a wealthy family, but that person can't be me."

Lan Ziqi was stunned when she heard this, she had also investigated the background of Mu Lan's family, compared to the general conditions, her family's conditions were indeed good, but she was too arrogant.

"Hmph! Even so, I was locked in the bathroom because of you. If you dare to provoke those rotten peach blossoms in the future, I will ignore you again." Lan Ziqi was very angry, thinking about the dark nights of last night. She still has lingering fears in her heart.

When Han Yuxuan heard this, he was overjoyed, "Qiqi, I have never provoked anyone, only you. I don't even want you to be liked by too many people, I just like it."

"Cut, you are really domineering." Lan Ziqi smiled, and the anger in her heart disappeared.

Han Yuxuan was about to talk, but when the light turned green again, he drove with all his heart.

When he reached the downstairs of the restaurant, he drove the car directly to the underground parking garage, and then took Lan Ziqi to the private room he had reserved.

Tea was already prepared in the private room, and Han Yuxuan ordered it in advance, and the food would be served as soon as he arrived.

"Qiqi, this is a Sichuan restaurant, and I order all your favorite dishes." Han Yuxuan sat next to Lan Ziqi.

"Thank you, but why only order what I like, and order what you like too."

Lan Ziqi was sitting next to him, he was wearing a thin silk shirt, occasionally touching her hand, she could feel his warm body temperature.

Han Yuxuan turned sideways slightly, looked at her and smiled, "What you like is what I like."

Lan Ziqi glanced at him, then hammered his chest hard, "Han Yuxuan, why are you so gentle, I can't take it anymore."

Yes, before she was sure of her own mind, she really couldn't stand his gentleness.

Betrayed by Liang Siyuan, she was actually more prepared, but the person in front of her was Han Yuxuan whom she had known for a long time.

Seeing him so warm and gentle, she really didn't know how to face him and respond to him. His love was fierce, but she didn't find it annoying.

Han Yuxuan smiled, pursed the corners of his lips, and looked down at her red face: "Qiqi, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to make you feel uncomfortable, this is not the feeling I want to give you, I hope When you are with me, you are not nervous or uncomfortable, but happy, and you really feel that you are happy with me from the depths of your soul."

He wanted to be the first person she thought of when she was sad.

Don't want to be someone she hates.

Han Yuxuan widened the distance between the two of them, and he spoke with discretion, but this kind of Han Yuxuan made her feel empty and lost.

She still felt this way until Han Yuxuan sent her home and the moment she lay on the bed.

She lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. She changed several positions and hugged the bear in her arms, but she still couldn't fall asleep.

She was still holding a mobile phone in the other hand, and she didn't even know what she was expecting.

She thought of Han Yuxuan's domineering and controlling behavior during this period, and also thought of the way he deliberately kept a distance tonight, and she felt very uncomfortable.

But that's what she wanted, Han Yuxuan respected her choice, why is her heart so uncomfortable?

"Ding dong..." The WeChat notification sounded, and she quickly checked her phone.

It was Han Yuxuan who sent it, and the sense of loss in my heart was a little less.

Han Yuxuan: [Qiqi, are you asleep? ]

Lan Ziqi: [Not yet. ]
Han Yuxuan: [Qiqi, can't you fall asleep? ]

Lan Ziqi was taken aback, how did he know she couldn't sleep.

Lan Ziqi: [Han Yuxuan, I have insomnia because of you. If I wake up tomorrow morning with dark circles, I will ignore you for three days. ]
(End of this chapter)

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