Chapter 2133 Divorce

Chapter 2133: Divorce

Bai Mo also just came out, watching Lan Ziqi walking towards Han Yuxuan, he was so excited that he wanted to whistle, how could these two match so well?

A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance are a natural match!

He lowered his head and sent a message to Han Yuxuan, [Brother, come on!Brother to entertain for you. ]
Han Yuxuan had already seen Lan Ziqi, and when he heard the phone vibrate, he didn't even glance at it. Through Lan Ziqi, he saw the white ink not far away, and he knew what was going on in an instant.

Knowing that he wasn't looking at his phone, Bai Mo made a cheering gesture towards him, and then walked towards his car.

"Qiqi, let's go." Han Yuxuan stretched out his hand elegantly, opened the passenger door, and let Lan Ziqi sit in.

Lan Ziqi's whole body is floating. Although it's not the first time to fall in love, it feels like the first time to her.

It feels so good to have a boyfriend to pick me up from get off work!
What a blessing to have a boyfriend who can cook!

Han Yuxuan's voice is very gentle, very magnetic, like a scent that slowly spreads in the heart, stretching endlessly, are your ears pregnant?
Han Yuxuan had already booked movie tickets in advance, and it was at [-] o'clock in the evening.

He took Lan Ziqi to a Michelin restaurant first, and started the first date after returning to the city.


Han family.

In the hall, Han Jin and Mrs. Han sat face to face.

Mrs. Han's face was haggard, her eyes were empty, she looked out of the window and wondered what she was thinking?
Han Jin lowered his head in annoyance, and from time to time he scratched his cropped hair which was not too long.

He didn't expect that his wife told him to go home for dinner, and after feeling lonely, she even hit him in the head and caught him off guard.

She still knew about Li Shan.

This is something he never wanted her to know for the rest of his life.

However, Xin Yu knew that he really had no face to face her now.

The husband and wife did not speak, and the atmosphere in the living room was tense and depressing.

Of course, this is just Han Jin's feeling.

But Mrs. Han didn't feel nervous at all, she just recalled those youthful years. At that time, she, a young girl, was at her best development time, but she was willing to be a good wife and loving mother for the man in front of her.

She believed he was a good man.

He said, Xinyu, when I met you, all the darkness was left to the past. Since I met you, the cold winter is over, and the stars are always bright.

She simply believed what he said.

In the end, she was betrayed, and her galaxy was dark.

"Xin Yu..."

Just as Han Jin spoke, Yi Xinyu shot him a cold look.

He quietly shut his mouth, watching her afraid to speak out.

"Han Jin, let's get a divorce. Yuxuan is dating Lu Haocheng's daughter. I don't want your affairs to be found out by the Lu family."

The Lu family is standing tall and growing stronger. She hopes that her son will have a good future.

The son works very hard, and he has always worked hard on his own. Although he doesn't want to rely on the Lu family to develop, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Moreover, Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin are very good people, if their sons sincerely treat Lan Ziqi well, the Lu family will also love the house and love Yuxuan.

She didn't have much contact with Lan Xin, but she knew that he was a good person.

Han Jin was taken aback, and when he heard the word divorce, he blinked his eyes, a little unbelievable, he did something wrong, but he and Li Shan really never got together, the only concern was Lulu, that was his daughter ah.

What he didn't know was that Yi Xinyu would know about this because when she went to the mall today, she saw Lulu, who was already in high school, and a group of classmates boasting that her father was Han Jin, so Yi Xinyu knew that Han Jin was the father of Han Jin. Jin betrayed himself many years ago.

At that time, she felt that the sky was falling, and her world was dark.

In her heart, Han Jin loves her so much. She knows that there are very few times when he does not return home at night. Apart from socializing, he will go home for dinner on time every day, and he still cares about his two sons.

On Valentine's Day, I will also take her out for dinner alone.

She thought that such happiness could last her whole life.

But how naive she is, the man in front of her betrayed her a long time ago.

After she realized it, she caught up with Han Lulu who was about to leave. After asking her mother's name and her father's name, she came back in a daze.

Yes, so many years of happiness were broken into fragments overnight, her heart was like being cut by a knife, it hurts, but there is no cure for it.

Han Jin looked at her calmly: "Xinyu, I won't divorce you."

"Me and Li Shan, I was designed by her. Not long after, she became pregnant with Lulu. She insisted on giving birth to the child, and I couldn't help it. She promised me that she would not disturb your life. of……"

"But she's not married, is she? She hasn't been waiting for you all the time, and you have been in touch all these years, and you will take her with you when you are socializing. "

"I am a good wife and mother at home, and you take your mistress to live freely outside. How ironic it is to my life, and it proves how happy I am to be your good wife and mother in this life." sorrow?"

Yi Xinyu gradually lost control of her emotions. When she first found out about this, her mind went blank and she couldn't think.

Putting things out now, her emotions are gradually breaking down.

She understood everything, but just couldn't get out.

She tried her best to live a good life and run the family well, but in the end, she still got betrayal.

"No, no, Xin Yu, listen to me, it's not what you imagined, I only love you from the beginning to the end, you believe me, Xin Yu, I will break up with Li Shan as soon as possible "Han Jin is anxious, he really loves Yi Xinyu.

In these years, apart from the addition of Li Shan in his relationship, he has never looked at other women more.

Yi Xinyu looked at him, her still beautiful eyes were full of pain: "You also know that I am a very sensible person. Although I have returned to my family these years, I am still very self-reliant. No one can say anything about my life. Not sure."

"Yu Xuan is old, he is already independent, Yu Yan is still young, but I will bring him to live with him, you go out of this house."

After Yi Xinyu finished speaking, she got up and went upstairs without giving Han Jin a chance to speak.

Han Jin stood up abruptly, looking at her lonely and hurt back, his heart ached.

"Xinyu, I was really designed by Li Shan. She slept next to me when I woke up. I was really passive..."

But before he could finish his sentence, Yi Xinyu disappeared from sight. He firmly locked the door of the upstairs room, feeling extremely depressed.

He angrily picked up the car keys on the table, from the incident of Yuxuan being drugged in the wine, to the incident of Xinyu bumping into Lulu today, he felt a little unusual no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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