Chapter 2127 Let’s Fall in Love 5
Chapter 2127: Let's fall in love 5
The height of the 24th floor, Han Yuxuan lived on the [-]th floor, when he got out of the elevator, the door of the opposite room was ajar.

"Qiqi, go in first."

Lan Ziqi: "Where are the slippers?"

Only then did Han Yuxuan remember that he had just come back and hadn't had time to prepare, and he didn't expect her to come.

He brought out a new pair of slippers of his own.

"Qiqi, wear mine first, and I'll go to the supermarket tomorrow to buy new ones for you."

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi looked at him and smiled, "Okay, I will come to play with you occasionally, so far, you haven't come to my house to play with me, if I bring you back, my father will definitely I will thoroughly investigate your family, my father has no other intentions, but is afraid that I will be cheated."

"My dad said that I was too simple and refused to let me live outside alone."

Han Yuxuan's slippers were a little big, but they didn't affect his walking.

Han Yuxuan followed her. He was not afraid of Uncle Lu's investigation, but he was afraid that his mother would be very sad if his father's bad things were found out.

Li Shan and Yang Cheng have an unusual relationship. If there is nothing to say between the two, he doesn't believe it.

Lan Ziqi saw that Han Yuxuan's house was very clean and spotless, the white decoration was bright and stylish, everything was clean and tidy, but there were not many items, so it looked a bit empty and deserted.

Compared with Lan Ziran, the place where Lan Ziran lives is like a pig's nest.

Han Yuxuan put the food box on the dining room table.

Seeing Lan Ziqi looking at his home, he suddenly felt that the empty home became warmer. He walked over and hugged her from behind.

When I like someone, I always want to involuntarily give her a warm embrace.

Lan Ziqi didn't struggle at all. In the past few days in the countryside, except for not crossing the threshold, they have done all the things that other couples would do. These days, their relationship has grown deeper and hotter. between individuals.

Han Yuxuan is not just a person who can only talk, but puts it into practical actions.

Lan Ziqi was not hypocritical, she turned around and embraced him face to face.

She raised her eyes and looked at Han Yuxuan with a smile. How could this man be so good-looking, with red lips and white teeth, even redder than hers, and the glow of jealousy came out instantly.

"Han Yuxuan, love seems to be a little thing that gradually accumulates and deepens the relationship, right? You took care of me every day in the country these days. After I came back, I thought about it, and I should also take care of you."

Han Yuxuan tapped her pretty nose with his index finger, and seeing her eyes full of stars, he thought, the sky is full of stars.

"Silly girl, everything I do for you is willing."

Lan Ziqi shook her head: "That won't work, my mother said, whether it's family affection, love, or friendship, you can only get a response if you give your heart to each other. I can't just let you give and I don't do anything. "

Han Yuxuan's eyes darkened. How much luck did Han Yuxuan accumulate to find such a considerate girl?

"Silly girl, you are so kind, I am so happy!" Han Yuxuan hugged her tightly.

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi smiled happily: "Han Yuxuan, love is mutual, let's go have dinner."

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan led her to the kitchen, opened all the food boxes, the dumplings were still hot, the fried chicken was also hot, there was spicy soup and a few side dishes, they looked delicious.

Han Yuxuan was completely moved. After he became independent, his mother would not bring him meals often. There was still a younger brother who needed to be taken care of, so he could only take care of himself.

"What's wrong?" Lan Ziqi looked at him with lowered eyes, her expression was a little sad, but it didn't seem like it.

Han Yuxuan raised his eyes, his black eyes were deep and penetrating, "I'm touched by Qiqi, if you don't come tonight, I'm going to eat instant noodles."

"Aren't you good at cooking? Why do you want to eat instant noodles? This life is not very long. Be kind to yourself and eat quickly. When you don't have time in the future, I will make it for you. When you have time, you will give it to me." I do, didn't you say that when you confessed to me that day? Let's go to the vegetable market together and come back to cook together at night. "

"But we're both very busy, so we'll go out to eat if we can't afford it."

For her, as long as she has the courage, she can live any kind of life, the key is that the person she meets is the right one.

"Okay, let's go to the supermarket after dinner." Han Yuxuan found another excuse to spend more time with her.

"Okay, there's still time."

Lan Ziqi handed him the chopsticks.

The two chatted while eating, Han Yuxuan's cell phone kept vibrating on the coffee table, but he was so happy at the moment, he only focused on the girl in front of him.

Han Yuxuan was very satisfied after eating. After clearing the dining table, he went back to his room and changed his clothes. He picked up the mobile phone on the table and took a look. There were more than 40 missed calls, all of which were from Mu Lan. He turned the mobile phone to silent. Then she went to Lan Ziqi who was changing shoes at the door.

"Qiqi, I'll buy you two pairs of slippers later, the secret here is 258..."

"Ah... okay." Lan Ziqi smiled shyly, she thought, if she fell in love with Han Yuxuan, she might come here often in the future.

She thought that one should be impulsive for love at least once in one's life. At first, when she met Han Yuxuan, she was overwhelmed by his appearance, and later, by his tenderness and consideration. She panicked and wanted to escape, but after leaving him , closed his eyes, his mind was full of overlapping figures, his gentle voice, and his bright smile, thinking of him as if he was possessed.

That feeling of loss is beautiful, and seeing him seems to be intoxicated in his gentle hometown.

Since they met in the brightest years, she also chose to meet love, live up to God's will, live up to meeting!

The two went downstairs holding hands, and drove Lan Ziqi's car to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients.

The two walked around for four or ten minutes, and finally returned with a full load. After leaving the underground garage of the supermarket, Han Yuxuan drove to another road.

Lan Ziqi looked at it and was a little puzzled, "Yuxuan, this is not the way back to your house, where are you going?"

Han Yuxuan smiled and said, "Go and buy you a cake."

Lan Ziqi glanced at herself and said angrily, "Han Yuxuan, do you think I'm skinny now?"

Han Yuxuan said honestly, "If you are thin, you will look better if you are fatter."

Lan Ziqi: "..." These words are inexplicably familiar.

"But I don't want to lose weight. Once I exceed my height and weight range, I have to get up early every day to swim and be dragged by my grandfather to farm. I am now at the right weight." She doesn't want to eat cake at night, and occasionally her mother will give her Prepare some pastries.

"No, don't eat. I ate fried chicken tonight. I will gain a kilogram tomorrow. Go back, don't tempt me."

Lan Ziqi is very persistent, wouldn't it be nice to use the time to lose weight to sleep and have a beauty sleep?
(End of this chapter)

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