Chapter 2152
Chapter 2152: The Cocoon
Lan Ziqi looked at him, "What about you? Did you sleep well? I slept well."

"I slept well too, I just miss you!" Han Yuxuan expressed his miss for her all the time.

Lan Ziqi's face turned red again.

"You are so bad, you still tease me while lying on the hospital bed." Lan Ziqi lifted the quilt and got out of bed to put on slippers, but her beautiful eyes were full of liking.

Han Yuxuan smiled and looked at her without speaking.

As the saying goes, men are not bad, women do not love!
He, Han Yuxuan, only treats her badly.

He looked at her angry back and couldn't help smiling.

When I was in a bad mood, I missed her crazily at night.

How he wished that his white moonlight would suddenly appear in front of him when he was most helpless.

Give him a little encouragement, give him a little hope, when he knows it's impossible.

He could only survive by looking at her photos every time, he thought, there is nothing that cannot be overcome, and there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

They missed it so many times, maybe they were preparing for a better ending, and it turned out that his persistence for so many years was right.

After Lan Ziqi washed up, she came out with hot water, wiped Han Yuxuan's face, and asked him to rinse his mouth before she poured him a cup of hot water and let him finish it slowly.

He has finished his injections, and he will come to get today's injections after he goes to work at [-] o'clock in the morning.

After drinking a glass of water, he got out of bed and moved freely.

Aside from some soreness in his body and heaviness in his head, he didn't feel any discomfort elsewhere.

Lan Ziqi worriedly looked at his figure walking around. The towels on his face had already been worn a lot, and his face was not as swollen as yesterday. He was still so handsome and clean, "Han Yuxuan, if you don't feel well, you can sit down." take a break."

Han Yuxuan continued walking, and said, "Qiqi, just let me exercise for a while, I've been lying down for too long, my whole body is sore."

Lan Ziqi stopped talking.

"Then you walk slowly, I'll buy you breakfast." Lan Ziqi tied her hair into a ponytail and put her shoulder bag on her back, looking at him and said.

"Okay." He didn't know if his mother would come over this morning. There was a younger brother who was a high school student at home, and his mother seemed to be very busy every day.

Lan Ziqi walked to the door and said, "Auntie may come later. My mother has an early meeting this morning, so I don't have time to make breakfast. I'll go out and buy you something delicious. You just wait obediently in the ward."

"Obey, my wife!" Han Yuxuan looked at her casually with a smile on his face.

Lan Ziqi glared at him fiercely, her face was hot and panicked: "What are you yelling? Who is your wife?" She ran out happily, with brisk steps.

Han Yuxuan watched as his smile gradually expanded.

Sooner or later!

Han Yuxuan wasn't so thick-skinned in the beginning, but men are like this, once they get a little bit of sweetness, they push for more. Once they get a kiss, they want more.

He naturally wanted more.

What Bai Mo said was right, when chasing girls, one has to be thick-skinned.

After walking for a while, he returned to the hospital bed and leaned against the head of the bed. Thinking of what Lu Haocheng said yesterday, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Bai Mo's cell phone number.

The connection was quickly made over there: "Yuxuan, you're awake."

Bai Mo's voice is very excited, can he not be excited?Han Yuxuan is his God of Wealth, so nothing will happen to him.

"Well, go check things out." Han Yuxuan told Bai Mo all his doubts.

Bai Mo: "Yuxuan, don't worry about recovering from your injuries. I'll investigate now."

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuxuan felt much relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up his mobile phone and looked up the style of the diamond ring on the Internet. Qiqi wanted a romantic marriage proposal, and he already knew how to do it.

He wanted to bring the best in the world to her in front of her.

Therefore, after he is discharged from the hospital, he will work harder to make money.

After Lan Ziqi left the hospital, she received a message from her mother, telling her that there was a very good restaurant opposite the hospital and asked her to buy breakfast there.

After Lan Ziqi thanked her mother, she walked towards the restaurant.

After walking a few steps, she saw Mu Lan standing not far away. Compared with the previous few days, Mu Lan looked more haggard today than some time ago.

Messy hair, empty eyes, yellowish skin, chapped lips, does she seem to be much older?

Lan Ziqi paused, she didn't want to see Mu Lan very much, but Mu Lan always appeared in front of her.

Lan Ziqi didn't want to pay any attention to her, she brushed past Mu Lan as if she hadn't seen Mu Lan.

"Lan Ziqi." Mu Lan suddenly stopped her, her voice hoarse and cold.

Lan Ziqi stopped, but didn't turn around to look at her.

Mu Lan turned to look at her, and she turned to look at Mu Lan.

"Lan Ziqi, my family went bankrupt. I checked, and it wasn't Han Yuxuan who did it, so you did it?" Mu Lan stared at her intently, as if she wanted to see something on her face.

It's a pity that Lan Ziqi's face was calm, without any emotional ups and downs, and the bankruptcy of the Mu family seemed to be as she expected.

She remembered what Lan Ziqi once said to her, telling her not to mess with her.

She didn't pay attention to this at the time, but now that she thinks about it, she feels something is wrong.

Han Yuxuan had an accident, but he was placed in a hospital under the name of the Lu Group, and it was also a special high-end VIP ward.

This is not something ordinary people can afford to live in. If you have money, you have to have connections.

As far as she knows, the relationship between the Han family and the Lu family is not very good?
Lan Ziqi stayed with Han Yuxuan all night, so she really didn't know about the bankruptcy of the Mu family overnight.

It seems that Dad has already started.

She sneered, "Then it depends on what you have done?"

Mu Lan trembled, and looked at her intently, "So, why didn't you die? It was Han Yuxuan who was injured, Han Yuxuan is so stupid!"

But she was so damn envious that Han Yuxuan actually died for Lan Ziqi.

At the critical moment, Han Yuxuan pushed Lan Ziqi away with his best strength.

Lan Ziqi was just scratched, how could she be reconciled to this?
"You are indeed involved in this conspiracy." Lan Ziqi looked at her with extremely cold eyes, and couldn't help but slap Mu Lan on the face.


Mu Lan felt a blur in front of her eyes, and when she saw clearly again, it was Lan Ziqi's angry and beautiful face.

"Mu Lan, I have seen many vicious people, but I have never seen such a vicious person like you. You are also a person who has studied abroad. Everyone has a heart of love, but you must also know how to advance and retreat. Don't end your youth in a way that can't bloom. Human life is short. In a hasty life, it's better to manage well. All your misfortunes now come from all your greed. You are trapped in a cocoon. No one can blame anyone." Lan Ziqi's every word was heartbroken, and the breath of anger spread around.

(End of this chapter)

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