Chapter 2141 Design, price 2
Chapter 2141: Design, price 2
Han Jin also saw Li Shan and Yang Cheng, and his complexion suddenly turned bad.

He also saw Lan Ziqi beside Han Yuxuan.

His eyes suddenly softened, "Yuxuan, you take Miss Lan up to dinner first, and let me take care of it here."

Lan Ziqi came out from behind Han Yuxuan, and called obediently: "Mr. Han."

Han Jin looked at her and smiled: "Qiqi, you're welcome too. I'm older than your father, so just call me uncle."

Look at this kid's style, sooner or later he will be a daughter-in-law.

Lan Ziqi smiled and said kindly, "Hello, Uncle!"

"I made Qiqi laugh, you go to eat first, I will make time in a few days, I want to go..."

"Dad, I'll take Qiqi up first." Han Yuxuan took Lan Ziqi into the elevator without waiting for his father to finish speaking.

Li Shan felt a little more relaxed this time.

She didn't look at Han Jin until the elevator door closed.

Han Jin's face was ugly, she tightened her heart, and looked at Han Jin: "Boss Han, why are you here?"

Han Jin looked at her strangely through the vicissitudes of life, and answered the question: "Li Shan, what is your relationship with Mr. Yang?"

Li Shan was obviously stunned for a moment, and seeing that Han Jin was just suspicious, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Nothing? Yang and I are always friends, and occasionally have business contacts."

"Really?" Han Jin looked at her with deep meaning, as if he wanted to read something from her face, "But how can I see that you two have an unusual relationship?"

Both Li Shan and Yang Cheng's nerves tensed up, especially Li Shan's face suddenly turned pale.

Han Jin looked at the wonderful expressions of the two, and sneered from the bottom of his heart, they were both so nervous, and they said nothing?
"The project discussion just now collapsed, so it's not like this face." Han Jin looked at Yang Cheng.

He also came here to discuss business tonight, and he also knew that Li Shan and Yang Cheng had met the same client as him tonight, but the client they met had negotiated a cooperation with him.

Yang Cheng's face is so stinky.

If he wanted to design his Han Jin's son, Han Jin could not even negotiate a project for him.

He who was reversed will also have to bear a huge price. His son is his pride.

Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "How do you know?"

He came over tonight with Li Shan to discuss cooperation, and it was almost done, but in the end the other party said that he had to think again.

And Han Jin knew about it, it was just a coincidence.

"What do you mean?" Han Jin sneered, but his expression was very leisurely: "Yang Cheng, don't you know what you have done?"

Yang Cheng didn't know, he looked puzzled and confused, but Li Shan knew what was going on.

"Mr. Han, let's go first, we still have things to do." Once Yang Cheng became suspicious, things got out of hand.

"Shanshan, you are all here, so let's talk about it. I just have something to tell Yang Cheng and you." As for his son, he will focus on dating now and not tell him. He promised his son that he will take this matter to heart Things worked out.

Li Shan raised her heart and looked at him, her voice trembling uncontrollably: "What is it?"

Why did you bring Yang Cheng with you?
Han Jin smiled: "Good thing, let's go to Zhenyi Club, Mr. Yang, I think you will be interested."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly. Over the years, he has always proved that he does not want to lose to Han Jin, so he will naturally not back down at this time.

Han Jin smiled, called his assistant and asked him to arrange things in advance.

Before Han Jin left, he sent a message to Han Yuxuan.

"Yuxuan, the matter can be resolved tonight. I am innocent. Lulu is not my daughter. I was designed by Li Shan back then. Now I will ask your mother, Li Shan, Yang Cheng, and Yang Cheng's wife to make this Solve this matter well, and it will not discredit your life. You are the proudest son of my Han Jin, and I will not let you down. "

Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi just sat in the private room.

I saw the news from my father.

His eyes flashed, but he didn't speak.

Jing Jing and Lan Ziqi ordered food for dinner.

It's just that he has something on his mind, and the smile on his face is much less.

Lan Ziqi had something to deal with and kept replying to messages, so Han Yuxuan didn't bother her.

Instead, he sat aside with a heavy heart.

Lan Ziqi didn't put down her phone until the food was served, and the food was ready.

At first glance, Han Yuxuan was sitting on the sidelines, looking preoccupied.

She frowned slightly and looked at him, "Yuxuan, what's wrong? Do you have something on your mind?"

Han Yuxuan came back to his senses and looked at her and shook his head slightly.

"Kiki, let's eat."

"Oh, good!" Lan Ziqi looked at him and didn't say anything, and didn't ask any further questions.

Zhenyi clubhouse, in the private room.

When Han Jin brought Yang Cheng and Li Shan in, Yi Xinyu and Yang Cheng's wife were already sitting in the private room.

When Yang Cheng saw his wife, he didn't know what it was like, anyway, he was very happy at this moment.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Han Jin's gourd?

Yi Xinyu was also very angry when she saw Li Shan, but she still sat quietly after years of temper. Even though she knew that Li Shan in front of her was the object of Han Jin's cheating, she still maintained the elegance she should have.

When Li Shan saw the two people in the private room, she was no longer surprised. On the contrary, she was scared, very scared!
Yang Cheng's daughter-in-law is not considered a lady, but she is beautiful and strong. Yang Cheng likes her beauty and hates her strength.

And I like Li Shan's gentle and submissive temperament.

"Hey! Mr. Han, are you going to invite us to dinner?" Yang Cheng didn't feel any sense of crisis.

Li Shan glared at him, this is the clubhouse, and they just left the restaurant, this idiot, can his wife still not understand the situation here?

What does Han Jin know?
It's not that she hasn't met Yi Xinyu in these years, it's just that this woman's elegance and extravagance are beyond her lifetime.

Han Jin smiled, glanced at his wife, calm and composed, but based on his understanding of Xin Yu, Xin Yu must be feeling very uncomfortable at this moment.

"Mr. Yang, there's no need to eat. I just ate at the Jiangshi Hotel. I'm looking for you now because I want to talk about some things in front of my wife."

Yang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then looked at his wife again, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his mind.

After the group sat down, they didn't greet each other. They all looked at Han Jin, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd?

Two minutes later, Han Jin's assistant came in and handed Han Jin a document.

Han Jin asked the assistant to go out first, and he looked at Yi Xinyu, "Xinyu, I know you are very sad these days, I have failed you, I know you will be in pain, I'm sorry, I won't be here again.

Also, Xin Yu, thank you for your dedication over the years, and thank you for your dedication to my family over the years, but now I just want to tell you that I will not give up on you. "

Yi Xinyu frowned and looked at him without speaking.

Han Jin looked at her and smiled softly, "Xinyu, I don't want to divorce you, I only let you here today."

The people in the private room were stunned when they heard the word divorce.

"Xinyu, do you know that we are in love with each other, and it is your arrival that gives me real meaning in my life."

After Han Jin finished speaking affectionately, he didn't expect Yi Xinyu to answer him.

Because she was really angry and sad at the moment, especially when Li Shan was still sitting in front of her.

He slowly took out the information in the bag.

(End of this chapter)

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