Chapter 2147: Crazy Revenge 2
Chapter 2147: Crazy Revenge 2
It was almost four o'clock in the morning when Lu Haocheng returned to the ward.

He sighed, knowing that his daughter would not follow her home.

He turned his head and glanced at Han Jin who was following behind him, and told him: "Mr. Han, my daughter is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. She probably won't go back with me at this moment. I will leave her to your care. I will come to pick her up at dawn." people."

Han Jin smiled and said, "President Lu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of my future daughter-in-law."

Lu Haocheng: "..." You're probably thinking too much, he hasn't agreed yet.

"Huh!" He snorted at Han Jin, turned around and strode away.

Han Jin looked at Lu Haocheng's straight and straight back with a smile, "In-laws, go slowly!"

Lu Haocheng paused, almost tripped by the sound of in-laws.

He would never let Han Yuxuan abduct his little princess easily.

Han Jin looked at Lu Haocheng's slightly stiff back and smiled slightly, Lu Haocheng, the accidents in life are really unpredictable.


At dawn, Han Jin asked his assistant to buy breakfast for Lan Ziqi and Yi Xinyu.

Although Yi Xinyu was resting on the bed, she never fell asleep. At dawn, she fell asleep in a daze, and dreamed again. The messy dream made her still a little confused after waking up. Looking at the strange environment around her, She realized that she was in the hospital.

When he came out, Lan Ziqi was still quietly accompanying Yuxuan.

After talking to Lan Ziqi just now, I saw Han Jin and his assistant walking in.

After putting down the breakfast, the assistant turned and left.

Han Jin looked at them, "Qiqi, Xinyu, you should have breakfast first. I just saw Dr. Su, and he said that Yuxuan is fine. If he didn't wake up in the morning, he should wake up at noon."

Yi Xinyu nodded, as long as it's fine, seeing her son still sleeping, she looked at Lan Ziqi: "Qiqi, you've been tired all night, let's eat something first."

Lan Ziqi shook her head slightly, without looking at Yi Xinyu: "Auntie, you can eat, I don't have much appetite right now."

Yi Xinyu didn't have much appetite either, but she would get sick if she didn't eat something.

At her age, when the weather is cold and the wind blows, she will have a headache.

This body bone is really unbearable.

She looked at Lan Ziqi again, and saw that she was sitting quietly, her eyes seemed to be glued to Han Yuxuan's face, "Qiqi, have some porridge, otherwise Yuxuan will feel very distressed when he wakes up and looks at you like this." Yuxuan has liked you since he was a child, and he brought you love breakfast no matter the weather, do you remember? He just didn’t want you to go hungry.” Yi Xinyu smiled, that brat, he liked you at such a young age, No wonder she hasn't found a girlfriend all these years. She thought her son wasn't interested in women?
Lan Ziqi's heart warmed when she thought of the days when she ate breakfast with love when she was a child.

Lan Ziqi raised the corners of her lips and walked over to sit at the dining table.

"Okay, auntie. Uncle, you can eat together too." Lan Ziqi looked at Han Jin.

Han Jin looked at her and smiled. Lan Ziqi behaved gracefully and respected her elders. It was very comfortable to watch. No wonder Yuxuan liked her so much.

Han Jin sat down beside Yi Xinyu, "Okay, Qiqi, when your father left, he said that he would come to pick you up at dawn, so you go back and rest first, and come to see Yuxuan after you have rested."

Lan Ziqi nodded, "Okay!"

Just after breakfast, Lu Haocheng came over.

Lan Ziqi looked at Han Yuxuan, who hadn't woken up yet, and was very anxious.

After Lu Haocheng greeted Han Jin and his wife, he left with Lan Ziqi.

Lan Ziqi looked haggard, hadn't slept all night, coupled with sadness, her complexion was very bad at this time.

Lu Haocheng looked at his daughter distressedly, "Qiqi, Han Yuxuan is fine, go back to rest with Dad, your mother will be back around ten o'clock."

Lan Ziqi looked at her father sullenly: "Dad, don't you have a rest room on the top floor of the hospital? I don't want to go back, it's too much trouble to go back and forth, so I'll go to sleep for a while and go see Yuxuan later."

Lu Haocheng: "..." His daughter is not married yet, so why does he feel that he belongs to someone else.

"Dad, why don't you talk?" Lan Ziqi actually knew what her father was thinking.

But when love comes, she can't resist the temptation.

She is actually quite unfilial, but she really likes Han Yuxuan.

Especially this time he sacrificed his life to save herself, her heart was already glued to Han Yuxuan.

"Oh!" Lu Haocheng sighed.

He gave the key to his daughter with a look of resentment.

Girls don't want to stay!

"I knew it would be like this. Go to the top floor and rest. I'm going to the airport to pick up your mother."

"Thank you dad! Dad is the best!" Lan Ziqi gave her dad a big hug.

Lu Haocheng smiled helplessly, and patted her head lovingly.

"Have a good rest!" After finishing speaking, he turned and went downstairs.

Lan Ziqi watched her father get into the elevator before going to the top floor to rest.

Lu Haocheng has a habit, as long as it is his own territory, he will set aside a special place to rest.

The equipment inside is complete. Before Lan Ziqi entered, she couldn't help but smile. Mom and Dad are the ones who enjoy it the most.

With a smile on her face, she found her mother's clothes to take a bath, took a combat shower, and after she came out, she used her mobile phone to set the alarm clock for an hour, and then lay down to sleep.

I hope that when she wakes up, Han Yuxuan will also wake up.

Perhaps she was too tired, and she didn't often stay up late, and fell asleep not long after lying down.

In the ward, Han Jin looked at the pale Yi Xinyu.

"Xinyu, Li Shan has been taken away by the police."

Yi Xinyu looked at him, saw that his face was calm, and felt a little better. This matter was related to her. Seeing Han Jin, she suddenly didn't know what to say?
In all fairness, Han Jin is still very handsome at this age, and he still has feelings for him, so the divorce is a last resort.

Han Jin is actually very contradictory, sometimes his mind is very simple, and he is also quite kind.

Subconsciously, he didn't want her to find out about what happened that year and get a divorce.

At that time, she is the most expected to receive love, because being a housewife will have a lot of anxiety.

It took a lot of time and energy for her to go from being uneasy to getting used to it.

Han Jin took her hand with a smile, and his tone was very gentle, "Yuyu, I will do my best in the future, and I won't let you down."

Yi Xinyu still looked at him without speaking.

Han Jin was afraid of her like this.

Yi Xinyu, who didn't speak, was still very angry in her heart.

The husband and wife were deadlocked like this.

After a long time, Yi Xinyu spoke: "Han Jin, my life was mediocre. I didn't have a prominent family background, I didn't have an alluring appearance, and I didn't surprise your youth. But your appearance warmed my time and made my life more beautiful." Blooming like a flower, marrying you for so many years to become a housewife, giving up my own dream, I have never regretted it."

"But Han Jin, you have deceived me for so many years. The saddest thing for me is not that you deceived me, but that it is impossible to trust you in the future."

Han Jin was taken aback, looking at Yi Xinyu's calm eyes, he seemed to be sentenced to death.

"Rain rain."

"Han Jin, you said you would give me time, let's talk about it when Yuxuan is well." She was still angry and didn't want to talk about this matter, so she interrupted Han Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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