Chapter 2131 Was Discovered
Chapter 2131: Found out
Lan Ziqi went out as fast as she could, and when she got outside, she saw Han Yuxuan's car in the distance.

She smiled and ran over, and before Han Yuxuan got out of the car, she opened the car door and got in, and then she ran into a pair of dark eyes, looking at him now was as gentle as sweet spring water.

"Qiqi, run slowly, and be careful not to fall." Han Yuxuan rubbed her head helplessly. This rash character is very cute, and he was afraid that she would accidentally fall.

Lan Ziqi put her bag on the back seat and said with a smile, "Aren't I afraid that you'll be waiting?"

"No rush, I just came too." Han Yuxuan smiled, and was about to start the car to leave when he suddenly saw a tall and domineering figure in front of the car.

Han Yuxuan was taken aback for a moment.

Sensing his strangeness, Lan Ziqi also raised her head to look forward, the moment she saw her father, she was also taken aback for a moment.

When she came out, she obviously didn't see her father, so when did her father stand here?

Han Yuxuan quickly got off the car.

His handsome back was bathed in the sunlight, and when he walked up to Lu Haocheng, he lowered his head slightly, "Good morning, Uncle Lu!"

Lu Haocheng looked at Han Yuxuan, who was not inferior to him in the slightest, and was also very surprised. This kid ate elephant shit. When he was a child, he remembered that he was not as tall as Qiqi, and he was also fat. Now he still has the shadow of his childhood?

When he grew up, he was about the same height as him.

And this face, it is even better than when he was young.

"Dad, did you come out?"

Lu Haocheng glanced at his daughter angrily.

His daughter is about to be abducted, can't he come out and take a look?

"You wait in the car, I have something to talk to this kid." Lu Haocheng's tone was serious and serious.

Lan Ziqi became a little anxious: "Father, I...he, Han Yuxuan, is your future son-in-law, you can't be rough on him."

Lan Ziqi was really afraid that her father would beat Han Yuxuan.

Lu Haocheng felt his liver hurt in an instant. He took good care of the little padded jacket that he had grown up. Before he got married, he took care of him.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, and asked Han Yuxuan to follow him into the door.

Han Yuxuan turned his head and gave Lan Ziqi a soothing look, telling her not to worry about herself.

Lan Ziqi gave him a cheering gesture.

Han Yuxuan smiled softly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Lu Haocheng staring at him with sharp eyes.

The smile on his face froze instantly, and he obediently followed behind Lu Haocheng.

The arrogance and majesty that Lu Hao has accumulated over a long period of time is enough to make him, who has always been fearless, surrender.

"Dong dong..." Lan Ziqi was thinking whether to follow her back when she saw someone knocking on the car window.

"Little Jixiang, why are you here?" Lan Ziqi looked at the handsome little Jixiang in front of her, with a slight smile on the handsome boy's face under the warm sunshine.

Lan Ziqi tucked a few times in her heart, this kid has grown up too.

Xiao Jixiang smiled: "Sister, what are you doing, I'm here to find Zimo and the others."

Lan Ziqi suddenly realized that today is not the weekend, and asked, "Aren't you going to class today?"

Little Jixiang: "There are lessons, but not in the morning. Zimo and I made an appointment to play."

Lan Ziqi urged: "Then tell Zimo and the others to come out quickly, come and leave quickly."

Xiao Jixiang was not happy when he heard that.

Since his mother gave birth to Xiao Ruyi, he has no status in the family, so he can only come to play with Zimo and Lele.

"Sister, why do you even despise me?"

Lan Ziqi stared at him with slightly wide eyes: "Did you see the dislike written on my face? What I mean is that you have classes in the afternoon, go early and play more."

"But I'm going to pick up Lele, Xunuo and Yuncheng later?"

Lan Ziqi watched her three younger brothers come out with sharp eyes.

She quickly turned around and took her bag, took out thousands of dollars from it and handed it to Xiao Jixiang: "Here, pocket money, take them for fun."

"Wow, sister, this is your most generous time, more generous than my mother?"

Lan Ziqi: "..." Does he look petty?

"Boy, don't you know how hard it is to earn money now? This money was earned by my sister who went out early and returned late. Work hard in the future. Don't be a rich second generation who gnaws on the old and rich. You will be laughed at by others. Go, Zi Mo and the others are here."

"Hey..." Xiao Jixiang smiled happily, "Thank you sister, let's go."

Little Jixiang turned around to join the three brothers Lu Zimo.

Lan Ziqi looked at her three younger brothers, who were almost carved out of the same mold as her father, and had to admit that her father's genes were really strong.

Her three younger brothers will also be three disasters in the future.

After watching her four younger brothers get into the car, Lan Ziqi quickly opened the door and went home.

In the spacious and luxurious living room, Han Yuxuan was sitting upright, obediently sitting on the sofa, waiting for Lu Haocheng to speak.

Lu Haocheng looked at him scrutinizingly, but didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

When Lan Xin saw that Lu Haocheng was brought back, how could she be more impatient than her.

She made a cup of coffee for Han Yuxuan, "Yuxuan, coffee!"

"Thank you, auntie!" He said respectfully, his every move was elegant and he gave the other party the greatest respect.

Lan Xin glanced at her husband, his face was as serious as a soldier preparing to fight, she sat beside him, and gently pushed him, "Why are you so serious, you scared the child."

Lu Haocheng pointed to Han Yuxuan who was 1.8 meters eight: "He, child?"

"Isn't it?" Lan Xin smiled helplessly. These days, knowing that Han Yuxuan came to pick up Kiki every day, Ah Cheng had already found out, but he just kept holding back.

She is the mother of the child, how could she not notice the changes in her daughter these days?

Qiqi had a very happy time during this time, with a smile on her face every day, like a little woman immersed in happiness.

Seeing her daughter happy makes a mother happy too.

Lu Haocheng angrily shifted his target: "Han Yuxuan, Qiqi is our baby."

Han Yuxuan nodded quickly, "Uncle Lu, Kiki is also my most precious treasure."

Lu Haocheng: "..." He narrowed his serious black eyes, this kid is determined to snatch their little princess.

"You are not worthy of her yet." His little princess is excellent.

Han Yuxuan's eyes darkened, and when he looked at Lu Haocheng, he was firm again, "Uncle Lu, I will work hard."

Everything he owns now is earned by himself and has nothing to do with the Han family.

Although he is not the young president of Zhenjiang City, he is also a hard-working young man in the younger generation.

Lu Haocheng's face became more and more solemn: "I must ensure that my daughter can marry someone who can make her happy for the rest of her life. Qiqi actually asked you to pick her up to and from get off work. That means you are recognized, but you must be able to stand up to me. test."

(End of this chapter)

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