Chapter 2148: Crazy Revenge 3
Chapter 2148: Crazy Revenge 3
When Lan Ziqi woke up, it was already three hours later.

The alarm clock she had set did nothing for her, she didn't even hear it go off.

"Alas!" She sighed faintly, she was not used to staying up late, and she felt sick when she stayed up late.

After washing up, she changed her clothes before going down to see Han Yuxuan.

The summer weather was very hot, and Lan Ziqi wore very cool clothes. Although the white shorts belonged to her mother, they were very fashionable, and they didn't feel out of place when she wore them.

But I still felt a wave of heat coming in from the window.

After entering the elevator, it felt even more stuffy.

She slept for three hours, but felt that she hadn't slept enough, and her head was a little groggy.

He lowered his head and looked at the phone light up. It was a WeChat message from his mother.

Lan Xin: "Qiqi, is Yuxuan awake?"Your father told me all about it. "

Lan Ziqi: "Mom, I'm going to the ward now, Han Yuxuan woke up and told you. "

Lan Xin: "Okay, mom has made soup, and I'll bring you dinner later. "

Lan Ziqi: "Thank you, Mom! "

Lan Ziqi got out of the elevator, two wards ahead was Han Yuxuan's ward.

She walked over at a faster pace, gently pushed open the door of the ward, and at the door, she could see Han Yuxuan lying on the bed, who hadn't woken up yet.

She walked in anxiously, looking at Yi Xinyu who was sitting by the bed, Han Jin had already left.

"Auntie, hasn't Yuxuan woke up yet?" Her heart tensed instantly, didn't Uncle Su say that she would wake up in the morning?

Yi Xinyu looked at her and shook her head slightly, "Doctor Su came to see her and said it's all right, Yuxuan will wake up naturally after getting enough sleep, Qiqi, don't worry."

But as long as her son doesn't wake up for a minute, her heart will be tormented every minute. She said this to comfort herself.

Lan Ziqi walked over and quietly looked at the sleeping Han Yuxuan, "Auntie, go back and have a rest, I'll watch over here, and I'll call you when Yuxuan wakes up."

She could see that Yi Xinyu was very tired.

His well-maintained face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked exhausted.

Yi Xinyu looked at her and smiled, this girl is more likable than when she was a child, Lan Ziqi had a carefree personality when she was a child, but when she grows up, she is really different, she really likes this girl, there is nothing wrong with it Missy's temper.

"Qiqi, I'm sorry, what happened this time is because some personal affairs of our family have troubled you." Yi Xinyu told Lan Ziqi about Li Shan while avoiding the seriousness.

After hearing this, Lan Ziqi was a little dumbfounded, it turned out that this was the case.

She thought the other party was coming for her.

No wonder Dad's temper improved a lot later.

The two chatted for a while before Yi Xinyu went back to rest. There was a young son at home, so she had to go home.

Only Lan Ziqi and Han Yuxuan on the bed were left in the ward.

It was a bit hot during the day, and Han Yuxuan's palms were sweating a little. Lan Ziqi brought hot water and wiped the sweat off his hands and body.

Looking at his tight and muscular abs, Lan Ziqi felt her heart pounding wildly. She watched for a while before forcing herself to look back.

There was some resentment in my heart, and I couldn't help talking to myself, "How come the muscles on your body are so beautiful and sexy?"

Lan Ziqi stood for a while, then carried the basin to the bathroom as if fleeing.

But he didn't see Han Yuxuan's fingers move slightly.

After Lan Ziqi washed her face with cold water in the bathroom, she walked out slowly.

She sat by the hospital bed again, quietly guarding Han Yuxuan.

Bai Mo and Gao Jie also rushed over. They received a call from Han Jin early in the morning. They heard that something happened to Han Yuxuan, so they had to finish their work before rushing to the hospital to see Han Yuxuan.

After the two came in, they were very anxious to see that Han Yuxuan hadn't woken up yet.

Now it is a critical moment of filming a TV series, Han Yuxuan must not have any accidents.

"Miss Lan, President Han..."

Gao Jie was a little nervous. They had already said that Mr. Han was on a business trip, but they didn't know what was going on?Some people in the company are still spreading the news that Boss Han had a car accident.

Lan Ziqi looked at him: "It's okay, the doctor said he will wake up today."

"Oh, that's good." Gao Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Mo asked suspiciously: "Then who leaked the news about Yuxuan's car accident, now everyone in the company is talking about Yuxuan's car accident and can't sleep."

Lan Ziqi's eyes turned cold. She didn't know what happened before, so she didn't think much about it. Now that she knew what happened, she was afraid that this matter was done by someone with a heart.

But Li Shan has already been arrested, who could that person be?
Lan Ziqi looked at Mo Bai: "I'll ask my dad to check."

After Lan Ziqi finished speaking, she picked up her phone, bowed her head and sent a WeChat message to her father.

Bai Mo and Gao Jie had limited connections, so Uncle Quan and Uncle Ou were the quickest way to check the news.

Bai Mo nodded slightly, with Mr. Lu's help, he will know the truth soon.

Gao Jie stayed with Bai Mo for an hour, but Han Yuxuan didn't wake up, so the two had to leave to go to work.

Lan Ziqi was guarding Han Yuxuan again, and the room was so quiet that only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

Occasionally a nurse comes in to change the needle water.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Ziqi couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep lying on the side of the bed.

When Han Yuxuan slowly opened his eyes, he squinted his eyes and looked around. His head was heavy, but he knew he was in the hospital.

Although he fell asleep, he was still conscious. He could hear the people around him talking, and he could hear Kiki's soft whispers.

Heard it intermittently.

He seemed to remember what she said, as soon as he woke up, she would marry him.

When he heard this, he really wanted to wake up, but his eyelids were heavy, and he couldn't find a way out in the darkness. Only her voice was the only light in his world.

He moved his head slightly, and there was pain in his head as soon as he moved.

He had a car accident.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered the car accident, Qiqi, where is Qiqi?

His heart was anxious, and his head hurt even more. He couldn't help frowning to relieve the severe pain.

After the relief, he looked down and saw Lan Ziqi lying on the side of the bed, her face facing his direction, sleeping deeply.

Seeing that she was fine, he was relieved. At that time, he passed out completely after being hit, and he didn't know anything about what happened next.

He slightly hooked his lips with a gentle smile, looking at her fair and quiet face, the anxiety in his heart disappeared instantly.

"Han Yuxuan." Lan Ziqi called softly in her sleep.

"Qiqi, I'm here." Han Yuxuan responded to her, but found that his voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

But when he saw it, he smiled again, Qiqi hadn't woken up yet, did he dream about him in a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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