Chapter 2151 Always Missing

Chapter 2151: Always Missing

Lan Ziqi never dreamed that he would remember this incident. Wasn't he unconscious at the time?In order to make him wake up earlier, she said that.

But thinking about it again, he could remember what she said under such circumstances, and she felt very moved.

But this time she started to lose her temper again, and she didn't want to agree to him so soon, "Han Yuxuan, you must be dreaming."

Han Yuxuan's eyes darkened, and he felt very disappointed. He must not have done well enough, so Qiqi refused to agree to him.

He watched her silently, thinking that he must work harder after he was discharged from the hospital.

Lan Ziqi could see the loss and sadness in his eyes, she thumped his chest lightly, looked at the scar on his head, today his head was swollen badly, even his left eye was slightly swollen swelling.

But from waking up to now, he has been holding on.

"Han Yuxuan, does your head hurt?"

Han Yuxuan shook his head slightly. It was indeed painful after the anesthesia, but he didn't want her to worry.

It doesn't hurt to have her by his side.

Lan Ziqi said again: "Han Yuxuan, why are you so stupid? What should I do if you die?"

Han Yuxuan didn't know how to answer her question.

But he firmly believed in one thing, after he died, he wanted her to live happily in this world.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and smiled happily: "Qiqi, I'll be fine, didn't I tell you during the day? I haven't grown old with you yet, how can I be willing to leave you?"

Lan Ziqi was so touched that she died, and her eyes turned red again when she saw him.

"Han Yuxuan, you need to get better quickly. I won't agree to your proposal like this. I want a romantic proposal." With Han Yuxuan's conditions, it can be done.

If he couldn't do it, she wouldn't have such an unreasonable request.

Han Yuxuan smiled, with gentleness rippling between his brows, "Okay, Qiqi, I will get better soon, and I will definitely work hard to make you trust me more and let you marry me with peace of mind."

Lan Ziqi blushed, he often said this shamelessly, but she was very happy to hear it.

"Go to sleep for a while."

Han Yuxuan shook his head slightly and stared at her quietly: "Qiqi, I'm afraid you'll disappear when I wake up."

She didn't know that he had been looking for her for a long time these years, day after day, year after year, as soon as he heard about her, he immediately bought a plane ticket and followed her, but they always missed it.

The three of them don't often go back to Jiang City. During the Chinese New Year, most of them are Lu Haocheng and his wife who go abroad to accompany them, or they come back and leave after two or three days. He comes back and she leaves, always missing.

"Fool, how could it be? I've been here with you all the time, don't worry, I will be here with you tonight, you should rest quickly." Lan Ziqi could see his uneasiness, although he didn't know why So disturbed, but she looked distressed.

"Qiqi, what you say means what you say." Han Yuxuan smiled lightly. In fact, he was very tired, but he just kept holding on.

He slowly closed his eyes to rest, Lan Ziqi didn't leave, she held his hand tightly, giving him a sense of security.

When Yi Xinyu and Han Jin came, they saw this warm scene.

She and Han Jin looked at each other, and Han Jin smiled, "Xinyu, I remember that you stayed by my side like this when I was sick once."

Yi Xinyu gave him a blank look, didn't speak, and walked in with her things.

Han Jin touched his nose and followed in with a good feeling about himself.

When Lan Ziqi heard their voices, she also turned to look at them: "Uncle, Aunt, you are here."

Yi Xinyu smiled and said, "Qiqi, it's really hard work for you."

Lan Ziqi shook her head and said in a low voice, "Yuxuan woke up for a while, and fell asleep after dinner. Uncle Su said that there is nothing serious, and he can be discharged after a week of hospitalization."

"That's really great." Yi Xinyu cried with joy, her son is her spiritual support, as long as her son is fine, she will be energetic in everything she does.

"Qiqi, go and have a rest, I'll stay with Yuxuan." Yi Xinyu saw her working so hard to take care of her son, it was very hard.

Lan Ziqi shook her head: "Auntie, Yuxuan is very disturbed. I stayed to take care of him. He was unwilling to sleep when I let him sleep just now. He said he was afraid that I would disappear when he woke up. He is very fragile at this moment. It's better around you."

Lan Ziqi told the truth.

Yi Xinyu is just a little embarrassed to make her work so hard, she has this heart, and she is also very happy.

After all, she and Yuxuan are not married yet, so she is really embarrassed to trouble her like this.

"Qiqi, it's really hard work for you. Yuxuan must be very happy to have you in the future." Yi Xinyu wiped the tears from her face.

The child was calmer than she had imagined.

It's not that she has never seen the eldest lady, who is arrogant and difficult to serve, but Qiqi is different, gentle and polite, with excellent tutoring, and a gentle personality like her mother, she likes it very much.

"Auntie, it's okay, it's not hard, and I hope Yuxuan will get better soon." Lan Ziqi looked shy, watching her rest for an afternoon, and her spirit has improved a lot, and her face is not as pale as before.

Han Yuxuan fell into a deep sleep, Lan Ziqi didn't even frown when talking to Yi Xinyu, so it was obvious that he was in a deep sleep.

Han Jin and his wife stayed until after nine o'clock in the evening, Lan Ziqi advised them to go home and rest, she took care of Han Yuxuan here.

Yi Xinyu watched her persevere, and went home with Han Jin.

Han Jin is very grateful to Lan Ziqi, after all, the relationship between him and Yi Xinyu is very tense now.

There are two beds in the ward. Han Yuxuan is fine tonight, so there is no need to keep watch over him. At twelve o'clock at night, Lan Ziqi saw that Han Yuxuan was sleeping soundly. She was also a little sleepy, so she went to the bathroom to wash up casually. After a while, lie down and sleep on the other side of the hospital bed.

This time she slept very deeply, she felt that she had dreamed, but she couldn't remember what was in the dream.

I always feel like I'm with Han Yuxuan, but I don't remember what we did together.

When she woke up, she was still dazed.

Turning his head, he saw a pair of black gem-like eyes looking at her quietly.

She sat up suddenly: "Han Yuxuan, you're awake."

This person is really, how embarrassed she is to look at her like this after waking up.

Han Yuxuan smiled. It was still six o'clock in the morning when he woke up, and the light in the ward was very dim, but he was no longer sleepy, and his head didn't hurt like yesterday.

Su Chen's medical skills are already well-known in Jiang City, and the operation speed is also the fastest. If he were in other hospitals, he might not have woken up yet.

"Qiqi, did you sleep well?" He asked with a smile. He saw her as soon as he woke up. He was very happy and couldn't bear to sleep. Just looking at her quietly like this, he found that no matter how much he looked at her, he couldn't get enough of it.

(End of this chapter)

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