Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2154 No one can live without anyone 1

Chapter 2154 No one can live without anyone 1
Chapter 2154: No one can do without anyone 1
Han Yuxuan picked it up instinctively, staring blankly at the bloodstains and food all over the floor in the distance.

It was Bai Mo who called, "Yuxuan, it's not good. The Mu family went bankrupt overnight because of loan sharks. You are worried about Mu Lan. She will think that the Lu family did it with you. She has a strong desire for revenge."

Han Yuxuan stared blankly at the pool of blood, it was still bright red, so the people around said that the woman he just bumped into was Qiqi.

In the distance are her off-white shoulder bag and her cell phone with five flowers.

At the same time, today's morning news was played on a huge screen on the wall of the hospital not far away.

It was news that Muhai Company went bankrupt overnight because of bank loans and private usury loans years ago, which resulted in a broken capital chain.

Mu Lan also saw it. She looked at the situation of Mu Hai Company described by the beautiful host in disbelief.

"No, it's not like this, it's not like this..." Mu Lan fell into madness and fear completely.

She always thought that Lan Ziqi and Han Yuxuan did it, so she launched the craziest revenge and made them pay the heaviest price.

But what she heard now, their family went bankrupt because of bank loans.

Han Yuxuan finally came back to his senses, he walked towards Mu Lan with empty eyes, and looked down at her.

Mu Lan suddenly stopped her frenzied actions, raised her eyes to look at Han Yuxuan with a terrifying face, cold and dark eyes, full lips pursed into a straight line, sharp and terrifying, Mu Lan had never seen such a terrifying Han Yuxuan, his whole body was full of cruelty gas.

"Pa..." He slapped Mu Lan hard on the face with all his might.

Heart-piercing voice: "Qiqi has something to do, I will make your life worse than death."

After finishing speaking, she turned around, picked up Lan Ziqi's bag and mobile phone, and hurried to the emergency room regardless of her injured body.

Mu Lan's ears were buzzing from his slap, and she couldn't hear a word of what the people around her said, and bright red blood flowed from her ears and nose, which was shocking.

Mu Lan's mind was blank, only the severe pain made her feel overwhelmed.

Han Yuxuan inquired about Lan Ziqi's news in the emergency room, asked around like crazy, and finally found out that Lan Ziqi was sent to the operating room.

He went straight to the operating room on the fifth floor, and seeing the words "in operation", he knelt on the ground weakly, staring at the door of the operating room with pain in his heart.

Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin also rushed over as quickly as possible.

Seeing Han Yuxuan who was half kneeling on the ground, Lu Haocheng was full of anger, walked over and slapped him on the face.

"Slap..." Han Yuxuan didn't shy away from it, and took Lu Haocheng's slap firmly.

"Han Yuxuan, if something happens to Qiqi, I will let all of you be buried with her."

Lu Haocheng was really angry, his breath was out of breath, he hadn't been angry like this for many years, his face was flushed, and his eyes turned black with anger.

Han Yuxuan stared at the door of the operating room. If Qiqi had something to do, he would not live alone.

Lan Xin didn't say anything, she stood quietly and waited, her hands tightly grasping the strap of her bag, after many years, she experienced this kind of thing again.

For a while, none of the three people outside the operating room spoke.

Lu Haocheng hugged Lan Xin tightly, giving each other strength.

Han Yuxuan kept the same posture and kept guarding the door.

Lan Xin looked at Han Yuxuan, he was the boy her daughter liked, if there was something wrong with her body, Qiqi would not feel relieved if she knew about it.

She walked over to help Han Yuxuan.

But Han Yuxuan didn't move, as if he didn't know that Lan Xin was helping him.

The whole person shielded everything around him, only the closed door was in his eyes, and the person lying in the operating room was in his heart.


Lan Xin yelled again, Han Yuxuan glanced at her indifferently, his eyes were empty, like a small beast falling into the abyss, unable to see a ray of light.

Lan Xin understood this look very well, Han Yuxuan really liked Qiqi.

Qiqi is a light in his life, once that light disappears, he will also perish.

Lan Xin couldn't help crying, and choked up: "Yuxuan, get up, you are still weak now, cheer up, Qiqi doesn't want to see you like this." They are all in pain, but they still have to be strong , Waiting for Kiki to get better.

Han Yuxuan couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lan Xin froze for a moment, and tightened her hand holding him tightly.

"Auntie, will Qiqi be okay?" If it is possible, it is enough for him to bear this kind of suffering. Qiqi is very kind, why did fate let her have such an accident.

Lan Xin felt a severe pain in her heart, and then she looked at him with a calm tone: "Qiqi will be fine, she is my daughter, she has been very strong since she was a child."

"Yeah, Qiqi will be fine." After Han Yuxuan said something to himself, he stood up slowly, his vision suddenly darkened, and he staggered a few steps back.

Lu Haocheng who was standing aside couldn't bear it after all, he quickly supported her and said angrily, "Sit aside and wait."

"Yes, Uncle Lu."

Lu Haocheng saw the blood on the corner of his mouth, so he narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips and looked away.

Four and ten minutes later, the door of the operating room finally opened.

Su Chen was the first to walk out of the operating room.

Han Yuxuan was the first to rush to Su Chen, his anxious and dry voice was fast, "Doctor Su, how is Qiqi?"

Su Chen glanced at him, then at Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin.

"Qiqi was seriously injured, with intracranial hemorrhage, and the bone on her left leg was cracked. Whether she can wake up or not depends on Qiqi's fortune."

Su Chen was also very sad that such a beautiful and kind Qiqi would encounter such a thing.

Lu Haocheng's tall figure fell down on the stool, Lan Xin's eyes darkened, and she slumped on the ground.

"Bang..." Han Yuxuan fell straight to the ground.

"Han Yuxuan, Han Yuxuan." Su Chen shouted worriedly.

Another wave of rescue began in an instant.


After three days and three nights.

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the sun shone through the window, and the warm sun reflected the handsome men and women on the hospital bed.

The ward was full of people.

Lu Haocheng's family and Han Yuxuan's family.

Su Chen looked at the two of them, feeling quite helpless, "These two children may really love each other, and no one can do without the other. If we separate them, their blood pressure will drop, and their heart rate will also change greatly. Now In one ward, everything is normal. It's really strange." This was also the first time Su encountered such a situation.

He has been busy rescuing the two children for three days and three nights, and he is also very tired.

Han Yuxuan's injuries were not serious, but the excessive stimulation accelerated the deterioration of his wounds, causing him to be unable to wake up from sleep.

Lan Xin looked at her daughter's face as pale as snow. She had cried countless times in the past three days and three nights, but her daughter didn't even move a finger.

Lu Haocheng closed his eyes and went out with Lan Xin in his arms, not wanting to see his daughter's lifeless appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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