Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2137 The only little secret 1

Chapter 2137 The Only Little Secret 2
Chapter 2137: The Only Little Secret 2
"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan couldn't help smiling, under the crystal lamp, the beauty was unreal.

"Silly girl, what's the trouble? I want to eat too. I can do it. No trouble."

Looking at the pleasing beauty, Lan Ziqi smiled sweeter and sweeter. Talking on the phone is not as good as video.

"Really? Do you really think it's not troublesome? I'm afraid you think my girlfriend is asking too much and you think I'm annoying?"

She considers herself a very self-aware person, and generally does not trouble others easily.

When Han Yuxuan heard this, his eyes flickered. If she was by his side now, he would definitely kiss her hard as punishment.

"Fool, you are treating me as an outsider." Han Yuxuan was a little unhappy.

"Qiqi, listen carefully, you are not troublesome at all. If people who love each other feel troublesome about this little thing, I don't think it must be true love."

Lan Ziqi thinks about it too, if Han Yuxuan finds it troublesome, he can just buy it for her from outside, and he cooks it for her himself, this kind of heart is enough.

"Okay, Han Yuxuan, you didn't disappoint me, so you sleep a little longer tomorrow morning, I'll come over to your apartment, after breakfast you're sending me to work."

"So, Qiqi, is this what you said to each other again?" This silly girl is really stupid, no wonder she can't see Liang Siyuan's hypocrisy.

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi smiled embarrassedly, she seemed to be used to this way of life.

She didn't want to owe others, and she always felt embarrassed to owe others.

Han Yuxuan could see her thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile: "Qiqi, you are the person I love the most, I will love you more, and you are completely getting along with me as a friend, Qiqi, I am It's kind of sad."

Han Yuxuan clenched his hands into fists and placed them on his chest, pretending to be uncomfortable looking at her and smiling.

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi knew that he did it on purpose, so she couldn't help but smile, her voice was sweet, "Han Yuxuan, I don't feel any pain when I huh." As she spoke, she blew on the video a few times.

When Han Yuxuan saw it, his heart almost melted.

The smile became more and more gentle and happy. Seeing her smile softened his whole world.

"Qiqi, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Lan Ziqi thinks about it, he and her actions are quite naive, maybe this is a man and woman in love, even if they are naive, they are willing.

Han Yuxuan has been looking at her quietly, Jingrun's gentle gaze never left her, "Qiqi, you don't need to change your happiness to cater to me, I am willing to change for you, because you are what I like girl."

"Qiqi, let's go shopping together tomorrow. Can you finish your work early? After shopping, let's have a candlelight dinner together."

"Okay, I don't have much work tomorrow." Lan Ziqi thought about where to go shopping.

Many shopping malls are under the name of Lu Group.

"Yuxuan, let's go to the old street next to the ancient town."

"Okay, we can go wherever you want?" Han Yuxuan laughed.

"There are a lot of handmade trinkets over there, remember to buy them for me." Lan Ziqi told him in advance that she wanted something from him.

Looking at the roses not far away, she was really happy.

After hanging up the video call, Han Yuxuan's smile persisted for a long time.

"Hehe..." Finally, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

How happy he is now.

Early the next morning, Lan Ziqi drove to Han Yuxuan's house by herself.

She is naturally beautiful, she does not need to dress up, she is very beautiful, put on a thoughtful and elegant makeup, coupled with a fashionable dress and long hair, sexy and beautiful, bursting with temperament.

When standing at the door of Han Yuxuan's house, Lan Ziqi was still a little nervous, she knocked on the door with a gentle smile.

But as soon as he raised his hand, the door opened by itself. Han Yuxuan was wearing a white shirt and white slacks, with a tall and straight figure, wide shoulders, narrow waist, narrow legs and long legs. He looked at her with a gentle smile.

Lan Ziqi couldn't help but threw herself into his arms with a smile, and looked up at him with a smile, "How did you know I was here? Even if you want to knock on the door of your boyfriend's house, there is no chance."

Han Yuxuan hugged her around, closed the door, put her against the wall, lowered his head to kiss her red lips, rubbed her forehead, and then smiled and said: "I have been standing at the door waiting for you to come .”

"How tired, like this."

Han Yuxuan let her go, brought her pink Tutu slippers, and asked her to put them on.

The moment the girl jumped at him, he really embraced the whole world.

"I'm not tired. I just stood there for a while. I thought you'd be coming soon." Han Yuxuan was full of vigor, a rare aura.

Lan Ziqi looked at him with some nympho: "I'm afraid you are in a hurry, you got up quite early."

"Don't do this in the future, don't worry." Han Yuxuan took her hand and walked to the dining table and asked her to sit down.

"Qiqi, wait for a while, I squeezed orange juice for you, you drink it first." Han Yuxuan thoughtfully prepared orange juice and hot water for her.

Then he went into the kitchen to get busy, Lan Ziqi's eyes followed her figure, in the open kitchen, he was seriously doing what he was doing.

Mom is right, a man who cooks seriously is really handsome.

Soon, Han Yuxuan came out with two servings of three fresh rice noodles, which exuded a strong fragrance, sprinkled with green onion, coriander, and sliced ​​meat, which looked even more delicious.

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi was very happy, "Han Yuxuan, you are awesome!"

Han Yuxuan looked at her with a harmless smile, "Qiqi, do I have any reward for being so good?" He scrambled along the pole.

Lan Ziqi pursed the corners of her lips, and looked at the handsome man in front of her. His skin was so white and smooth, it was as smooth as silk, and she couldn't help but want to kiss him.

Han Yuxuan leaned his face in front of her like a blessing to his heart.

Lan Ziqi understood what he meant, and kissed him on the cheek with a blushing face.

"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan smiled contentedly. Such a scene made him really want to have a home with her.

"Qiqi, eat quickly, it will be cold in a while."

"Okay." Lan Ziqi bowed her head and took a mouthful of rice noodles, then narrowed her beautiful eyes in satisfaction, "It's delicious! It's delicious!"

Han Yuxuan is awesome!
"I knew it, I've always been great!" Han Yuxuan praised himself with a smile.

Lan Ziqi: "..." She hasn't praised him yet, why does he have such a sense of accomplishment?

"Ah... how can there be someone like you, who sells himself and boasts." Lan Ziqi smiled, but couldn't stop eating.

This taste is not worse than the outside.

Even better than outside.

Han Yuxuan said poorly, "Yes, Qiqi, me."

" are shameless." Lan Ziqi knew that Han Yuxuan was becoming more and more presumptuous in front of her.

Because they are in a relationship.

So, she seemed to like his presumptuousness very much.

"Han Yuxuan, is the girlfriend you like a perfect person like me?" Lan Ziqi winked at him and pointed at herself.

It seemed that she was very lucky to be able to meet his standards. Apart from other conditions, as a layman, she really knelt and licked this look.

(End of this chapter)

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