Chapter 2143 Design, price 4
Chapter 2143: Design, price 4
Firstly, she was very busy at that time, and secondly, something happened to her family at that time, and she had no time to care about anything except acting to make money.

But there is such a woman who has been hiding behind her and wants to destroy her home.

She looked at Li Shan, full of anger.

Han Jin breathed a sigh of relief, the matter was explained clearly, and he was innocent.

"Xinyu, I just want to tell you that between me and Li Shan, except for the design of the hotel, I have never been with her. In the past, you saw me appearing at banquets with her because of work. , if you think about it these years, I always go home when I am not on business, and I have never done anything to be sorry for you."

"The only connection I have with her is because I consider Lulu my 'daughter'."

Yi Xinyu looked at Han Jin with idiot eyes.

"Didn't you doubt Li Shan after giving birth to the child?" This was the first sentence she said after sitting down.

Li Shan only felt that her dignity had been trampled under her feet.

This is also what makes Yi Xinyu the most angry, raising a child for more than ten years for others.

Han Jin was silent, he really didn't think about that.

"Xinyu, I'm sorry!" He went to hold Yi Xinyu's hand, but Yi Xinyu avoided it.

"Li Shan, why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant with my child?" Yang Cheng looked at Li Shan angrily, and his angry voice was deafening.

"Bastard, you still dare to say such things now. How have our family treated you for so many years, but you betrayed me? Get out of my house tonight and get a divorce tomorrow. This vicious woman is dead, go and raise your daughter well." Madam Yang finished speaking angrily, and strode out of the private room.

Han Jin got up and held Yi Xinyu's hand, "Honey, let's go home."

"Li Shan, Yang Cheng, I will cancel all our cooperation, and from now on, I will not have any business dealings with you again."

After speaking, he took Yi Xinyu and left.

Behind him came the sound of flipping the table, and Li Shan's terrified screams.

It's just that Han Jin only cares about the woman he leads now.

Yi Xinyu didn't speak all the way until Han Jin led him into the car.

"Idiot." She cursed fiercely.

Han Jin: "Xinyu, I'm an idiot!"

Yi Xinyu: "..."

Han Jin raised his eyes and looked at her tenderly: "Xin Yu, are you willing to give this idiot a chance, our son is dating his girlfriend, and we may have a grandson in a few months, Xin Yu, we don't Is it okay to get a divorce?"

Han Jin looked at her pleadingly. He had been running around to find out the truth these days. Before he found out the truth, he really didn't dare to go back to see her.

At the moment when he got the paternity test, he knew that Lulu was not his daughter, and he jumped on the spot a few times in ecstasy.

I just want to call her immediately and tell her that he is innocent and that he has not betrayed her.

But he didn't figure out some things, so he took some time to find out the truth.

Because he asked Lulu, it was Li Shan who made her appear in front of Xin Yu on purpose, so one can imagine Li Shan's ambition.

After knowing all the truth, he didn't tell anyone, he just wanted to wait for an opportunity to tell his son and Xinyu about it.

But seeing Yang Cheng tonight and wanting to embarrass Yuxuan, he didn't want to wait any longer.

What Li Shan did let him know that Li Shan wanted to destroy Yuxuan.

He can't wait!
"Hmph!" Yi Xinyu was so angry that she didn't really want to talk to him.

For Han Jin, she really treats him wholeheartedly and without any reservations. Han Jin has also treated her very well these years. If it hadn't happened about Li Shan, she and Han Jin would still be as loving as ever.

Although she returned to her family, she had no reservations about Han Jin, but she had reservations about herself.

She likes to invest and manage money. Even if the two are going to divorce, she will not deliberately please anyone, because the value released by herself is enough to attract others.

The two children are already grown up, and she has already enjoyed what she should enjoy, and she can restrain her desire for money.

She looked at Han Jin with a serious expression, "Han Jin, give me some time, and give yourself some time. If we still love each other, we will still be together in the end."

Han Jin nodded, he knew this was her biggest concession.

"Yuyu, I will give you time, but I hope it won't be too long. In the past few years, I did not do well in some places, but I will do better in the future."

Yi Xinyu looked at him for a while, but didn't speak. After the two chatted in the car for a while, Yi Xinyu got out of the car and left.

Yi Xinyu was walking home all the way, but at dusk it was raining like a cow's hair. She didn't need an umbrella, but it was very cool. In just a few days, she had experienced too much.

She is actually a very clear person who knows what she wants and what she doesn't want. The older she gets, the more she will understand one thing. Some things you want to do can be done, and some things you want to do but can't Do it, you can only give up in the end.

She would choose to divorce before, and she also felt that she was a very wise choice, it was better than wasting time arguing and getting along.

"Mom." Yi Xinyu was taken aback, as if she had heard an auditory hallucination, she slowly raised her eyes, but saw her handsome son standing not far away smiling at her.

In her impression, her son had never smiled so happily in front of her.

His smile is always very shallow, not really a happy smile.

Yi Xinyu smiled: "Aren't you dating Miss Lu? Why are you here?"

Han Yuxuan walked towards his mother. Under the bright lights, his straight and tall voice was very eye-catching.

"Mom, Qiqi has something to go to the company. I'll pick her up at ten o'clock. I'll come to accompany mom."

Yi Xinyu smiled, there were already some fine lines at the corners of her eyes, but she was very loving, her son was too tall, she had to raise her head when talking, but she was very proud, her son was really handsome.

"I'm fine, what can I do with you?"

Han Yuxuan's eyes flickered, he lowered his head, and said in a clear voice, "Then let me walk with my mother."

"Okay, there is still some time before ten o'clock. You can go for a walk with your mother. Seeing that you have reached the age of marriage, I am afraid that you will rarely have time to be with your mother in the future. This opportunity is getting less and less every time. Mom can't miss."

Han Yuxuan was taken aback for a moment, his mother was rarely so kind to him due to strict family education.

To be precise, my mother has also paid a lot for the family over the years.

Her strict education made him who he is now.

And he really spends very little time with his mother.

Han Yuxuan accompanied his mother to a nearby shopping mall and bought many gifts for Yi Xinyu.

Along the way, he didn't ask about the things between his mother and father.

When encountering things, he never expresses his suggestions easily.

(End of this chapter)

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