Chapter 2119 Surprise 1
Chapter 2119: Surprise 1
"Dong dong dong..."

Lan Ziqi was taken aback, it was almost eleven o'clock, who could it be?She stared at the door.

Is there a thief?

No, will the thief knock on the door?She must be confused with a stomachache.

"Dong dong..."

This time the sound was much louder than last time.

Lan Ziqi pursed her lips tightly, knocking on the door at this time made her feel a little guilty.

She walked over slowly. The door of the small courtyard was wooden, and it was stuck with a long stick from the inside. The solar lights in the courtyard had limited brightness.

"Who is it!" Lan Ziqi bent over slightly, her stomach was very uncomfortable, and even her voice trembled.

The wind was a bit strong at night, a gust of wind blew by, the leaves rustled, and Lan Ziqi felt a little cold on her back.

"Qiqi, it's me." A melodious and deep voice came from outside the door.

With the wind blowing, Lan Ziqi couldn't hear clearly, but she still heard the word Qiqi.

The energetic dogs in the village barked one after another.

She slowly opened the door, and saw the man in the night, with a pure black shirt, a tall and straight figure, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, with a warm and jade-like atmosphere under the warm moonlight, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes Gentle as a moon, staring at her quietly.

Lan Ziqi's eyes widened, her voice was full of surprise, "Han Yuxuan, why is it you?"

This day, she was actually quite competitive. Han Yuxuan didn't send her a single message or call her. She always felt empty in her heart.

I don't even have the mood to paint, and the whole day is actually quite decadent.

At this moment, looking at the tall and straight man in front of her, she could vaguely see the perfect outline, her heart seemed to be filled with something again, and that feeling of loss was slowly filled with an emotion that she didn't even know.

Lan Ziqi felt that she was really sick, sick.

Suffering from gains and losses in love and stomach problems at the same time.

It's so embarrassing to feel overwhelmed.

The light of the solar lamp was a little pale, but Han Yuxuan could still see the pained look on her face, "Qiqi, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong?"

Han Yuxuan, who was immersed in the joy of seeing his girl, was full of worry on his handsome face.

Lan Ziqi asked him to come in first.

After Han Yuxuan entered, he closed the door.

Lan Ziqi felt her stomach hurt more and more, and the seafood was a bit cold. She ate a lot tonight, so it would really hurt badly.

In the living room, Han Yuxuan saw a thin layer of sweat on her fair forehead, and her lips were as pale as snow.

"Qiqi, what's wrong?" Han Yuxuan helped her sit on the rattan chair, looked at her worriedly, took out a clean white handkerchief, and helped her wipe off the sweat on her forehead.

There was a faint fragrance on the handkerchief, it was clean and comfortable, Lan Ziqi sniffed greedily.

"Stomach pain." She whispered two words, then slowly leaned back on the chair, clenched her hands into fists.

Han Yuxuan frowned slightly when he thought of the barbecues in her circle of friends tonight.

He bent down and hugged Lan Ziqi.

With a light body, Lan Ziqi regained consciousness a bit, and looked at Han Yuxuan nervously, "Han Yuxuan, what are you doing?"

"Where is the room?" Han Yuxuan's tone was a little heavy.

Lan Ziqi felt warm in his arms.

She slightly raised her eyes to look at him, with perfect and exquisite facial features, her whole body was full of elegance and elegance.

Ahh! !
Why so charming!
She was afraid that she was controlled by his appearance.

She suddenly thought of a sentence, there is no true love in the world, as long as he is a handsome guy, I love him!
Han Yuxuan looked at her and he didn't speak, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, can I ask you something?"

"Oh, the one on the left on the second floor." Lan Ziqi blushed and lowered her head, her pale face turned rosy, and her shyness made her feel that her stomach didn't hurt so much!
"Hehe." Han Yuxuan smiled softly, and carried her directly upstairs. His arms were strong and his steps were steady. Lan Ziqi felt very safe in his arms.

"You're still laughing, I asked why you came here?" Lan Ziqi blushed and stared at him.

"Because I miss you." Han Yuxuan finished smiling, then looked down at her, and said softly, "I also want to give you a surprise!"

Lan Ziqi: "." Really surprised!
"Humph!" Lan Ziqi snorted softly, "Who knows how to be seductive, my quilt is fragrant, soft and comfortable, would you like to cover it with me?" To tease her, he can do it easily, and she can too.

Her father is a master at flirting with his wife, and she often blushes when she hears her father's astonishing words.

Han Yuxuan's footsteps stopped, Lan Ziqi raised her heart in an instant, and looked at Han Yuxuan vigilantly.

Han Yuxuan: "..."

Judging by her expression, she dares to say but dare not do it.

He suddenly smiled: "Okay!"

Lan Ziqi: "..." I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously.

"Hmm..." Lan Ziqi's stomach began to ache again.

Han Yuxuan frowned, tightened his arms holding her slightly, and at the same time quickened his pace to walk upstairs.

After entering the room, he put her on the big soft bed and tucked in the quilt to cover her.

Lan Ziqi curled up slightly in pain.

"Qiqi, be patient for a while, I'll get you medicine."

He turned around and was gently pulled by Lan Ziqi.

He turned his head and looked down at her. On his fingertips, there was a slight coolness in her hand, but it continued to the bottom of his heart, causing ripples. She was in severe pain, her eyebrows and eyes were together, and she asked in a low voice: "It's so late, Where do you go to get your medicine?"

She came out in a hurry and didn't bring any medicine for stomach pain.

Han Yuxuan blinked, and put her cool hands under the quilt, "I have medicine in the car, I'll go get it now, it's right outside the door, I'll be back in a while."

"Oh!" She heard him say that he would be back in a while, and he hadn't left yet, so she was looking forward to it.

Han Yuxuan quickly came up with stomach medicine and a cup of hot water, and a hot water bottle in his hand.

After giving Lan Ziqi a hot compress, he helped her up, and after giving Lan Ziqi a little hot water, he gave her stomach medicine.

After drinking hot water, taking medicine, and applying hot compresses, Lan Ziqi felt that her stomach ache was relieved.

"Qiqi, how do you feel?" He moved a chair and sat beside her bed.

Lan Ziqi smiled gratefully, "It doesn't hurt as much as before, thank you, Han Yuxuan." She really didn't expect him to come.

"What are you going to do if I don't come?" Han Yuxuan's tone became serious.

Lan Ziqi: "The pain will pass after a while."

"Do you think it's possible? You've eaten too much cold food. If you don't take medicine, you'll always be in pain." Han Yuxuan's tone was serious, and he looked straight at her, as if saying that she didn't cherish her body.

"Ah... oh."

His gaze was too deep, she turned her head with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at Han Yuxuan.

But then I thought about it, liking is because two interesting souls are evenly matched, not because she wants to be wronged like this and let Han Yuxuan do whatever she wants.

"Han Yuxuan, I want to drink water." She squinted her eyes and ordered him.

(End of this chapter)

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