Chapter 2144 Design, price 5
Chapter 2144: Design, price 5
Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering from others.

It's the same for me. If someone else has not experienced their own pain, suggesting what to do to him will obviously push that person off the edge of more pain.

At nine o'clock, Han Yuxuan sent his mother home. When she got downstairs, she didn't get out of the car, but looked at her mother who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Mom, I hope you will live a happier life than me in the future. Only when my mother is happy can I live a happier life." These are his sincere words.

Dad just sent a WeChat message to tell him that the matter has been resolved.

He didn't ask about the specific process.

The matter was solved so easily, and it was almost the same as what he had in mind.

Yi Xinyu smiled: "It seems that your father called you again."

Han Yuxuan shook his head slightly: "Actually, my father is quite stupid."

Yi Xinyu nodded with a smile, she agreed with her son's statement.

"That's right, your father is quite stupid. He raised someone else's daughter for more than ten years, and almost caused you to be plotted against." It's not that Yi Xinyu doesn't know about those things, but his son is very powerful and lucky.

She was a little depressed, but she was much better than the previous few days.

Li Shan's design and Han Jin's passive approach actually made her want to re-examine this relationship.

"Yuxuan, your brother is about to take the college entrance examination. If your father and I really want to divorce, it will be after your brother's college entrance examination."

Han Yuxuan nodded slightly, seeing the calmness in his mother's eyes, his tone softened a lot: "Mom, no matter what decision you make, I will support you."

His indifferent expression seemed to be much gentler.

Yi Xinyu smiled, and lightly patted her son's shoulder: "Go and pick up Miss Lu, it's not safe for her to go home at night as a girl, mother went back to rest."

"it is good!"

Han Yuxuan got out of the car, and when his mother brought the things to the door, he turned around and drove to pick up Lan Ziqi.

The rain gradually became heavier at night, in a dark alley.

Two furtive figures stood in the corner, with their hats on and their heads bowed, their voices were also very low.

"If you think about it, you will do it tonight. Our people are all behind him and have been following him for several days."

"Let's do it!" The figure of another woman was extremely cold.

"Hehe..." Another younger woman smiled, "I have long wanted to do it, but you have been hesitating. You don't know how much Han Yuxuan cares about that woman. I wish she would die immediately."

"Don't you agree to do it now? But be careful, don't be caught."

It's just that both of them should be damned, the woman smiled coldly, looking particularly frightening in the rainy night.

Lan Ziqi's investment company had an impromptu meeting, and she had to go there.

And the address is not far from her gallery studio.

Not far away, Han Yuxuan drove for 10 minutes and arrived at the downstairs of Han Yuxuan's company.

Seeing the rain getting heavier, Han Yuxuan got out of the car and took an umbrella, and stood in the rain with the umbrella waiting for Lan Ziqi.

It was four minutes to ten o'clock, and his girl was always on time.

There are relatively few pedestrians in the night rain, only cars speeding past, the wheels run over, splashing water all over the ground.

Han Yuxuan's slender figure stood next to the station, and the lights from the passing cars shone on him. He still seemed to be alone in his own world, shielding everything outside. He became himself in a world, alone in the rain.

When the time was up, he saw a slender figure walking out from the company gate, and his expressionless handsome face softened instantly.

Holding an umbrella, he strode towards the girl he loved opposite.

When Lan Ziqi saw him, she smiled and trotted into his arms.

Han Yuxuan turned the umbrella towards her, trying not to let her get caught in the rain.

"Qiqi, are you done?"

"Well! It's settled. I'm a bit lazy. If I can't solve it in a day or two, I can find my elder brother or my dad or my mother. Now that it's solved, I don't need to come to the company these days. But I seem to be Just making excuses, I just want to spend more time with you to go on a date."

"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan chuckled, kissed her on the forehead, and led her across the road to the car.

"Qiqi, why am I so charming? Tomorrow we will go to the suburbs, and I found a good place. I will accompany you to paint."

Painting is her greatest pleasure, and he likes it too, but his dream was stifled in the cradle since he was a child, and now the girl he loves likes it, and it seems to instantly make up for that regret.

"Alright, Han Yuxuan, you are so kind, I like you so much!" Lan Ziqi laughed sweetly.

Before Han Yuxuan had time to say anything, a strong light suddenly shone over.

Somewhat unusual, Han Yuxuan turned his head to look, and not far away was a black car speeding towards the two of them.

The astonishing speed seemed to kill them.

"Qiqi." Han Yuxuan screamed and pushed Lan Ziqi away forcefully.

Lan Ziqi fell to the ground, her arm was in severe pain, she couldn't care about herself, when she raised her eyes to look at Han Yuxuan, she only heard the harsh sound of brakes.

What came into view was Han Yuxuan's slender figure who was knocked a few meters away and rolled on the spot several times before stopping.

Her pupils trembled, and she shouted heart-piercingly, "Han Yuxuan."

Seeing that Lan Ziqi was not hit, the people in the car backed up unwillingly, planning to run over Lan Ziqi.

Lan Ziqi's pupils trembled, the other party wanted her life.

However, the next moment, the car was slammed aside by a black-spotted car.

The bodyguard who secretly protected Lan Ziqi appeared in time and drove directly into the accident vehicle.

"Bang..." The huge impact in the rain suddenly suppressed the atmosphere.

Lan Ziqi seemed to be brought back to her senses, her slender body stumbled towards Han Yuxuan who was lying on the ground.

She slumped on the ground and hugged Han Yuxuan who had a cold face in the rain. He closed his eyes tightly and saw the blood on his head flowing from her fingers. She was completely flustered.

"Han Yuxuan, wake up, wake up..." But no matter how she called, Han Yuxuan kept his eyes tightly closed.

Thinking of the moment when he pushed her away desperately, her heart trembled, and her heart was cut like a knife. Those who are in love would rather die for the one they love.

But she doesn't want such a result, and she doesn't want to prove her love in this way, she wants a long-lasting love.

For her, losing the person she loves the most is equivalent to death!

At around ten twenty, Lu Haocheng received a crying call from Lan Ziqi.

His heart sank, Lan Xin was on a business trip today and would not be back until tomorrow morning, so he called Quan Jincheng, and together they went to the hospital under the name of the Lu Corporation.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he heard his daughter's crying. He felt distressed instantly, and walked over calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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