Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2150 You said the chapter counts

Chapter 2150 You have to count on what you say
Chapter 2150: You must count what you say
I couldn't help but slander in my heart, this Han Yuxuan was a bit pretentious.

It can be installed!
It is said that the mother-in-law loves the son-in-law, which is true.

He had personally felt how much Gu's mother loved him.

Seeing his wife talking about his future son-in-law now, he felt really uncomfortable.

He squinted his eyes, Lu Haocheng knew people with his eyes, and he hadn't misled him yet.

And his father was so stupid, he was a little worried that Han Yuxuan would inherit Han Jin.

And there was something wrong with what Qiqi asked him to investigate, which meant that the murder would not end because a Li Shan was arrested.

But his wife and Kiki's are here, so it's not a good opportunity to talk.

Lan Xin asked Han Yuxuan and Qiqi to have dinner, and she and Lu Haocheng accompanied her.

After watching them finish eating, Lan Xin packed the lunch box again.

Lu Haocheng looked at Lan Xin with a gentle tone: "Honey, you take Qiqi out for a walk, this girl is worried that Han Yuxuan will spend a day and a night, so you can talk to her."

Lan Xin took a deep look at him. She knew her husband's temperament very well, so she should have something to say to Han Yuxuan at this time.

She held her daughter's hand and said with a smile, "Qiqi, go out for a walk with mom."

Lan Ziqi looked at her father worriedly: "Dad, I'm not here, so you can't bully Han Yuxuan."

Lu Haocheng had a heartbroken face, this stinky girl, does she know how much he, his father, is reluctant to marry her?

Lan Ziqi glanced at her father quietly before leaving the ward with her mother.

At this time, Han Yuxuan's rationality took the high ground, but he looked at Lu Haocheng a little nervously.

I don't know what he will say next?
Lu Haocheng looked at him condescendingly, with sharp eyebrows and eyes, full of aura, "The matter of your car accident was not announced to the public, but someone in your company reported that you were unconscious in the car accident. It seems that this matter is not over yet."

"My daughter almost encountered an accident because of your family's affairs. I must ensure my daughter's safety. Besides Li Shan and Yang Cheng, who else is your family's enemy?"

Lu Haocheng's tone was very serious, and he looked at Han Yuxuan with sharp eyes.

Han Yuxuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it doesn't prevent him from interacting with Qiqi, everything is fine.

He looked at him calmly. What Uncle Lu said was the truth. After listening to him, he already knew about his father, and he didn't want to evade this question. After all, this was a past that his father could not erase.

"Uncle Lu, except for Li Shan and Yang Cheng, I recently withdrew my cooperation with the Mu family. I don't remember offending anyone else." He told the truth that he was also very worried about Qiqi's safety.

"The Mu family?" Apart from Mu Ziheng's family, Lu Haocheng didn't know anyone else with the surname Mu.

"Uncle Lu, it's the Mu family in the entertainment industry, Mu Hai."

Lu Haocheng nodded, "Mu Hai, I remember, I'll ask someone to check it later, get well soon, don't let my daughter worry about you all day long."

Han Yuxuan pursed his lips and smiled, Uncle Lu was not as scary as the rumors said.

What Han Yuxuan didn't know was that Lu Haocheng loved his house and his wife, and if something happened to Han Yuxuan, his daughter would also be saddened.

"Okay, Uncle Lu, I will get better soon."

"Yeah!" Lu Haocheng's expression improved a bit, and he called Mu Ziheng in front of Han Yuxuan.

"Ah Heng, look up Mu Hai's family in the entertainment industry."

Mu Ziheng: "I know, I am often asked to cooperate, but people are too blackened by greed, so I refused."

Lu Haocheng: "Check carefully, something happened to Qiqi, if it has something to do with their family, please tell me immediately."

Mu Ziheng was startled, "Ah, something happened to my daughter, why didn't you tell me?"

Lu Haocheng said with a sullen face, "What is your daughter? This is my daughter, and your daughter is Xiao Ruyi."

After Lu Haocheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Han Yuxuan pursed his lips slightly, saying that Lu Haocheng is a daughter-in-law who is obedient to his wife, this is true.

"Uncle Lu, don't worry, I will only love Qiqi in my life." He has always loved Qiqi in the first half of his life, and he will only love Qiqi in the second half of his life.

Lu Haocheng frowned, this was the last thing he wanted to hear.

He looked at Han Yuxuan angrily and strangely.

"You know that's the last thing I want to hear from you. I don't want my daughter to get married so early." Lu Haocheng said in a cold tone.

Han Yuxuan laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Don't laugh!" Lu Haocheng had a straight face, no father would be kind to a man who kidnapped his daughter.

Han Yuxuan quickly stopped smiling, and looked away guiltily.

He knew that Uncle Lu was reluctant to marry his daughter to him, but in the end he would not embarrass his precious daughter.

He loves his daughter so much that he can't say a harsh word to her, so he can only vent his anger on the person who abducted his daughter.

But he was willing to bear it, after all, he was the one who took away Uncle Lu's precious daughter.

"Uncle Lu, I can assure you that I will never do anything wrong to Qiqi in my life. Although such a promise is meaningless, time will tell. I have liked Qiqi since I was a child, and I have always liked Qiqi all these years. looking for her."

Lu Haocheng gave him a hard look.

Tell him to stop talking, but he still wants to talk.

His promises are of no use to him.

The atmosphere was serious and awkward, Han Yuxuan lay quietly without speaking.

And Lu Haocheng stood aside with a stern face. He didn't talk much in the first place, and now he had finished what he should say, and he didn't have anything to say.

At this moment, Lan Ziqi walked in and looked at her stern-faced father.

She glanced at Han Yuxuan on the bed again.

She said cautiously: "Dad, I'm back, and my mother said that the company has something to deal with, so I want you to go down quickly."

Lu Haocheng had a full view of his daughter's expression, his eyes were a little sour, and his daughter really wouldn't be Bajia when she grew up.

"Hmph!" He snorted softly, turned and left.

Lan Ziqi: "..." Dad is really a childish temper.

She looked at Han Yuxuan, "My father didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Han Yuxuan shook his head with a smile: "No, Qiqi."

Lan Ziqi was slightly relieved. She sat by the hospital bed and said with a smile, "Han Yuxuan, you must tell me if you feel uncomfortable. The place you hurt is your head, so you can't leave any sequelae."

Han Yuxuan smiled and blinked, her care was like sweet spring water nourishing his cold heart.

"Qiqi, it's okay. I'm fine now. As long as you stay with me, I'll be fine."

"Really." Lan Ziqi felt honored and looked at him with a smile.

"Really." Han Yuxuan held her hand tightly.

"Qiqi, I remember what you said." He looked at her quietly and gently.

Lan Ziqi blinked her beautiful eyes, a little confused: "What are you talking about?"

Han Yuxuan seemed to feel that he had the upper hand, and looked at her triumphantly: "You say, when I wake up, you will marry me, Qiqi, you must mean what you say."

(End of this chapter)

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