Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2136 The only little secret 1

Chapter 2136 The Only Little Secret 1
Chapter 2136: The Only Little Secret 1
Han Jin was taken aback for a moment. To be precise, he had never thought about this matter.

Li Shan reached an agreement with him, saying that he would live his life seriously for the rest of his life and would not disturb their wives and children.

And he is only responsible for raising the children.

That woman has a gentle temperament, and he understands it.

But three months later, when he came back from a business trip, he received a call from Li Shan telling him that she was pregnant.

He was also very confused at the time, he was just drunk, the room he was lying in was also the hotel room he had booked, but there was an extra Li Shan beside him.

He was scared and nervous because he was really drunk and couldn't remember what happened last night.

He asked Li Shan to abort the child, but she firmly disagreed. After so many years, he actually felt guilty. Every time he saw his wife, he felt very guilty.

Therefore, in these years, he has tried his best to satisfy his wife's requirements and wishes.

"Yuxuan, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for your mother." Han Jin really regretted it. If he could directly cut off the contact with Li Shan at that time, what happened now would not have happened.

Han Yuxuan had a sullen face. He had been worried about this matter breaking out all these years. It was like a huge backlog of rocks in his heart. Every time he saw his father, he would be so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.

But he still kindly reminded, "Li Shan and Yang Cheng are very close, you can check the relationship between them, this time Li Shan and Yang Cheng designed me together, luckily Qiqi introduced me to Chu Feiyang, I just solved the urgent need." After all, it's his father, so he can't bear to do anything?
"I see, I'm already looking into this matter. You go to bed early, and I'll go back to accompany your mother now." After Han Jin finished speaking, he turned and left, just went out, his face was very ugly.

So, is Li Shan recharging her energy all these years, waiting for the right time?
Together with Yang Cheng to design Yuxuan, hum, she really has the guts!

Han Yuxuan sat quietly, his slightly empty eyes still fell on the glass of water that his father hadn't touched.

After he came back and bought the apartment here, neither mother nor father came here.

He had been happy all day today, but he was a little caught off guard by this incident.

The dream came as promised, and his dream came true.

what a beautiful day

After sitting for a long time, Han Yuxuan was worried about his mother after all, so he picked up the phone and dialed his mother's phone number.

The call came through faster than he expected.

"Yuxuan, why are you still calling mom so late, haven't you rested yet?"

Han Yuxuan pursed the corners of his lips, his mother's voice was as loving as ever.

"Mom, are you okay? If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Yi Xinyu was taken aback, and after a while, she said, "Yuxuan, did you already know about this?"

The voice was calmer than Han Yuxuan expected.

That's right, my mother's temperament has been settled for so many years, and she has a concentration that ordinary people don't have.

"Mom, I'm sorry!"

He knew about this a long time ago, but he never dared to tell his mother.

When mom doesn't know about it, at least mom is happy.

He can often see the loving smile on his mother's face.

"Mom knows, it's not your fault, it's just that you have suffered for so many years alone. Mom loves you."

Han Yuxuan's heart beat hard, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

He wanted to comfort his mother, but let her comfort him in turn.


"Yuxuan, mom knows what you're thinking, don't worry, mom is at this age, she can think about many things, you really don't have to worry about mom, mom's only hope is that you two can live happily."

"Do you know that without love, you and your brother are the only spiritual support for your mother, so you must be happy, marry the girl you like, treat her well if you like her, and don't follow your father's path."

"Mom, I see. I'll bring Qiqi back to see you some other day." Han Yuxuan thought, the time may be a little rushed, Qiqi will understand, he doesn't want to make his mother too sad.

The son is happy and the mother is less worried.

"Okay, come over someday, tell mom in advance, mom cooks something Kiki likes to eat, and speaking of it, I haven't seen that little girl for a long time, she was very beautiful when she was young, I'm afraid she will be even more beautiful when she grows up .”

"Mom also knows that you have secretly liked her for many years, and now your dream is finally coming true." Finally, Yi Xinyu joked.

"Mom, how can you expose your son's only little secret?" Han Yuxuan's tone was slightly coquettish.

His parents have been strict with him since he was a child, and he doesn't do much acting like a baby.

When he was in elementary school, he had to go to the company to study on weekends.

In his eyes, parents are always the strictest.

"Okay, Yuxuan, I chatted with you for a while, mom is in a much better mood now, go to rest, don't delay tomorrow's work."

"good mom."

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuxuan sat on the sofa in a daze.

His face was a little pale, with no expression on his face. He wanted to smoke, but he thought of Lan Ziqi again. She liked the clean breath on his body, so she gave up the idea again.

After sitting for a while, he got up and went to the kitchen to make soup.

He bought pork ribs and made rice noodles after boiling soup, which was delicious. When he was young, his mother would make it for him. He often boiled big bone soup, which was also delicious.

He stayed in the kitchen for a while, waited until the soup in the pot boiled, he beat off the froth, put in the seasonings, and then came out of the kitchen.

The phone on the coffee table was vibrating.

He walked over a few steps and saw that it was Lan Ziqi's video call.

He smiled softly, loving and being loved happened to him at the same time, so that he couldn't help but soften his eyebrows and eyes when he saw the person he loved.


"Han Yuxuan, what did you do? Shouldn't your girlfriend pick up the phone as soon as it rings?" Lan Ziqi complained a little, she had already taken a bath, her face was cleansed, her delicate porcelain white skin There is a faint luster under the crystal lamp.

"Qiqi, I just went to make soup."

"Ah... What kind of soup are you cooking for the night?" Lan Ziqi was puzzled, seeing that she was wearing a nightgown, she pulled the quilt to cover herself.

Although she has lived abroad for many years, she is still very conservative.

This is inherited from my mother.

Holding the phone, Han Yuxuan sat on the sofa, looking at Qiqi who had removed her make-up, her brows and eyes were a little more pure, her big eyes were as bright as jewels, and his throat rolled slightly.

"Make soup for you to make rice noodles, don't you want to eat rice noodles?" His voice was hoarse and sexy.

"My God, is it so troublesome?" Lan Ziqi suddenly felt that Han Yu was working too hard.

"Han Yuxuan, you should tell me. It's very troublesome to do this. I don't want to eat it now. Is there still time?"

(End of this chapter)

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