Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2134 The person I'm looking for in this life

Chapter 2134 The person I'm looking for in this life
Chapter 2134: The person I'm looking for in this life
In the movie theater, Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi were sitting in the last row. Lan Ziqi was eating with a bucket of popcorn in her hand. She watched it very seriously. It was an emotional drama with a funny style. It was pretty good if you watched it carefully. All of them acted online .

"Hehe..." Seeing the funny part, Lan Ziqi laughed and leaned back and forth in Han Yuxuan's arms.

Han Yuxuan just pampered her head and laughed with her.

Occasionally feed her a sip of juice. As for the movie, if you ask him what he is talking about, I'm sorry, he really didn't watch it. He only sees the happy girl in front of him.

Today was a pleasant surprise for him.

Uncle Lu let him into the Lu's house, Qiqi is in his arms now, there is nothing more satisfying than this in life.

"Haha... Yuxuan, look, his butt is sitting on a cactus, look at his appearance, so funny." Amidst the small laughter, Lan Ziqi said with a vague smile while eating popcorn in her mouth .

Her joyful mood infected Han Yuxuan, making his pretty eyebrows full of smiles.

"Really?" He hugged her arm tightly, there were only the two of them in the last row, and the light was very dim, he actually wanted to do something bad.

Lan Ziqi pushed him: "It looks good, be serious." She has a movie theater at home and rarely goes to the movie theater, so it feels a little different to watch it here.

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan promised her to watch carefully.

But looking at it, I couldn't help but stick my eyes to Lan Ziqi's smiling face.

It's not that Lan Ziqi couldn't feel Han Yuxuan's hot eyes, but she watched it seriously, the movie was still very good, so she ignored Han Yuxuan's gaze.

But now that the movie is coming to an end, she has to care about his gaze.

Lan Ziqi pinched his strong waist with her hand.

But to Han Yuxuan, it was like scratching an itch.

"Han Yuxuan, are you watching a movie?"

The corners of Han Yuxuan's lips curled slightly, his voice was low and gentle: "I prefer to see you!"

His eyes were firmly locked on her face.

Lan Ziqi raised her eyes to meet his fiery gaze. The distance between the two was too dangerous, but Han Yuxuan smiled secretly, and lowered his head to brush her lips like a superficial touch.

Lan Ziqi: "..." Can a boy who takes advantage of the opportunity have it?
Lan Ziqi glanced at Han Yuxuan flusteredly as the scorching breath blew past her ear, and immediately lowered her head.

Han Yuxuan's gentle chuckle came from next to his ear.

However, the next moment, Lan Ziqi was shocked. The couple sitting in front of them actually... actually embraced each other like that, and kissed like that.

The movie is coming to an end, and there is also an inspiring scene in the movie at this moment. The small flames around are burning more and more vigorously, and couples are moving forward bravely.

On the big screen, the couple in front of the big screen couldn't hold it anymore.

Lan Ziqi panicked and hid in Han Yuxuan's arms.

So, is it a good place to do something like this in a dimly lit movie theater?
Han Yuxuan lowered his head and looked at the shy little woman in his arms, feeling like he missed something?
Lan Ziqi's face was already blushing unusually, she had learned a lot tonight, no wonder Han Yuxuan chose this place.

Hearing Han Yuxuan's smile, she was very gentle, but she just thought Han Yuxuan was pretty bad.

It's downright bad.

After coming out of the movie theater, Lan Ziqi still felt hot on her face.

After arriving in the car, sitting in the passenger seat, Lan Ziqi locked herself in the turtle shell, not daring to look at Han Yuxuan.

A pair of sparkling beautiful eyes looked at the scenery outside the window, and the speeding traffic gradually calmed her down.

Lan Ziqi's innocence completely pleased Han Yuxuan.

It's not that she hasn't been to the cinema, and she has been there several times with Chu Feiyang, and she has seen foreign or fairy tale movies, and the scene just now did not appear at that time.

When she was in college, she didn't understand why her classmates went to the cinema on dates, and now she knows.

Love strategy, she seems to have to look it up.

I wanted to go to the library today, but it seems that I don't have time to go.

She is actually like being a good wife and mother like a mother.

She has a husband who loves her, a lovely child, and she can do the career she likes, so she is very satisfied.

But she still looks forward to love, like watching a movie tonight, she just wanted to do all the things that the little girl wanted to do when she was in love, but the result was unexpected.

So embarrassing.


"Ah... what are you doing?" Lan Ziqi was startled by his voice.

Han Yuxuan couldn't help smiling, the girl hadn't reacted yet.

It's been almost 5 minutes. Has this little girl lived alone all these years?
"Why, you didn't speak after calling someone?" Lan Ziqi's heart was pounding.

Han Yuxuan parked the car at a red light intersection, turned around and took the prepared roses from the back seat.

"Qiqi, here it is for you."

Lan Ziqi looked at the delicate and beautiful roses in front of her eyes, and was slightly taken aback, "Wow, when did you prepare the roses, why didn't I see them?"

Han Yuxuan looked at the green light ahead, and the car slid smoothly into the traffic flow.

"Qiqi, I made it by magic."

"Ghosts believe you." Lan Ziqi happily lowered her head and sniffed, a faint floral fragrance lingered on her nostrils.

The feeling of receiving flowers from my boyfriend and flowers from my family is still really different.

This feeling is like being satisfied from the depths of the soul.

She turned her head to look at Han Yuxuan, "Han Yuxuan, I haven't found a suitable boyfriend for so many years, but this time when I met you after returning to China, I felt in my heart that you seemed to be the person I was looking for in this life."

"It's stabbing..." Han Yuxuan stepped on the car and made a piercing sound.

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi was so frightened that the flowers almost dropped.

"Han Yuxuan, what are you doing?" Lan Ziqi looked at him with a pale face.

Han Yuxuan didn't answer her, but drove the car to the side of the road.

Lan Ziqi: "..." She almost lost control of her emotions and exploded.

Do you need to put your own life in a relationship?
After parking the car, Han Yuxuan looked sideways at her, "Qiqi, come here."

Lan Ziqi glanced at the distance between the two of them, then gave him a blank look, "You're crazy, how can I get there?"

Han Yuxuan's fiery gaze stared at her quietly, but it was as deep as an abyss, "Silly girl, I'm talking about your head."

Lan Ziqi was taken aback, "Han Yuxuan, do you ever talk like this when you're in love? You almost fainted just now."

Han Yuxuan smiled without saying a word, waiting for her to lean her head towards him.

Lan Ziqi didn't understand, didn't know what he was going to do?
But those deep and gentle eyes made her feel like a deer was about to be killed, and she also shouted that Han Yuxuan is so handsome, so cute, and she likes him so much!
(End of this chapter)

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