Chapter 2117 Lost 3
Chapter 2117: Lost 3
Mu Lan knew that Han Yuxuan didn't like her, but she didn't expect him to say it so bluntly.

"Yuxuan, so you really like that woman, otherwise, you wouldn't have rejected me so thoroughly." Mu Lan was not reconciled, losing to Lan Ziqi, she was really not reconciled.

Han Yuxuan looked at her indifferently, "This is my business and has nothing to do with you, but if you make small moves behind her back, I will never let you go." There was a strong warning in his cold tone.

Even Han Jin was taken aback by his icy aura.

"Hehe... Mulan smiled painfully, tears came out of her eyes, "Han Yuxuan, I didn't expect you to care about her so much? "

"So, you shouldn't find someone to treat her like that. I believe it's the last time. If your Mu family doesn't want to kill themselves, stop now." Han Yuxuan stopped talking, and the meaning on his face was very clear. The talk was over.

"Hmph!" Mu Hai snorted coldly, and took Mu Lan away.

Han Jin stayed. He knew that his son was very serious in his work. Once he cared about something, he would not just talk about it, but be very serious.

"Yuxuan, tell Dad, who is that girl you like?"

Han Yuxuan glanced at him, "I like her unilaterally. I haven't confirmed the relationship yet. You will know later."

"I want to know who she is?" Han Jin also insisted.

Han Yuxuan didn't speak.

"Yuxuan, I know that the little princess of the Lu family is back. You have always played well with her when you were young. I heard from people I know that she is a nice girl. If you like it, you have to hurry up and don't let others The men got there first."

"I remember her name is Qiqi. After returning to China, she was very prosperous. As expected of Lu Haocheng's daughter, she still worked hard for her own career without relying on her father."

Han Yuxuan was taken aback, but he didn't expect his father to have such thoughts, "Dad, I know, but Mr. Mu has bad intentions. If you want to become in-laws with Uncle Lu, you should avoid dealing with them."

As soon as Han Jin said this, his eyes lit up. He protected that girl so well, it should be almost inseparable.

"Okay, okay, Dad listens to you. I brought their father and daughter here tonight, and I also want to give them an explanation. That Mu Lan has been crying all the time. Isn't there nothing I can do?" Han Jin got up and said: "You Rest early, I will go back first."

"Yeah!" Han Yuxuan returned to the living room after sending his father out. He, who hadn't smoked for a long time, took out a cigarette and a lighter from the drawer of the coffee table, lit a cigarette, and took a shallow puff. His black eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly Dark and bright, his expression is unpredictable.

Lan Ziqi told Lan Xin early the next morning that she was going to Taohuayuan for a few days, and Lan Xin didn't stop her. The children have grown up, and they all have the right to pursue their dreams.

Lan Ziqi set off alone early in the morning. It was more than an hour away from the city, and she didn't take her assistant with her. The main reason was that she wanted to be alone.

An hour's drive is not too far. Lan Ziqi set off at nine o'clock and arrived at the destination after ten o'clock.

There was no food in the development zone, so Lan Ziqi ate something in a nearby town before driving off.

There is a homestay in Taohuayuan. When she arrived at her destination, she booked a small courtyard where no one lived. She had to work here for several days and didn't like being disturbed.

The countryside in summer is beautiful, with green trees and fresh air, which made her feel relaxed like never before.

In the small courtyard she rented, plums and grapes were planted. The flowers had already withered, and plums the size of cherries were hanging on the trees. The environment in the small courtyard was also very good. Lan Ziqi was very happy.

When she arrived at the room on the second floor, it was neat and tidy. When she opened the window, there was a peach garden not far away. There were a few peach blossoms that hadn't faded yet, and the scattered peach blossoms were also a special kind of beauty.

This is an endless peach garden. An old farmer has planted it for decades. After being discovered, he developed it as a tourist area. The mountains are beautiful and the water is good. There is a big lake not far away. The room has a panoramic view and is very nice and comfortable.

After Lan Ziqi got everything ready, she sorted out the materials and went to the development zone for a meeting.

Originally, she didn't have to come in person, but in order to avoid Han Yuxuan, she could only find reasons for herself.

The content of the meeting is usually the content of communication on the phone or WeChat. The meeting took four to ten minutes before Lan Ziqi came out. She bought some ingredients from the small shop in the hotel, which contained everything. It is relatively close to the lake, and there used to be pure wild fish and shrimp for sale. Lan Ziqi planned to have barbecue alone at night.

After sending the ingredients back to the small courtyard to process and put them in the refrigerator, Lan Ziqi realized that she bought a lot of different types, and she might not be able to finish them all by herself at night.

But it doesn't matter, she can continue to eat tomorrow.

When I came back just now, I met an old woman on the road and told her that there were still cherries in the cherry orchard to the east.

After Lan Ziqi called Lan Xin to report her safety, she put on a sun hat and went to pick cherries.

Before going out, she glanced at her phone again, but she didn't see the message from Han Yuxuan. She put the phone back in her backpack a little bit disappointed, and went to pick cherries along the path beside the field.

Walking on the ridge, the wind blows, and it feels very cool.

Occasionally, Lan Ziqi would greet villagers with a sweet smile when she met villagers returning home.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I arrived at the cherry orchard.

At the entrance, there is a big blue tent, with an old lady sitting under it, and there are many baskets on the table, which are used for people to pick cherries.

Lan Ziqi walked over, bought a basket for five yuan, and carried the basket to pick cherries with a smile.

She memorized all the scenery along the way, and the beautiful scenery gathered into exquisite landscape paintings in her mind.

There are quite a lot of people in the cherry orchard, but many are in pairs.

Lan Ziqi seemed a bit lonely by herself. Many of them were young couples with their children or couples who went to the countryside to pick cherries. The convenient transportation also drove the development of the village.

Lan Ziqi picked and ate alone, entertaining herself.

A young couple behind also laughed happily.

"Manman, we'll get married when we get back from here, are you happy?" the boy asked with a smile.

"Why are you happy? It's because you and we have missed several years in vain. If you had made it clear in those years, our children should all be in elementary school now." The girl's tone was very bad.

This is obviously a young couple who have missed each other for several years because of love and misunderstanding.

"Manman, I'm sorry, you left suddenly back then and didn't give me a chance to explain. I really have nothing to do with that girl. He is one of my subordinates. She designed it for you to see that scene, but you didn't ask I just left, it's because you don't trust me, but Manman, now all the misunderstandings have been resolved, and we can be together again."

(End of this chapter)

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