Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2139 The only little secret 1

Chapter 2139 The Only Little Secret 4
Chapter 2139: The Only Little Secret 4
"Hmph! Do you really think Han Yuxuan loves you? He's just playing with you."

"You really take it seriously. If you want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, you don't even look at yourself?"

What Mu Lan said, Lan Ziqi didn't listen to a word, she stared at the video on the phone, suddenly, she frowned, as if something was wrong.

Lan Ziqi took a closer look. Although she looked very similar to Han Yuxuan in back, her height and temperament seemed to be different from Han Yuxuan's.

The man in the video doesn't seem to be as tall as Han Yuxuan.

She was only concerned with being sad and sad, and didn't look at it seriously.

With Han Yuxuan's personality, how could he easily betray her?

"Lan Ziqi, take a look. Do you think you are really a rich lady? You can't get what I can't get." Mu Lan raised her voice and looked at Lan Ziqi excitedly.

Let her see the facts clearly at once, lest she go too crazy.

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi smiled, and seeing Mu Lan's arrogance, she calmed down instead, "Don't worry, I can get what you can't get, and I can get what you can get, but I You can't have what you have for the rest of your life." Lan Ziqi glanced at her coldly, and was about to leave.

She took a closer look and found that the person's back was very similar to Han Yuxuan, but not necessarily Han Yuxuan.

She hasn't seen the face, so she won't easily suspect that Mu Lan is a scheming bitch, if she believes it, wouldn't it be what she wants.

Mu Lan was provoked by Lan Ziqi's words, and the master yelled at him and her, "Lan Ziqi, you are just a little unknown painter, so you are not afraid of being slapped in the face if you speak so boldly?"

Why is she so confident?
Mrs. Han didn't care, but she knew exactly who Mr. Han was.

It's not the right family, so don't even think about entering the Han family.

Lan Ziqi frowned, looking at the angry and helpless Mu Lan, she bared her teeth and claws in a ferocious manner.

"Mu Lan, not everyone lives as domineeringly as you do."

After Lan Ziqi finished speaking, she passed her and was about to leave.

Mu Lan was here to trouble her, so how could she let her leave so easily.

"Lan Ziqi, don't go." Mu Lan reached out to pull Lan Ziqi.

She clenched Lan Ziqi's wrist tightly.

"Let go." Lan Ziqi looked at her coldly.

Two bodyguards not far away are gradually approaching.

Lan Ziqi stopped her with a look.

Lan Ziqi turned around, the strength in her hand suddenly lightened, she turned around, and met a pair of deep and angry eyes.

"Han Yuxuan, why are you here?" Mu Lan was shocked. Didn't he go back to Han's house?
Han Yuxuan frowned and looked at her with undisguised disgust, "Is it strange that I'm here?"

Lan Ziqi looked at him angrily and asked, "Did you go to the hotel with a woman just now?"

Mu Lan squinted her eyes, and Lan Ziqi believed it.

Han Yuxuan froze for a moment, looked at her angry little face, and looked at Mu Lan, and instantly understood what was going on?

"Qiqi, what did she tell you?"

Lan Ziqi nodded slightly. Now that Han Yuxuan was here, she already knew that it was impossible.

"Hmm! She just showed me a video of you going to a hotel with a woman." After Lan Ziqi finished speaking, she looked at him firmly.

Han Yuxuan stared at her quietly with deep eyes, and said in a calm tone, "Qiqi, do you believe it?"

Lan Ziqi shook her head slightly: "I don't believe it, I know you won't do anything to offend me."

Indeed, during the time she was with Han Yuxuan, she really believed in him wholeheartedly.

Since she likes it, then she will exchange her sincerity for his true love for the rest of her life.

My mother said that love must be mutual trust, and mutual suspicion will only make it harder for each other.

Han Yuxuan smiled, looking at her, her trust is his greatest happiness!

He is really happy to be trusted by the woman he loves.

Han Yuxuan smiled softly and said, "Qiqi, wait for me here, I'll be fine in a while."

"Okay!" Lan Ziqi didn't look at Mu Lan, turned around and walked towards Han Yuxuan's car.

Mu Lan looked at Han Yuxuan, he came here so soon, he really cared about Lan Ziqi.

Han Yuxuan also looked at her, and there was no warmth in his calm and deep eyes. The dark gray shirt on his body made him look even more handsome, "Mu Lan, I don't want your Mu family's hard work for so many years to be ruined. You better stop, this is the last warning."

Mu Lan froze for a moment, listening to this ruthless voice, she seemed to have difficulty even breathing.

Han Yuxuan has always been a person who walks the talk.

She has already experienced this deeply.

"Han Yuxuan, why did you treat me like this?" Mu Lan couldn't believe what she heard, he wanted to destroy the Mu family.

It's really not easy for the Mu family to come to this day. Others don't know, but the Han family knows it best!

"Is it a crime for me to love you? Are you going to destroy the Mu family?" Mu Lan asked in a voice, her eyes full of pain. They have been very busy these days.

Han Yuxuan's words just now undoubtedly hurt her again.

Han Yuxuan's tone was steady, and his eyes were ruthless: "I didn't destroy your Mu family, but your Mu family ruined themselves."

"You want to destroy the relationship between Qiqi and me, but also see if you have the ability?"

After Han Yuxuan finished speaking, he walked towards Han Yuxuan not far away.

The plan failed, and Mu Lan watched Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi drive away in dismay.

"Han Yuxuan, Lan Ziqi, you wait for me."

In the car, Han Yuxuan didn't speak a word and drove with his heart. Lan Ziqi looked out of the car window and didn't intend to talk to Han Yuxuan.

The two made an appointment to have dinner at the Jiangshi Hotel tonight, but this happened.

Han Yuxuan parked the car on the side of the road, and then looked at Lan Ziqi who had been looking out the window.

Han Yuxuan bent his eyes and smiled, "Qiqi, didn't you say you believed me?"

"Oh" Lan Ziqi turned her head and looked at him, seeing that he was as calm as ever, but there was still a familiar gentleness between his brows and eyes: "I believe you, but should you explain it?"

Han Yuxuan had a warm smile on his handsome face, "Qiqi, I stayed in the office all day today, and I was late because I went to buy roses for you."

Han Yuxuan took the rose on the back seat and handed it to her.

A bouquet of roses every day is what he wants to do for her.

Lan Ziqi felt much relieved. In fact, she had noticed just now that Han Yuxuan was wearing a dark gray shirt, while the man in the video was wearing a dark black shirt. They were not the same person.

"Thank you!" Lan Ziqi's tone was much gentler, and she was very happy with a bouquet of roses every day.

She remembered that Han Yuxuan once told her that if she had anything to ask him directly, she didn't need to be suspicious and make herself sad.

(End of this chapter)

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