Chapter 2142 Design, price 3
Chapter 2142: Design, price 3
Li Shan watched Han Jin's movements and became more and more nervous.

Yang Cheng sat so close to Li Shan that he could even feel her trembling.

He frowned, but heard Han Jin's voice.

"Xin Yu, this is a paternity test, Lulu is not my daughter." Han Jin put the last page of the paternity test in front of Xin Yu's eyes.

Yi Xinyu's eyes flickered, watching him still not speaking.

Just now, she thought that the document in Han Jin's hand was a divorce agreement.

He brought Li Shan here. She thought he was going to divorce her and marry Li Shan. She was thinking about countermeasures.

She thought, Li Shan couldn't be cheaper.

However, what she saw was a paternity test.

The idea of ​​divorce has been crazily appearing in her mind these days, and divorce is her last choice.

She has always been straightforward in doing things, and she will leave if she doesn't love her, and entanglement will only make the other party more painful and make herself more painful.

Unexpectedly, the result was unexpected.

Han Jin has not been home during this time, she thought that Han Jin just said that he would not divorce, but in fact he had given up on this marriage.

Now it seems that she was wrong, and Han Jin went for a paternity test.

"Han Jin." Li Shanhong looked at him intently, "Don't you want to admit what you have done? You don't even recognize your own daughter. Who do you want to deceive with these written documents?"

When Yi Xinyu was young, she was very suspicious. If Han Jin didn't come home, she would feel a sense of crisis.

No matter what the situation is, she will try her best to separate them, making Yi Xinyu suffer a thousand times.

"Shut up, if you have the ability, you can get me a fake one?" Han Jin suddenly turned his face, he had been cheated by this woman for more than ten years, and he hadn't had time to settle the score with her.

Li Shan was yelled at by him, she pursed her lips and said nothing, tears rolled in her eyes, she stared at Han Jin firmly.

Han Jin looked at Yi Xinyu with a smile in his eyes, deep and gentle, pious and presumptuous.

Yi Xinyu was taken aback for a moment, and seemed to see the young Han rushing towards her full of enthusiasm.

From a distance, he smiled and called her: "Yuyu, let's go to the movies tonight, shall we? I can't get enough of the movies you star in, but I don't like the male lead, and he didn't ask him to be handsome."

At that time, Han Jin was really handsome. Others said that the most beautiful man in Jiang City was Lu Haocheng, but in her eyes, Han Jin was the most handsome.

Lu Haocheng's eyes are too hostile, and he looks too cold. She has also seen Lu Haocheng when he was young. He looks like I am an old man and I am very attractive. She doesn't like it, she doesn't like it very much, but she likes the sunshine and handsome The human Han Jin, he was very innocent at that time, the smile in his eyes was really sincere, and his feelings for her were also very pious.

She was deeply attracted by that pious heart and believed that there is true love in this world.

Yi Xinyu's eyes were full of unforgettable memories, and she quietly looked at Han Jin without speaking.

Han Jin smiled, he knew Xin Yu was very kind.

Yang Cheng's wife, who hadn't spoken all this time, spoke up: "Mr. Han, you didn't call us together to see your husband and wife show their affection, did you?"

Han Jin looked at her with distant eyes, "Mrs. Yang, you and my wife are also friends. I called you here today because I don't want you to be kept in the dark."

After Han Jin finished speaking, he took out another paternity test from the information bag.

Looking at Yang Cheng and Li Shan, they both looked at Han Jin nervously.

Han Jin didn't give them a chance to speak.

Instead, he looked at Li Shan with cold eyes, "Li Shan, this is the paternity test of Yang Cheng and Lu Lu, and Lu Lu is Yang Cheng's daughter."


"Li Shan, you'd better listen to me first." Han Jin interrupted her.

"15 years ago, I was on a business trip that day. I didn't have time to come back that day, so I stayed in the hotel. The room was my room. I was sure I was right, but when I woke up, there was another you on the bed, and My memory of that night didn't touch you, so you designed me just to find a father for the baby in your womb."

"Han Jin, you spitting blood, it's obviously you..."

"Obviously you designed me, what is your purpose? Now let me talk to you." Han Jin interrupted her again.

Han Jin laughed at himself, living a happy life, always ignoring the people around him, ignoring those people around him who are unpredictable and cruel.

"Li Shan, back then you were a newcomer in the entertainment industry, but unfortunately, you weren't pretty enough, and you didn't have much acting skills. You already got the heroine in "The Feast" through your connections, but the director wasn't satisfied with you. "

"The next day, you changed the leading role to Xin Yu. Xin Yu also became popular in the entertainment industry because of this drama. You have always held a grudge about this incident."

"You have been trying every means to destroy Xinyu, but what you never dreamed of is that Xinyu retired when she was the most popular and married me."

"However, you are still not reconciled, because the person Xinyu married is also the person you like. Our Han family was not as big as the four major family businesses in Jiang City back then, but the conditions were good."

"In the next few years, I will become your prey, and the hotel incident will happen. In the past few days, I have found the manager of the hotel and understood everything. I also have evidence in my hand, proving that You designed me on purpose."

Han Jin put a USB flash drive on the table and looked at Li Shan.

After watching for a while, he inserted the USB drive into the computer.

Inside is the dialogue between Li Shan and the manager, how to design Han Jin's dialogue.

"Here is a conversation between you and the manager. The manager of that hotel is your cousin. He is still working in that hotel. He only likes money. Give him some money. He is willing to say anything and do it. This kind of thing, he is a habitual offender, and the evidence is also used to make improper transactions. I spent a lot of money to get this recording from him."

Li Shan was trembling all over, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Of course, Li Shan had already made preparations.

But at this moment, everything was over, and she had nothing but tears.

The most unbelievable ones are Yang Cheng and his wife.

Yang Cheng also stared at Li Shan with wide eyes when he heard that Lu Lu was her daughter.

The fury on Mrs. Yang's face was already beyond words.

Yang Cheng lowered his head like a quail, not daring to look at his wife.

He and Li Shan had been together since college, but due to various reasons, the two did not get together, nor did they break contact. He and Li Shan have been in contact these years.

Yi Xinyu was the most surprised, never dreaming that this incident was caused by her.

She remembered that she got the heroine of "The Feast" easily at that time, because the director came to find her in person, and she still had a schedule at that time, so she agreed, and she didn't hear about the heroine being replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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