Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2138 The only little secret 1

Chapter 2138 The Only Little Secret 3
Chapter 2138: The Only Little Secret 3
Han Yuxuan smiled and said, "Qiqi, there is no gold, no one is perfect, but you are the most perfect girl in my heart."

The perfect law depends on everyone's mentality.

No matter how perfect others are, Kiki is the most perfect in his heart.

"Wow! Han Yuxuan, why are you so good at talking? I found that you are exposed more and more in front of me now." Lan Ziqi was moved.

Han Yuxuan smiled, didn't speak, and gave her some slices of meat. How could he experience the perfect existence of that person in his own world if he didn't see his own light in the dust in his life.

"Qiqi, I am me, the real me."

"It seems like I'm not real from what you said." Lan Ziqi lowered his head to eat rice noodles, Han Yuxuan kept looking at her and giggled.

She is real and honest, which is the most commendable thing.

The breakfast of the two ended in a happy chat.

The two went downstairs and drove away, followed by a black car behind them, but they were very happy that no one noticed.

Lan Ziqi's job today is still in the ancient city.

The filming has been going smoothly. On the fourth day, the newly recruited second female artist is also a newcomer. Although she is a newcomer, her acting skills are very good and her appearance is also very good.

Han Yuxuan also went to the scene to watch in person these few days.

By the way, accompany Lan Ziqi to work and take care of Lan Ziqi's daily life.

When the people on the set saw the intimate behavior of the two, they also saw something tricky.

On this day, just as Lan Ziqi was about to get off work, Shi Yun approached her mysteriously.

At this time, Han Yuxuan happened to be out on business, Shi Yun asked with a deep smile, "Qiqi, are you dating Mr. Han?"

Lan Ziqi nodded with a smile, and nodded her nose, "Yunyun, did you just see it now?"

Shi Yun had an expression of "I'm so stupid, so blind".

She widened her eyes in surprise, "Qiqi, is it true?"

"Yes, we've confirmed our relationship." Lan Ziqi didn't deny that she and Han Yuxuan had a very sweet time during this time.

They go shopping together, cook together, eat together, and make video calls before going to bed at night. Such days are sweet and fulfilling.

Even with her recent good luck, she has invested in several projects very well.

So she admitted it very simply in front of Shi Yun. For her, if she likes it, she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it.

"Wow! Qiqi, the two of you are quite suitable together. You two are a perfect match. Congratulations, you have found someone you like."

There are many men in this world, but this is the only one that suits me.

If Bai Mo hadn't called her by name, would she still not know that Qiqi was in a relationship?
Qiqi smiled happily, she really lived happily during this time.

"Thank you Yunyun! Today's work is done, I'm off work first." This little girl, Han Yuxuan picks her up from get off work every day, but she didn't realize it, she seems to be very serious about her work.

"Okay, Qiqi, be careful on the road!" Shi Yun waved her hand towards her.

"See you tomorrow!" Lan Ziqi's face turned rosy because she was shy.

Lan Ziqi went all the way out of the gate of the ancient town, but she didn't see Han Yuxuan's car.

Han Yuxuan is usually not late, how could he not come today?
If something happened to him, he would tell her in advance.

Lan Ziqi waited for a few minutes, but instead of Han Yuxuan, she waited for Mu Lan.

Mu Lan was wearing a black dress, her hair was a little messy, her face was haggard, her eyes were vicious, and she no longer had her usual demeanor.

She looked at Lan Ziqi with hatred in her eyes.

Ever since she met Mu Lan in front of Han Yuxuan's house that day, she has never seen Mu Lan again.

Lan Ziqi looked at her with some precautions. She didn't sympathize with Mu Lan's experience. After all, Mu Lan once wanted to ruin her viciously.

If Han Yuxuan wasn't there last time, she didn't know what would have happened?
Mu Lan didn't speak, but just stared at her. Lan Ziqi was not afraid at all, but felt that such eyes made her very uncomfortable.

"Are you looking for me?" She asked coldly.

Mu Lan blinked her astringent eyes slightly this time, these days she didn't sleep well, Han Yuxuan withdrew the capital, she and her father were too busy, and her mother blamed her for being stupid every day.

How difficult it is for their family to gain a firm foothold in this circle.

Han Yuxuan disregarded everything, and disregarded all these years of friendship, and ruined everything she had worked so hard to manage all these years for an insignificant woman, she was not reconciled!

"Lan Ziqi, who do you think you are who can hold Han Yuxuan's heart? Huh?" Mu Lan smiled coldly, very scary.

"I'm just Lan Ziqi, and Han Yuxuan likes me. I like Han Yuxuan. It's such a simple existence. If you have any dissatisfaction, just talk about it."

"Oh, I remembered, your dissatisfaction with others is the unreasonable warning you that others should not get close to the person you like, you make the person you like your property, and your viciousness, those two The hooligans who chased me to the countryside, they wanted to destroy me, you have to be lucky, they didn't succeed, if they succeeded, your Mu family would have ceased to exist long ago."

At that time, without Han Yuxuan doing anything, she would make everything that the Mu family has now disappear with her own hands.

She is a person who doesn't offend me, I don't offend others, and if she offends again, she must pay back. Whatever Mu Lan wants to have, what will she destroy?
This is probably inherited from her father's temperament, hitting a snake and hitting seven inches.

"Hehe..." Mu Lan sneered, and said sarcastically, "It's really up to you?"

"Yes, it's up to me?" Lan Ziqi looked at her coldly, "Mu Lan, I warn you, you'd better not mess with me."

"Haha..." Mu Lan looked at her contemptuously as if she had heard a joke, "Lan Ziqi, you really think you have the ability to cover the sky here, without Han Yuxuan, you are nothing."

"I'll show you the video, what is Han Yuxuan who loves you doing now?" Anyway, now that she's broken, who is afraid of whom?

Mu Lan clicked on the video on her phone, looked at Lan Ziqi with a weird smile, "Look carefully, what is Han Yuxuan doing?"

Lan Ziqi fixed her eyes and saw that Han Yuxuan was being helped into a hotel by a woman, but she could only see their backs, not their fronts. From the backs, it was indeed Han Yuxuan.

Lan Ziqi's face gradually turned pale, even if she was betrayed by Liang Siyuan, she was never so angry and distressed at this moment.

Han Yuxuan entered the hotel with another man.

Lan Ziqi felt pain in her heart, which made her unable to breathe.

Mu Lan looked at Lan Ziqi's face gradually losing its color, and she was in a very good mood. She wanted to let Lan Ziqi know that Han Yuxuan was just playing with her.

She would love to see their relationship break down.

Lan Ziqi couldn't get what Mu Lan couldn't get.

(End of this chapter)

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