Chapter 2128 Let’s Fall in Love 6
Chapter 2128: Let's fall in love 6
Han Yuxuan smiled, seeing her persistence, he didn't go to the cake shop, but bought some fruits at a nearby fruit shop.

They were all Lan Ziqi's favorite food, but Lan Ziqi didn't stop him.

When the two of them went back, they unloaded a lot of things from the car beyond imagination.

Lan Ziqi: "My God, how many did the two of us choose?"

Han Yuxuan smiled, "Qiqi, not much, don't move, I'll put the things in the elevator." Thinking of her frequent visits in the future, he wished to bring back all the good things and let her have whatever she wanted .

Lan Ziqi saw that he was going to move several times, and didn't listen to him to stand still, but followed him to move things together. The two of them moved very fast. After moving into the elevator, Han Yuxuan led her in.

Looking at the things on the ground, he smiled contentedly, "Qiqi, do you think we can often go out shopping like this after we get married?"

He is really looking forward to it.

"Ah, get married, oh, yes, no... get married, shouldn't we go shopping together in the same way?" Lan Ziqi was a little bit incoherent shyly.

It's not too early for her to get married. In the eyes of her mother, she has reached the age of having children.

An inexplicable idea suddenly flashed in her mind, whether her and Han Yuxuan's child will grow up to be beautiful, because they are both very beautiful.

woo woo woo woo……

I can't stop thinking about it. When I met Han Yuxuan recently, I couldn't help but think about it. What's wrong with her? Hormone disorder in her body is something. Does she need to go to the hospital to have a look?

Han Yuxuan looked at her shy appearance, with the corners of his mouth raised all the time, he took her hand and gently moved it to her waist, hugging her tightly.

Lan Ziqi was nervous and shy, so naturally she didn't notice his small movements.

The elevator stopped on the twentieth floor, Han Yuxuan hugged her first and walked out, and then began to move things down the elevator.

"Qiqi, I bought you some books and put them in the bookcase. If you come over sometimes and feel bored, you can read them."

Lan Ziqi was taken aback, looked down at the few books in the plastic bag, and asked in surprise, "When did you buy the books?"

Han Yuxuan smiled, "When you went to the bathroom."

"Thank you!" She likes reading books very much, and she likes to swim in the ocean of knowledge. After reading a book, the feeling after reading can be serious, or it can be a wild and unconstrained self-release.

"You are so polite to me." Han Yuxuan walked over after carrying the things, lowered his head and kissed her lips quickly, and was about to deepen the kiss, when suddenly behind Lan Ziqi came the sound of something falling.

The two stopped, and the moment Han Yuxuan raised his eyes, his eyes suddenly became sharp and angry.

Lan Ziqi also turned around, and saw Mu Lan standing at the door of Han Yuxuan's house, dazed, her red lips slightly parted in surprise.

Lan Ziqi frowned, her translucent eyes slightly darkened.

Mu Lan looked at the two of them in shock, they were together so fast?
Just two hours ago, Han Yuxuan terminated all cooperation with the Mu family, which was a big blow to the Mu family.

The Mu family has been climbing up into the upper class. After so many years of climbing, they finally gained a place in the entertainment industry, but Han Yuxuan took the lead and suffered heavy losses.

She called Han Yuxuan many times but no one answered, so she came here to block people. She did not expect to see such a scene.

Han Yuxuan, who was always indifferent and cold, would be so tender.

She was really stunned for a moment, she had known Han Yuxuan for several years, and it was the first time she saw him smile so tenderly, so pampered!

And the Han Yuxuan she knew almost never smiled at her. Han Yuxuan had a happy family and very good conditions. She was very surprised why Han Yuxuan was cultivated into such a cold personality.

She has been trying to integrate into his life, but unfortunately she has not integrated into it.

Han Yuxuan treats others like he is wearing armor, making him invulnerable.

But when facing Lan Ziqi, he took off his armor, which was as soft as water, and let Lan Ziqi wander in his gentle ocean.

This extremely unbalanced treatment made Mu Lan very unwilling.

She bent down to pick up the bag that fell on the ground, and just after the bag fell to the ground, the two stopped their intimate movements.

"What are you doing here?" Han Yuxuan's tone was extremely cold.

Speaking of which, it was also the second time for Mu Lan to come here. The first time was when Boss Han brought them here that night, otherwise she would not have known that Han Yuxuan lived here.

Mu Lan is wearing exquisite makeup today, and her light gold tube top skirt reveals her sexy collarbone, which is extremely beautiful.

"Yuxuan, why didn't you answer my call? Why did you withdraw all your investment?" Mu Lan asked Han Yuxuan with red eyes as soon as she came up.

Han Yuxuan held Lan Ziqi in his arms, and said in a serious tone, "Then why don't you ask yourself what you did?"

Mu Lan's face suddenly turned ugly: "I... what did I do?"

"Hmph!" Han Yuxuan sneered, "Do you want me to explain it to you? Fifth, do you want to confront him with you, or see how much you paid him?"

"Mu Lan, I warned you the last time you came, don't touch Qiqi."

"So, did you withdraw all your investment for this bitch? Han Yuxuan, why are you so childish..."

"Pa..." But before Mu Lan finished speaking, Lan Ziqi slapped Mu Lan on the face.

"Ah..." Mu Lan looked at Lan Ziqi in disbelief.

She was actually beaten by this woman?

Lan Ziqi said with a sullen face, "Clean your mouth, I remember I reminded you last time." Her expression was very cold, completely different from her usual giggles.

"Lan Ziqi, do you dare to hit me?" Enraged, Mu Lan slapped her backhand, but Han Yuxuan kicked her on the knee before her hand touched Lan Ziqi, and Mu Lan couldn't stand it. In pain, he knelt directly on the ground.

"Ah..." The severe pain made Mu Lan's face pale as snow. She looked at Han Yuxuan in disbelief, but he actually hit her.

"Han Yuxuan, our two families have been friends for so many years, are you treating me like this?" She burst into tears, because of her weakness, she was wronged or wronged.

Han Yuxuan frivolously glanced at Xingmu, and the words that came out of Yin Hong's lips were without warmth: "There is a more gentlemanly solution, but I never touch women other than Qiqi."

Mu Lan: "..." I felt extremely insulted, so he, who could have grabbed her arm, kicked her leg directly in order not to get his hands dirty?
How could Han Yuxuan bully people like this?
For Han Yuxuan, his childhood experience told him that some people in this world are not worthy of sympathy.

It's not that he didn't have sympathy, but they all fed the dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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