Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2145 Car accident, heart like a knife

Chapter 2145 Car accident, heart like a knife

Chapter 2145: Car accident, heart like a knife

Seeing her father coming, Lan Ziqi stood up and threw herself into Lu Haocheng's arms: "Dad, why did you come? I'm so scared. Han Yuxuan hasn't come out after going in for a long time, woo woo woo...he pushed me away , I was hit by a car, Dad, they want to kill me..."

When Lan Ziqi saw her father, it was as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.

Lu Haocheng's eyes were full of hostility, he patted his daughter's back lightly, and comforted her softly: "Baby, it's okay, Han Yuxuan will be fine too, your Uncle Quan has already gone to investigate, anyone who wants to hurt you, dad won't Let them go."

Someone wants his daughter's life, very good, he wants to see who it is that makes his daughter so scared and sad.

"Father, what should Han Yuxuan do? If something happens to him, I won't live anymore, woo woo woo..."

Lu Haocheng looked at his daughter fiercely, and spoke sharply: "Silly girl, what crazy words are you talking about? Why did you even mess up? Dad told you, if you dare to have such thoughts, I will break your legs."

His daughter dared to say such a thing to him, it was going to piss him off.

"Woooooo..." Lan Ziqi was crying very sadly, her beautiful big eyes were already red and swollen, and she was sobbing incoherently.

"Dad...Dad, I like him very much, he is really nice." Lan Ziqi felt pain in her heart, she didn't know how to express this feeling.

There is only one thought, Han Yuxuan is not alive, and she doesn't want to live anymore.

Lu Haocheng frowned, seeing that her clothes were all wet, he took out his mobile phone and called the servant at home to bring the clothes.

Then he accompanied his daughter to wait for Han Yuxuan outside the operation.

Lu Haocheng also called Han Jin. No one could have predicted this kind of thing, but he would never let his daughter be bullied.

Especially Han Yuxuan's parents blamed their daughter for this incident.

He, Lu Haocheng, has never let his daughter be wronged.

"Qiqi, don't cry, your Uncle Su will personally perform the surgery, and Han Yuxuan will be fine."

Lan Ziqi nodded, hugging her father's arm and refusing to let go.

Lu Haocheng comforted her gently, and her mood improved a lot.

Soon, Han Jin and Yi Xinyu rushed over.

"Yuxuan, Yuxuan, how are you?" Yi Xinyu cried and slapped on the door of the operating room.

She couldn't believe it even in her dreams, she and her son were separated for about 10 minutes, and his son was lying in this cold operating room.

"Xinyu, don't get excited, Yuxuan is undergoing surgery now, he will be fine." Han Jin hugged Yi Xinyu.

Yi Xinyu cried bitterly in his arms.

Lan Ziqi lowered her head, unable to face Han Yuxuan's parents. If Han Yuxuan hadn't pushed her away, he wouldn't be lying here now.

At this time, Han Jin and his wife also looked at Lu Haocheng and Lan Ziqi.

Lu Haocheng's phone rang suddenly, and he nodded slightly to Han Jin and his wife as a greeting.

Immediately he answered the phone.

The call was from Quan Jincheng. The more Lu Haocheng listened, the sharper his eyebrows became.

"Bring me the person to the hospital." After Shen said coldly, he hung up the phone.

Looking at his daughter leaning on his shoulder, he lowered his head, his black eyes were deep and distressed: "Qiqi, don't cry, the car accident has been found out, it is a woman named Li Shan, do you know her? Why did she kill you?" ?”

Lan Ziqi shook her head slightly: "Dad, I don't know this woman, but they seem to be targeting me. After bumping into Yuxuan, they want to crush me a second time."

Lu Haocheng was terrified when he heard that, if the bodyguard he arranged to protect Kiki in the dark suddenly ran into the other's car, he would not dare to imagine what his baby girl would be like now.

When Han Jin and his wife heard the word Li Shan, they immediately understood everything.

Li Shan didn't want to kill Lan Ziqi, it was their son Han Yuxuan who Li Shan wanted to kill.

Han Jin talked about the matter today, and Li Shan lost everything.

Li Shan seems to be gentle, but her personality is very extreme. If others do not make her feel better, she will not make others feel better, and she has a strong desire for revenge.

Han Jin withdrew all cooperation, new hatred and old hatred, wishing to kill Han Jin's whole family.

"This bastard woman, I can't spare her, I'm going to kill her now." Han Jin gritted his teeth angrily, let go of Yi Xinyu and went to settle accounts with Li Shan.

Yi Xinyu quickly pulled him back, and shook her head gently at him.

After all, this incident was caused by her. That woman had been holding back for more than ten years, and once it broke out, it was very scary.

Yi Xinyu cried and looked at him: "What's the use of killing her now? Why dirty your hands for that kind of person."

When Lu Haocheng heard it, he felt something was wrong.

"Mr. Han, what do you mean by that? Do you know Li Shan?" Lu Haocheng's tone was serious. Under his careful care, his little padded jacket had never cried so much.

Han Jin was hesitant to speak, and kept his head down without speaking.

Lu Haocheng had experienced big storms, and he could tell at a glance that there was something famous here. Since his daughter liked Han Yuxuan, he didn't say anything.

He just glanced at Han Jin and his wife coldly.

Maybe it wasn't Qiqi that the other party wanted to kill, but Han Yuxuan.

Several people remained silent, and the atmosphere outside the operating room was a bit oppressive.

Lu Haocheng and Han Jin have met many times in the mall. Han Jin admires Lu Haocheng's ability in his bones. As both men, he knows that Lu Haocheng is much better than himself.

For a while, there was nothing more to say.

After waiting for another half an hour, Han Yuxuan was finally pushed out of the operating room.

"Han Yuxuan." Lan Ziqi stood up abruptly, and saw that Han Yuxuan's body was covered with tubes, his hair was shaved, his head was wrapped in gauze, and his cold white handsome face was covered with bruises on the left side.

Lu Haocheng looked at Su Chen: "How is it?"

Su Chen rubbed the center of his brows tiredly, and said: "He was lucky, he didn't hurt any important parts, but the impact was a bit violent, he had a slight concussion, and the blood in his head has been cleaned up, he will be fine when he wakes up tomorrow morning. "

Lu Haocheng nodded. Su Chen is an expert trained by him with a huge sum of money, and what he said is generally trustworthy.

Su Chen looked at Lan Ziqi again, this little girl was hoarse from crying.

"Qiqi, stop crying, your boyfriend will be fine."

"Thank you, Uncle Su!" Lan Ziqi was relieved to hear that Han Yuxuan was fine.

Han Jin and his wife are also very grateful to Su Chen.

After Su Chen arranged for Han Yuxuan to go to the VIP ward, he went to rest.

Lan Ziqi also changed into the clean clothes brought by the servant, and took care of Han Yuxuan in the ward.

Lu Haocheng glanced at the time. It was two o'clock in the morning, and he was looking at his daughter. She definitely didn't want to ask her to go back to rest.

Han Jin looked at Lu Haocheng: "Boss Lu, why don't you take Qiqi back to rest first."

Lu Haocheng glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Do you think Qiqi is willing to go back with me?"

Han Jin: "..."

Lu Haocheng looked at him with cold eyes: "He's here, come down with me to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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