Chapter 2130 Let’s Fall in Love 8
Chapter 2130: Let's fall in love 8
Han Yuxuan stood upright, looking down at her: "Get lost!"

Mu Lan's pupils trembled, and she stared at the cruel man in front of her passing by her. She didn't come back to herself until tears blurred her eyes again. She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. She originally thought that Han Yuxuan was just talking, but never thought, He is so ruthless.

Mu Lan turned around, and her noble and handsome figure had already entered the elevator.

She blinked her eyes, and the tears couldn't stop streaming down. At this moment, apart from anger, she didn't seem to feel any heartache. Except for hatred, she didn't seem to feel any pain of being abandoned.

She did like Han Yuxuan, but why didn't she feel distressed?

"Hehe..." Mu Lan smiled on the spot, "I'm really so fucking angry, what the hell is this life?" Mu Lan left in a daze.

She really wants to see, without the help of the right person, how far can he climb?

Han Yuxuan, we will wait and see.

After Lan Ziqi arrived home, she happily went back to her room. Mu Lan's appearance did not disturb her love life. For her, she would never affect her mood for an irrelevant and touching person.

After she washed up, she went downstairs to chat with her mother. Surprisingly, her father hadn't come back yet, so she took her three younger brothers to the library.

She went to the backyard to visit her grandparents again, then returned to her room, and immediately sent Han Yuxuan a wechat while lying on the bed.

[Han Yuxuan, I'm home, I chatted with my mother for a while, are you asleep? ]

Han Yuxuan was already lying on the bed at this time, waiting for news from Lan Ziqi, knowing that she had arrived home safely, so he could sleep with peace of mind.

[Qiqi, did not sleep, waiting for you to get home safely? ]
Lan Ziqi "Hehe..." smiled and clicked on the video.

Han Yuxuan was pleasantly surprised and quickly connected the video call.

On the other side of the video, Kiki's room was also decorated in white, and he gently raised the corners of his lips.

"Qiqi, so we all like the same decoration." It's just that Qiqi's room is really not affordable for ordinary people, it is luxurious and fashionable.

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi showed him around her room.

She is an activist, and sometimes she has no reservations about the people she likes, not to mention that Han Yuxuan knows about her family's situation.

So there was this video call that surprised Han Yuxuan.

Han Yuxuan smiled, Qiqi's room was bigger than his apartment.

It seems that if you buy a villa in the future, you will have to buy a bigger one.

"Han Yuxuan, I designed my room myself, isn't it beautiful?" She likes her room very much, especially drinking tea on the balcony, the beautiful scenery makes her feel very good.

"Beautiful!" Han Yuxuan praised sincerely.

As soon as he heard her voice, he didn't have any troubles.

I'm afraid I can sleep well again tonight.

"Han Yuxuan, what are we going to do after get off work tomorrow?" For her, men and women in love want to be together every day and do what they like with the person they like.

Han Yuxuan had already made up his mind, and took her to the movies after get off work: "Qiqi, let's go to the movies, which movie do you want to watch recently?"

Lan Ziqi thought about it seriously, but there was still nothing she wanted to see, because she seldom went to the cinema to watch movies, and she was very busy recently, so she didn't know about the new movies.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, Han Yuxuan waited patiently, but Lan Ziqi patiently told Xin first.

She smiled helplessly, "Han Yuxuan, I haven't paid much attention to movies recently, and I don't know which show is good. I'll watch it and tell you tomorrow."

"Okay, Qiqi, don't worry, you go to bed early, good night, my girl!" Han Yuxuan had a gentle smile between his ink-painted brows and eyes.

Lan Ziqi widened her eyes slightly, looked at Han Yuxuan and smiled shyly, "Han Yuxuan, you really know how to flirt, hang up, see you tomorrow!"

Han Yuxuan stared at her quietly for a while before smiling: "Good night, Kiki, I love you!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Ziqi hung up the video call first.

If he doesn't hang up first, he will definitely be reluctant.

Lan Ziqi smiled, and stared at the screen for a long time.

Han Yuxuan was always gentle and gentle when he was with her, and it wasn't her illusion, she always felt that he only had eyes for her.

But in front of others, he is very serious, cold, alienated and indifferent, and when he looks at people, he also glances slightly.

Lan Ziqi suddenly thought of a sentence, don't try to change anyone, because no one can change anyone, only if he is willing to change for you.

So, did Han Yuxuan change because of her?

Lan Ziqi looked at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, the bright crystal chandelier filled her eyes with starlight.

Lan Ziqi thought for a while, no, she has to go to the library tomorrow to see the difference between "Love Psychology" and "Popular Psychology".

Indeed, she seems to understand love now, but she can feel Han Yuxuan's love for her.

So she always felt dazzled in front of Han Yuxuan.

She now knows how to distinguish between love and friendship.

Lan Ziqi turned over, always feeling that this love was too perfect.

But it's also very exciting, admiring each other, looking at each other affectionately, and wanting to give the best to each other.

Lan Ziqi smiled, Han Yuxuan was right in saying that love can really be learned without a teacher.

No see in one day, like every three autumns.

When we are together, it feels like time flies by.

Lan Ziqi thought about it, and soon fell asleep.

She had a very beautiful dream. In the dream, she dreamed that she was wearing a beautiful wedding dress and married Han Yuxuan. Han Yuxuan was wearing a black tuxedo. He was a gentleman and gentle. The two of them were in a rose garden full of roses. There was a wedding.

There were only the two of them at the scene, but she was very happy. The roses around her were beautiful and charming. The two of them walked in the rose garden hand in hand. Han Yuxuan always looked at her gently and smiled.

But the scene in the distance suddenly changed, the beautiful rose garden disappeared, Han Yuxuan bowed his head and said to her: "Qiqi, I love you!"

When she bowed her head to kiss her, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Lan Ziqi looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, then looked at her room, still a little dazed, is she in a dream or in reality?

She moved her arm slightly. He had taken a lot of things and walked a lot in the countryside these days. After waking up every day, he felt sore all over his body, and he still felt this way this morning.

So she woke up.

She sat up slowly, regretting the imperfection in the dream. At the last wonderful moment, the rose disappeared and the surroundings became a dark world. Only Han Yuxuan's black eyes were unusually obvious, and Han Yuxuan disappeared in the In the darkness, a pair of eyes stared at her affectionately, with reluctance and pain.

Lan Ziqi frowned, grabbed the phone beside her to check the time, Han Yuxuan had already come to pick her up, she quickly got out of bed, put on her shoes and rushed to the bathroom to wash up.

(End of this chapter)

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