Chapter 2149: Crazy Revenge 4
Chapter 2149: Crazy Revenge 4
Is it because he was in the dream that he was called by his name?
How wonderful, every night he hopes that the girl he likes will come in a dream, but he only dreams occasionally, and sometimes he only sees her back.

But even if it's just a back view, he is very satisfied every time he wakes up.

If you can't see her, at least you can dream of her.

Han Yuxuan stared at her sleeping face quietly, as expected of his girl, she was so beautiful even when she was asleep.

Looking at her like this, the pain in her head is not so painful anymore.

Han Yuxuan took a deep breath, but when he moved, his head still hurt badly.

This means that his head was hit hard.

I don't know if there will be sequelae?

"Han Yuxuan." Lan Ziqi yelled in shock and woke up suddenly.

She had a dream just now, dreaming that Han Yuxuan fell into the water, she couldn't catch him no matter what, she cried bitterly on the shore, she wanted to go into the water to save him, but she couldn't move her footsteps no matter what.

"Qiqi, I'm here." Han Yuxuan's voice was hoarse, looking at her pale face with tears hanging down, what was she dreaming about, so sad?
Lan Ziqi stared at him with wide eyes, "Han Yuxuan, you're awake."

"Han Yuxuan, it's good that you woke up. I just dreamed that you fell into the water. I couldn't catch you no matter what. It scared me to death. Do you know that?" Lan Ziqi began to cry as she spoke.

"Han Yuxuan, you are really bad. I haven't cried much in these years. I have cried many times since I met you." Lan Ziqi said while crying, wanting to punch him a few times, but thinking about him Now lying on the bed as a patient, he forcibly held back his fist.

Han Yuxuan looked at her distressedly, "Qiqi, hit me, don't be reluctant to hit me, you will feel at ease after hitting me a few times."

Lan Ziqi laughed angrily at his words.

"Fool!" She scolded, her tone softened, and she looked at her distressedly: "Han Yuxuan, is there anything else wrong with you? Uncle Su said you were lucky, except for bumping your head, Other places are just some minor abrasions, but you were unconscious at the time, and you won't know until you wake up."

Han Yuxuan moved his hands and feet, but didn't feel any pain.

The scratches on the body were a little stinging, but it was still within the acceptable range.

"Qiqi, her hands and feet are fine, but her head hurts." Han Yuxuan looked at her aggrievedly, but was very happy in his heart.

Usually when he is sick, he is alone, lonely and difficult.

Now that I am sick, it feels good to have her by my side.

"Okay, okay, as long as the other places are fine, I'll ask Uncle Su to come over and show you." Lan Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief, and sent a message to Su Chen.

However, Han Yuxuan suddenly grabbed her, and he was so wronged that he said, "Qiqi kisses me, it won't hurt anymore."

Lan Ziqi: "..." What kind of symptom is this, do you want to comfort the child?
Han Yuxuan is really bad!
But what if I like it so much?
"Han Yuxuan, why are you so dishonest when you're sick?" Although Lan Ziqi said this, there was a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

Then she quickly lowered her head and placed a kiss on his lips.

Then he got up, picked up the water at the right temperature, and inserted a straw for Han Yuxuan to drink.

Han Yuxuan couldn't help smiling, but he was also very satisfied. He drank half a glass of water in one go, and his mouth felt much more comfortable.

"Qiqi, it's great that you're fine."

Lan Ziqi was taken aback for a moment, but was moved again.

"I'm sorry, Han Yuxuan, if you hadn't been asked to pick me up, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

Han Yuxuan's eyes were a little cold. He knew that the person behind this deliberate murder must be Li Shan.

He just returned to China and didn't offend anyone. The only people he offended were Li Shan and Yang Cheng.

"Fool, the other party wants my life. No matter where I am, this accident cannot be avoided."

Lan Ziqi didn't know if this accident could have been avoided without her, but she felt the heart-piercing feeling when she saw Han Yuxuan's accident on the spot, and she would never try again.

"Anyway, I don't want to see you in an accident again. Han Yuxuan, no matter where you are, you must protect yourself. I don't want to see you get hurt again."

Han Yuxuan looked at her straight, knowing that she was worried and how scared she was.

"Okay, Qiqi, I promise you that I will take good care of myself. I haven't married you yet." Han Yuxuan said the last sentence very seriously.

How could he be willing to let something happen to him if he hadn't grown old with her yet?
Lan Ziqi blushed and gave him a slight look.

At this time, Su Chen walked in with his medical team, five or six men and women came.

"Uncle Su." Lan Ziqi hurriedly stood up for Su Chen to check.

"Qiqi, have you been guarding?" Su Chen looked at her and smiled, with an inscrutable expression on his face.

"Oh!" Lan Ziqi nodded shyly.

Su Chen smiled, but didn't say anything?
Concentrate on examining Han Yuxuan, after a careful inspection, Han Yuxuan had no serious injuries other than a slight concussion on his head.

"Kiki, with only a mild concussion, she can go home after a week in the hospital."

"Thank you, Uncle Su!"

Lan Ziqi was completely relieved now.

"Well, no thanks, uncle is going to work first, remember to have dinner." Su Chen glanced at Han Yuxuan again, and led the team out of the ward.

Han Yuxuan looked at her with a smile: "Qiqi, you can rest assured now."

"Well, my mother said to come and see you later."

"Ah, I..." Han Yuxuan was a little nervous, and glanced at himself, "Qiqi, take a look at me, is there anything wrong with me? Don't be rude in front of auntie."

"Pfft..." Lan Ziqi couldn't help laughing when she saw that he suddenly became nervous.

An ugly daughter-in-law is very nervous when she sees her in-laws. Why is he so nervous when he sees his mother-in-law?

"Ah..." Han Yuxuan was shocked again, "Qiqi, my hair..." How ugly without hair.

"Oh, you have a wound on your head, and it has been shaved to prevent infection." Lan Ziqi couldn't help laughing again when she saw his reaction.

"Don't look at it, it's too ugly." Han Yuxuan suddenly became childish, and pulled the quilt over his head.

Lan Ziqi: "..."

"Qiqi, mom is here." At this time, Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng walked in with dinner.

"Father, Mom, you are here." Lan Ziqi glanced at her eyes which were covered by the quilt.

Han Yuxuan slowly opened the quilt again, and his childish behavior just now became mature and steady in an instant: "Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, are you here?" His voice was calm and powerful.

Lan Ziqi: "..." Did she see another Han Yuxuan just now?

Lu Haocheng nodded slightly.

Lan Xin put the dinner on the table.

Only then looked at Han Yuxuan: "Yuxuan, I met Su Chen just now, luckily the injury is not serious."

"Yes, Aunt Lu, you can go out after staying in the hospital for a few days." Han Yuxuan replied with a smile, his every move was dignified and calm.

Lan Xin liked it more and more.

Lu Haocheng frowned slightly, and stood beside Lan Xin without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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