Chapter 2146: Crazy Revenge 1
Chapter 2146: Crazy Revenge 1
Knowing that the person brought here was Li Shan, Han Jin immediately followed him angrily.

Only Lan Ziqi and Yi Xinyu were left in the ward, as well as the occasional sounds of medical equipment.

After Lan Ziqi changed into white casual clothes, she sat in front of the hospital bed and guarded Han Yuxuan.

Han Yuxuan was lying quietly like this, with shaved hair and a bruised face, which was also very good-looking. She couldn't help but look at it and couldn't move her eyes.

Yi Xinyu looked at her from the side, seeing her care about her son so much, she felt very comforted.

Yuxuan did not fall in love with the wrong person.

"Qiqi, if you are tired, go to the next room to rest for a while." This is the high-end VIP ward arranged by Lu Haocheng.

There are two rooms inside and two beds in the ward, which is very convenient for taking care of patients and washing.

Lan Ziqi shook her head slightly, seeing that her face was also full of exhaustion. Han Yuxuan had an accident, and she was quite frightened: "Auntie, go and rest. I will take care of Yuxuan here, and you will come and replace me at dawn."

Yi Xinyu knew how she was feeling at the moment, she was really exhausted today.

She was also very tired, she nodded and walked to the side room.

As for Li Shan, she was not in the mood to see her either. Since Lu Haocheng was on the sidelines, she knew that Lu Haocheng was more ruthless than anyone else, so she didn't want to join in the fun.

She had to lie down for a while, her son was fine, and she was very tired after relaxing.

Lan Ziqi was the only one left in the ward, so Lan Ziqi took Han Yuxuan's hand. His fingers were cold, and there were many scratches on the back of his hand. Although they were treated, the scratches still looked a little serious.

"Han Yuxuan, thank you! Thank you for saving me, and thank you for protecting me with your life. You must wake up soon. When you wake up, we will get married, okay?"

"My mother used to laugh at me, saying that by the time she was my age, I would have been in elementary school."

"My mother always tells me about this matter. She said that girls should get married when they reach the age of marriage. She said that marriage is a very happy thing, and no matter what difficulties they encounter in the future, they will have someone to rely on."

"Han Yuxuan, I know you will be my best support."

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi suddenly smiled to herself, and then cried again with a smile, her voice choked up again: "Han Yuxuan, I think what my mother said is quite right..."

Lan Ziqi said a lot unknowingly, Han Yuxuan seemed to be a little conscious, and at the end, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, as if he was moved, and seemed to be responding to Lan Ziqi.

Lan Ziqi was surprised when she saw it, and then smiled again, letting out tears along with her.

"Han Yuxuan, can you hear what I'm saying? You're so moved that you're crying, hehe..." Lan Ziqi was funny and angry, and she hoped that he would wake up soon.

"Han Yuxuan, you need to wake up quickly." Lan Ziqi smiled, she knew Han Yuxuan could hear her.

Downstairs, in the warehouse in the underground garage.

Li Shan sat on the ground in a mess, her hair was disheveled, and her body was covered in mud. Beside her was the driver who had passed out after being beaten by Lu Haocheng, and her face was covered in blood.

Li Shan tremblingly looked at Lu Haocheng, the man of the river city in front of him.

She has been planning for more than ten years, and never thought that she would offend Lu Haocheng.

This Zai Jiang is a man of great influence. Over ten years have passed, this handsome face does not seem to have changed much, the only change is that the aura between the brows is more fierce than when he was young.

She would kill Lian Ziqi together, the reason is very simple, she helped Han Yuxuan get through the difficulties together, Han Yuxuan lost Yang Cheng's funds, and soon couldn't support him.

Lu Haocheng looked at Han Jin with a faint smile, "Mr. Han, tell me what is your relationship? Why does this woman want to kill my daughter?"

"Daughter?" Li Shan was taken aback, Lan Ziqi, Lu Ziqi, why didn't she react?
Han Jin's eyes flickered, he looked at Lu Haocheng, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, I made a small mistake, and I was stupid. I let this woman take advantage of the loopholes, and started crazy revenge when she couldn't get what she wanted. That's why it happened." What happened tonight."

Lu Haocheng nodded his head with confidence. When he was young, he encountered many such things.

"Hmph! Li Shan, I didn't expect you to be so vicious." Han Jin looked down at her angrily.

"Hmph! Han Jin, your wife has ruined my life. I have to make her pay the price. Since you husband and wife don't want to pay it back, then your son will pay it back, and your daughter-in-law will pay it back." Li Shan thought, Now she is already a fish on the chopping board, and it is a dead end anyway, and she can let herself vent her anger by showing off her quick tongue.


Han Jin looked at her sharply. He was almost blind. This woman's usual gentleness in front of him was just pretending.

Fortunately, he doesn't want to touch any woman except Xinyu, otherwise, there is really no chance of redemption now.

"Hehe..." Li Shan smiled and looked at Han Jin, who was like a clown who had been played by her for more than ten years.

"Han Jin, doesn't it feel good to be played by others? I loved you so much back then. I loved you so much that I couldn't sleep or eat. You didn't even know how hard I was at that time. I am full of passion, but I am trampled to no avail by you and your husband. I want to make myself famous, I want to make myself famous and worthy of you, but unfortunately, before I have time to do anything, you are already married. "

"Although you didn't notice me, I have been paying attention to you secretly. I know your character and everything about you. I also want to thank you for helping me raise Lulu for so many years."

"Hmph!" Han Jin blushed angrily.

Lu Haocheng looked like he was enjoying the show. He sat on the stool casually, listening to Li Shan's words, but couldn't guess what happened in the middle?
Although Han Jin is not on the same path as him, he was also a well-known entertainment prince in the entertainment circle back then.

After hearing it, he realized that Han Jin was really stupid, so stupid that he didn't even know that the child was not his own.

Han Jin didn't want to listen to Li Shan anymore. In front of Lu Haocheng and his future in-laws, it would hurt his self-esteem too much.

"Mr. Lu, what do you think should be done?"

Li Shan stared at Lu Haocheng firmly. She knew Lu Haocheng's methods, and her face was instantly filled with fear.

Lu Haocheng pursed the corners of his lips coldly and did not speak. Compared with when he was young, he is now more dignified.

"Attempt to kill, of course it will be handed over to the police." After Lu Haocheng finished speaking, he got up and left with graceful steps.

Li Shan's face was ashes spread out on the ground.

Han Jin didn't even look at her, and followed her away.

It's just that he didn't see it. After he left, Li Shan looked at his back and smiled viciously. She was arrested, and Han Yuxuan was not necessarily safe. The crazy revenge had just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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