Chapter 2135 Your mother knows
Chapter 2135: Your mother knows
Lan Ziqi couldn't help leaning herself towards Han Yuxuan, but when she got close to Han Yuxuan, she regretted it again. Why was she so obedient?
She was very troubled inside.

It's like she gave herself to Han Yuxuan to let him do whatever he wanted.

is not that right?When Lan Ziqi reacted and retreated, Han Yuxuan hugged her instantly, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

This kiss is domineering and possessive.

Lan Ziqi's sentence "You are the person I am looking for in this life" deeply moved Han Yuxuan.

At this moment, he wished he could abduct her back home and let her belong to him forever.

In fact, Lan Ziqi already knew what Han Yuxuan meant, but Han Yuxuan was too domineering and wanted to rub her into his bones.

She had no strength to struggle anymore, and she couldn't react violently except anger.

Her position is very passive, and her whole body is weakening.

But for Han Yuxuan, he was immersed in happiness, as if spring had come and flowers were blooming.

After a long time, Han Yuxuan reluctantly let her go.

Lan Ziqi sat weak and boneless, feeling that she was about to die, her moist eyes were full of spring, her snow-white skin was blushing slightly, her lips were blood-like, this scene was simply too beautiful to behold.

Han Yuxuan was so good that he was cheap, and looked at the beautiful her with a casual smile. She had such a charm that attracted him all the time.

He knew that couples were keen on this kind of thing. When he was in college, he would sneer when he heard his classmates discussing it. He is an honest gentleman and would never do such a thing.

But after meeting someone he likes, this kind of self-confidence has long been thrown out of the sky, and he successfully became Liu Xiahui.

Qiqi, I have secretly loved you all these years, but you don't know it.

So, at that moment just now, what she said really made him so excited and surprised.

Lan Ziqi looked at him and smiled, and became even angrier, "Take me home, if it's later, my dad will beat you up."

"Okay, Qiqi, let's go home." Han Yuxuan started the car again and left, merging into the traffic.

Always remember, there will be reverberations.

Because of her, he has always insisted on making himself grow up.

Along the way, Han Yuxuan didn't do anything.

Lan Ziqi has always been very shy, looking down at the rose in her arms, smiling with red lips, gradually, the embarrassment and shyness just now have been forgotten.

It wasn't until they reached the door that Lan Ziqi looked at Han Yuxuan and smiled: "Han Yuxuan, I want to eat rice noodles tomorrow."

Han Yuxuan smiled and nodded. Seeing that she was still shy and her skin was still red with a faint pink glow, I felt sorry for her, "Okay! I'll make it for you tomorrow morning."

Jiangshi rice noodles are famous for their deliciousness. Because of the good water, the rice noodles are soft and chewy, and taste particularly refreshing.

After Han Yuxuan watched Lan Ziqi enter the door, he drove away and went to the supermarket to buy rice noodles.

Qiqi likes to eat the food he makes, which is also a kind of happiness for him.

Han Yuxuan was in a good mood all day long, and went home with the ingredients. When he arrived at the door, he saw his father standing at the door.

He looked decadent, half leaning against the wall, slightly lowered his head, and there were cigarette butts all over the ground.

When Han Yuxuan saw it, he frowned slightly, feeling a bad premonition spreading in his heart.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Hearing his son's voice, Han Jin put out the cigarette in his hand, "I'm back." His voice was hoarse, like autumn rain, bleak and desolate.

"Yeah!" Han Yuxuan nodded, "Why are you here at this time?"

Han Jin didn't answer his words, but asked: "Have you been dating Miss Lu recently?"

Han Yuxuan nodded slightly, "Well, I met Uncle Lu this morning."

When Han Jin heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, "Look at you kid, you're dating Miss Lu, why didn't you say it earlier, so your mother and I can go and visit President Lu and his wife."

Han Yuxuan looked at him without saying a word, and opened the door to let him in.

Han Jin took a deep breath, bit the bullet and followed in.

Han Yuxuan put the ingredients in the refrigerator.

A cup of hot water was given to Han Jin, but there was no tea. Drinking tea at night would cause insomnia.

After putting down the teacup, he sat across from his father.

"Come here so late to find me something?" He always treats his father with a deserted look.

Han Jin raised his eyes and looked at him. These years, even though his son knew about Li Shan, he never mentioned it in front of him. These years are really hard for him.

"Your mother knows." His faint words made Han Yuxuan stunned, and his heart ached uncontrollably.

He didn't know what his mother would think, but he knew in his heart that his mother must be very sad alone at the moment.

"Your mother kicked me out." Han Jin lit up a cigarette again irritably, his expression was particularly decadent and sad amidst the smoke.

Han Yuxuan clenched his hands into fists, and his voice suddenly became angry, "So you just came out like this, don't you care about my mother?"

Han Jin sighed, looked at his son who was about to beat him up, and sneered, "I know you are very angry, but you also know your mother's character, she won't listen to what I say now, wait for her to calm down, and I'll see you tomorrow morning." Just go back and find her."

"Why wait until tomorrow morning, you want to get my mother's forgiveness, you shouldn't come out tonight. You should be with her at home, now is the loneliest and most uncomfortable time for her, she needs more company and Take care." Han Yuxuan was extremely angry, he hated volatile people, and even more hated betrayal.

Comparing his heart to his heart, he can fully understand the pain in his mother's heart at this moment.

"Okay, I see, I'll go back now." Han Jin got up again irritatedly, extinguished the remaining cigarette, and threw it in the trash can.

After walking a few steps, he looked back at Han Yuxuan again, "Yuxuan, get along well with Ms. Lu, the father's matter will not affect you, I will solve this matter as soon as possible, Li Shan designed me back then, I did not Wait too many impressions, have you ever touched her, you are right, I should go for a paternity test."

Han Yuxuan remained silent. If he was really tricked back then, and was deceived by that woman for more than ten years, then he is really stupid.

"Even if Lulu is really your daughter, it can't change the fact that you cheated. You knew it was wrong at the time, but you didn't stop the mistake in time for your mother. You have been with that woman for more than ten years. , have you never thought of being willing to retire as a mother who washes her hands and makes soup for you and me?"

"Don't you feel guilty every time you see your mother?"

He couldn't figure out how a person could face his beloved woman calmly with such dirty things in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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