Chapter 2118 Lost 4
Chapter 2118: Lost 4
The voice paused for a while, and Lan Ziqi heard the girl say again, "It's all caused by hypocrisy. I was very angry back then, so I left again. If we hadn't met in the mall later, I would have had the opportunity to be here now." Together, it’s a good thing we both love each other, otherwise we would really miss it.”

"Manman, we are destined, I will spend the rest of my life with you." The man's voice was very happy.

Lan Ziqi heard the sound of popping.

She blushed and walked towards another cherry tree with a heartbeat.

The young couple boo boo, but she was blushing and heart beating.

She thought of Han Yuxuan again, and thought of her gentle kiss, which was cherished and gentle, but at this time, Han Yuxuan didn't even call her.

Hum hum!
She kept humming in her heart, and said that she wanted to chase her, and she didn't send her a wechat or call her for so long.

She was angry, very angry!
But thinking about what the young couple said just now is also very correct, sometimes they missed a word without saying it.

It is a pity to make a mistake, and it is even more a pity not to fight for it.

But why does she like the feeling of Han Yuxuan by her side so much?
Since she was a child, she was busy chasing her dreams, and she really didn't think about other things.

When the classmates around her started to fall in love and get married, she actually looked at them very happy, and she was the only one alone.

So when Liang Siyuan chased her, she also had the mentality of trying to fall in love, but unfortunately, she was very disappointed.

The weather is very hot, but there is a breeze blowing from time to time, which is cool and comfortable.

Lan Ziqi looked back at the young couple just now, they had already picked two baskets of cherries, and they were talking and laughing happily.

Lan Ziqi is a little envious of them, she is happy wherever she goes with someone she loves.

She can't eat much by herself, but picking cherries takes a lot of time. After two hours, she only picked two kilograms.

Looking at the bright red and bright red cherries is watery and very attractive.

She went back slowly alone.

The tourist area has not yet been developed, but there are already many people who come to pick cherries. Lan Ziqi also met many people along the way back.

Chu Feiyang's farm is not far from here, but she doesn't want to go, she really wants to be alone.

Back in the small courtyard, she was sweating. After taking a bath, she wore a white casual clothes and went downstairs. There were round stone tables and benches in the courtyard. She set up tea sets in the courtyard and made a pot of tea. , After drinking tea for half an hour, she sent the picked cherries to Moments, and then went to prepare for the evening barbecue.

She admired the scenery of the small courtyard. For her, she really liked this slow-paced life.

Lan Ziqi became interested and picked up her mobile phone to take pictures of the scenery in the courtyard. She wanted to draw it.

The fatigue in her body disappeared, and she went to wash the fish, shrimp and vegetables.

The brief busyness made her forget a lot of things.

It was after seven o'clock that she lit a fire with charcoal for the barbecue.

There is a parent who is very good at cooking, and she has learned a lot, so living alone is absolutely no problem.

Barbecue is also something their family likes to do very much. She does it by herself every time, and she often participates in it. She has learned it after going back and forth.

She comes from a wealthy family, but her mother doesn't let her just enjoy life, she must be self-reliant.

Half an hour later, the yard smelled of grilled fish.

A lot of fish, shrimp and vegetables had been put on the grill. After Lan Ziqi posted it on Moments, she checked Han Yuxuan's dialog box, but there was still no news.

A sense of loss permeated my heart.

The bottom of her heart was very lost, which made her a little uncomfortable, so, was her heart stolen by Han Yuxuan?
"Bastard!" Lan Ziqi scolded, and ate a piece of tofu wrapped in milk.

Seeing that the prawns were cooked, she smiled happily. These are Roche prawns, which are raised by the fishermen around them. They have thin skin and lots of meat, and they are especially delicious when baked.

Lan Ziqi was eating happily when Chu Feiyang called.

"Why?" Lan Ziqi's tone was very bad.

Chu Feiyang: "Hey, Qiqi, why do you still have such a temper when traveling alone? Also, why don't you come to the farm to play when you come here?"

Lan Ziqi ate a shrimp and another mouthful of mushrooms before saying, "I'm in a good mood."

"Hey, don't I know you yet? I feel bad when I hear your voice."

Being guessed right by Chu Feiyang, Lan Ziqi felt even worse.

"Are you on the farm?"

Chu Feiyang: "No, I'm at my mother's place. Let me go home for dinner and teach my two younger brothers a lesson."

Lan Ziqi said casually, "Your two younger brothers have gotten into trouble again."

Chu Feiyang: "Isn't it? Lu Zimo took her to the bar to play."

Lan Ziqi: "Lu Zimo?"

"Yes, your three younger brothers are also flying."

"You brat, you don't study hard, you actually go to a bar, where's my dad?"

"Hey..." Chu Feiyang smiled happily, "Is your uncle here too? Lu Zimo was taught a lesson by his uncle, and now he is hiding in his aunt's arms and crying?"

"It deserves it!" Lan Ziqi smiled, "Zimo seldom cries, but this time it hurt my mother so much."

"Isn't it? My aunt kept staring at my uncle, but my uncle stopped talking, a typical wife slave, hehe..." Chu Feiyang couldn't help laughing, and suddenly saw Lu Haocheng standing behind him, his smile froze, Hang up the phone quickly.

"Haha... Uncle, good evening!"

Lu Haocheng: "..."

Lan Ziqi watched Chu Feiyang hang up the phone suddenly, without even thinking about it, she knew what it was.

She smiled and went on to the shrimp and clams.

She looked up at the night sky, the sky was full of stars, it was so beautiful!
"It's so beautiful!" Lan Ziqi opened a can of beer, raised her head and took a sip, feeling very satisfied after drinking the cold beer.

She is still at the age when she packs her bags and leaves first, she is unrestrained and unrestrained, why is she tied up by falling in love!

No matter how rich people are, in fact, there are times when it is not easy. When they often think that the years are unfair to them, it is not the years but their own mentality.

After so many years of running around for her ideals, she also understands a truth, life will not spoil anyone, if you want not to be abandoned, you must fight for yourself.

"Hey!" Lan Ziqi sighed, she didn't know why, after comforting herself so much, she still felt very uncomfortable.

After destroying all the dishes, Lan Ziqi got up again to clean up the mess. After ten o'clock, it was finally done.

Looking at the sultry night, she really didn't want to sleep, but she was so tired, she was used to going to bed early.

Tired all day, she fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Not long after sleeping, she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. The pure wild food was too tempting, and she managed to eat too much.

Moreover, she has been too busy these years and has irregular meals, which caused her stomach to have some minor problems.

The stomachache was really uncomfortable. She lay on the bed for a while, but finally she couldn't help getting up and looking for medicine.

As soon as I reached the first floor, I heard someone knocking on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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