Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2155 No one can live without anyone 2

Chapter 2155 No one can live without anyone 2
Chapter 2155: No one can do without anyone 2
When she arrived outside the ward, Lan Xin's steps were a little weak, if Lu Haocheng hadn't supported her, she would have already sat on the ground.

"Lanlan, it's okay, don't be too sad, Qiqi will wake up soon." Lu Haocheng comforted her with red eyes, and also comforted himself.

He has always loved his daughter dearly, but now that something like this happened, his heart aches but he cannot fall down.

Lan Xin looked at him with a pale face: "Don't tell Xiaojun and Ranran, I didn't tell Zimo and the others. To my father and mother, I only told Qiqi that she was on a business trip, there was an art exhibition, and she would not come back for a long time."

Lu Haocheng looked at her and nodded, with a calm expression: "I see, Lanlan, sit down and rest for a while."

Lan Xin took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the stool beside her. After sitting for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief before she said, "I want to meet that woman named Mu Lan."

After knowing what happened, Lan Xin was even more sad. When she was young, she also encountered these things. She thought that her daughter's relationship would be smoother, but she was wrong, her daughter also worked so hard!

"Okay, I'm still in the situation. I'll take you to see her in a while." I'm just afraid that Lanlan will be frightened. After the woman was slapped by Han Yuxuan, she has ear problems, retinal detachment, swollen eyes, and cheeks. The stuffing, coupled with the serious blow to the heart, the whole person looks terrible.

After killing his daughter like this, he would naturally let her spend the rest of her life in prison.

After Lan Xin sat for a while, her mood improved a lot, so Lu Haocheng took her away.

Han Jin's family had no face to see Lu Haocheng and his wife because of Mu Lan's incident.

After waiting for Su Chen to leave the ward, Han Jin said, "Yuyu, now that the children are like this, the company can't do without me. You should pay more attention to the things here. After you've been busy for a while, we'll wait for Yuxuan and Future daughter-in-law wake up."

Only when Yuxuan treats Lan Ziqi with sincerity in the future can he be worthy of Lan Ziqi's unforeseen misfortune.

Yi Xinyu nodded with tears in her eyes, looked at him, and now she was not in the mood to worry about the past with him: "Go and do your work, I will take good care of the children."

Mulan is a poisonous woman, she hopes that she will live in sin all her life.

Police station, in a separate room.

Lan Xin looked at the girl sitting opposite, her face was like a zombie in the apocalypse in a horror movie, it was terrifying, she froze for a moment, clenched her fists, and looked at her angrily.

Knowing that it's useless to come here, and her daughter won't be able to wake up, Lan Xin just doesn't want to be reconciled, and wants to see what kind of woman is so vicious.

"Who are you?" Mu Lan only had one eye to see, and she felt that Mrs. Mei in front of her was very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Lan Xin!" Lan Xin said two words coldly.

Mu Lan froze for a moment, seeming to remember, Lan Xin, Lu Haocheng's wife, the wife of the president of the Lu Group that everyone in Jiang City envied.

"What do you want from me?" Mu Lan vaguely guessed something, and her heart was even colder.

She regretted hitting Lan Ziqi with her car. If she hadn't hit Lan Ziqi, there would be no evidence for what happened to Han Yuxuan, and her life could start all over again.

But now, it seems that it will never be possible.

"Qiqi is my daughter. I am very satisfied to see that you are neither human nor ghost." Lan Xin looked at her expressionlessly, her voice was very cold, without any pity, even with a deep sense of pity. hatred.

The child was her life, and what she did was like stabbing a knife in her chest.

Mu Lan's body trembled like a sieve, guessing it herself and telling her herself were two different things.

It turns out that Lan Ziqi is Lu Ziqi, a real wealthy family, a real eldest lady, and every time she sees Lan Ziqi, she can't help being sarcastic. Now that I think about it, she is really ridiculous. In his eyes, he looked like a clown.

Lan Ziqi, whom she looked down upon, was beyond her reach.

The light was a bit dazzling, sweat mixed with tears, Mu Lan felt her face hurt even more, she didn't know what happened to her face, one eye was blind, and her ears were buzzing, it was very uncomfortable every day, it made her feel better want to die.

But at this moment, she still couldn't help but want to beg Lan Xin, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L K L L I KNOW WRONG , but Lan Xin sitting here, it is true that Lan Ziqi's situation is not optimistic.

Lan Xin stood up abruptly and looked at her: "Stay here well, and atone for your jealousy."

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she turned and left.

It wasn't until the iron door was slammed open that she burst into tears.

What she regretted most in her life was not falling in love with Han Yuxuan, but meeting Lan Ziqi.

Because she was jealous of this woman, because she was not reconciled, she ruined her whole life.

Even if you regret it, you can't do it again.


Lan Xin returned to the car with a very bad complexion. Lu Haocheng hugged her and saw that her complexion improved a lot before he drove away.

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the road, Lan Xin felt extremely uncomfortable.

The way her daughter was lying on the bed made her feel anxious and painful all the time.

"Ah Cheng, let's go to Yuande Square."

"Okay!" Lu Haocheng turned the car around at the red light intersection and drove towards Yuande Square.

He didn't ask her what she was going to do, but he was with her whatever she wanted.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Haocheng parked the car, took Lan Xin's hand and walked towards the center of Yuande Square. There was a fountain inside, a statue of a lotus in the middle, and a statue of a goddess standing on it. The fountain and the statue complemented each other, filling the surroundings with Mystique.

Pigeons kept falling and flying away around. There were many people and the atmosphere was very active.

Here is a wishing pool, the center of the fountain can throw coins.

Couples passing by here will take each other to the wishing pool to make a wish, and after making a wish, they will leave with a smile on their faces.

Lan Xin took out two coins from her bag, put the two coins together in her palms, bowed her head, closed her eyes and made a wish.

Her wish was simple, she hoped that she and her daughter and Han Yuxuan could wake up early.

After making a wish, Lan Xin tossed the two coins into the center of the fountain.

Under the sun, the two coins shone brightly, and there seemed to be a "ding" across the air.

It seems to be responding to Lan Xin's wish.

It is often said that a kind person is like a bright light, which not only illuminates the people around him, but also warms himself. Kindness does not need to be instilled or forced, but can only infect and spread to each other, and it can bring good luck to those around us. .

Over the years, she and Lu Haocheng have done a lot of good deeds and helped many people in need.

She hoped that all the blessings she and Ah Cheng had accumulated would be given to her daughter and Han Yuxuan so that they could wake up quickly.

Lan Xin looked at the two coins lying quietly in the water. Although it was useless to do so, it also placed a hope.

(End of this chapter)

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