Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2156 No one can live without anyone 3

Chapter 2156 No one can live without anyone 3
Chapter 2156: No one can do without anyone 3
After leaving the wishing pool, Lan Xin wanted to take a walk around. There was a stagnant anger in her heart that could not be dissipated. She wanted to take a walk to relieve her mood.

Lu Haocheng silently accompanied her.

Walking to the side of the square, there was an old woman with white hair sitting on the ground selling roses. Lan Xin saw that she was getting old and there were not many roses left, so she walked by, squatted down, and asked, "Grandma, what are you doing?" How much is the rose, I want it."

The weather is very hot, and older people are prone to heatstroke. Qiqi likes roses, and she wants to buy them and take them to the ward for Qiqi.

The mother-in-law looked at her and smiled, Lan Xin only felt that she was very kind, especially when she smiled.

"Nine yuan and nine flowers, here are 99 flowers, buy them back and give them to your daughter, it will bring good luck."

Lan Xin's pupils trembled at her mother-in-law's words, and she nodded, "Okay, thank you mother-in-law!"

"Well, no thanks, kind people have their own blessings." After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she signaled Lan Xin to take the rose away.

Lu Haocheng took a step forward and hugged 99 roses, which is a bit much, but his hands are long, but it is not difficult to hug them.

The mother-in-law looked at Lu Haocheng and smiled, she was also very kind.

After Lan Xin paid, the old lady got up tremblingly, took out a red brocade box from the bag beside her and handed it to Lan Xin.

Lan Xin looked at her puzzled: "Grandmother, what is this?"

The mother-in-law smiled and said, "Take it back and give it to your daughter."

Lan Xin was taken aback, the mother-in-law spoke strangely, as if she knew something was wrong with her daughter.

The mother-in-law looked at the doubt in her eyes and smiled, "You are a lucky person. You are born good-looking, and you look kind. If you are destined for me, I will give it to you. I hope you will bring good luck to your daughter."

Lan Xin blinked her eyes, but did not pick up the brocade box from her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law was not in a hurry, and waited quietly for her.

After a long while, Lan Xin reached for the brocade box in her mother-in-law's hand with slightly trembling hands.

The mother-in-law turned around and pulled up the small cart beside her, gradually blending into the crowd.

Lan Xin stared blankly at the direction her mother-in-law was leaving, her slightly hunched back gradually disappeared into the crowd, feeling that she was ethereal and far away.

Lu Haocheng also looked at her back, for a moment, something seemed to flash in his mind.

"Lanlan, do you still remember the year when my accident happened?"

Lan Xin looked back at him without saying a word.

"That year, I didn't wake up, but at night, I could see you sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows crying, and I was by your side. In the dream, there was occasionally a blurred back."

Lan Xin opened her mouth in surprise, "Do you mean that she resembles the mother-in-law who left just now?"

Lu Haocheng shook his head slightly: "I don't know, but the back is very similar." It seemed that she didn't exist, if he didn't see this mother-in-law, he wouldn't be able to remember it at all.

Lan Xin thought for a while, feeling a little strange, and looked at him, "Let's go, go to the hospital." Now she desperately wanted to see her daughter.

"Yeah!" Lu Haocheng led her towards the car.

Lan Xin held the red brocade box in her hand, but didn't open it.

The two returned to the hospital, but there was no one in the ward, Lan Xin asked Lu Haocheng to put the rose on the table beside him.

Lan Xin is not afraid to bump into Yi Xinyu, the children of both families are like this, quarreling can't solve the problem, I can only hope that the children will wake up soon.

After Lu Haocheng put the roses away, he said, "Lanlan, I'll get someone to deliver lunch."

"Okay!" Lan Xin didn't look at him, but just nodded, looking down at the brocade box in her hand.

Lu Haocheng glanced at his daughter, sighed silently, turned and left the ward.

Lan Xin gently opened the brocade box, inside was a pair of very beautiful pair of rings, the women's ring was engraved with roses, and the men's ring was engraved with jungle.

I don't know what kind of material the ring is made of, but it is very beautiful, light and delicate.

Lan Xin suddenly raised her eyes to look at her daughter and Han Yuxuan, and at their hands outside the quilt.

As if thinking of something, roses can grow, bloom, run amok, and be beautiful in the jungle, and the jungle is boundless, giving roses the warmest and most domineering embrace.

Lan Xin smiled, she seemed to understand what the old lady meant, first she put the men's ring on Han Yuxuan, but unexpectedly it was surprisingly suitable, as if it was specially customized for Han Yuxuan.

Lan Xin took her daughter's hand again, and slowly put on the ring for her, which was also very suitable.

Her daughter's hand was slender and beautiful. After wearing this ring, it became even more beautiful. I don't know what material it is, but it exudes a faint and bright light, as if there is some traction.

Lan Xin looked at Han Yuxuan, his face was swollen, his shaved hair showed stubble, he was still handsome, no wonder his daughter liked him so much.

Her tone was very loving, "Yuxuan, I entrust you to take care of the most precious daughter in my life. You must take good care of Qiqi and don't let auntie down."

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she looked at her daughter again, "Qiqi, did you hear what mom said? Mom agreed to marry Yuxuan, and we will hold a wedding ceremony for you when you wake up, okay?"

After Lan Xin finished speaking, the two people on the bed remained silent.

But Lan Xin still enjoys talking to them.

Talking about some things between her and Lu Haocheng when she was young, and why Lu Haocheng was so domineering, she complained quite a bit, but was very happy.

He also talked a lot about work.

Every day, Lan Xin and Yi Xinyu alternately read to Lan Ziqi and Han Yuxuan.

Read the books they like.

People would come to see them every day. After learning about Lan Ziqi's accident, Le Jinyan ran into the ward and cried for a long time.

After that, I would try my best to come over and talk to Lan Ziqi every day.

People in the ward came and went, but the couple lying on the bed hadn't woken up yet.

Day after day, when the first snow in winter came, the cold wind was blowing slightly, and the surrounding area was white. This winter snow fell very gently.

Lan Ziqi felt like she had a long, long dream. In the dream, Han Yuxuan was looking for her everywhere. In the dream, she saw Han Yuxuan writing in his diary every day.

On the first day Kiki left, I missed her, missed her.

On the second day after Qiqi left, she missed her, missed her very much.

On the third day after Qiqi left, I had a quarrel with my classmates, but there was no Qiqi to defend me anymore.

On the 380th, [-]th day of Kiki's departure, I'm finally full, I can fall in love, I can go to Kiki...

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are changing, the seasons are changing, the only thing that does not change is the person who wrote the diary, day after day, year after year, following in her footsteps.

She saw them miss countless times, sometimes he came back and she left.

Sometimes she just left and he just arrived, and they missed each other because they went in the wrong direction.

She also saw Han Yuxuan when he was a child, working hard to change himself, and also saw him grow up alone.

(End of this chapter)

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