Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2157 The crowd is waiting for you to come to me 1

Chapter 2157 The crowd is waiting for you to come to me 1
Chapter 2157: The crowd is waiting for you to come to me 1
Seeing this, Lan Ziqi felt her heart ache. It turned out that Han Yuxuan had had a hard time during the past few years when she went abroad.

Whenever he had time, he looked for her everywhere, and he never tired of looking for her.

At night, in the dead of night, she saw him standing by the window looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside the window. She ran over happily, but heard Han Yuxuan whisper: "Qiqi, where are you?" With deep thoughts.

"Han Yuxuan." Lan Ziqi stood behind Han Yuxuan and called him, "Han Yuxuan, I'm behind you, you can see me when you turn around."

But no matter how she called, the man in front of her didn't respond to her, he was still so sad and lonely.

She stood quietly behind him and accompanied him until dawn. After he took a bath, he changed into a well-tailored black suit, picked up the car keys and mobile phone on the table and went out.

Lan Ziqi went out again and saw that Han Yuxuan was talking about cooperation with a company. Unfortunately, Han Yuxuan's well-prepared plan was not appreciated by the other party, but Han Yuxuan was not discouraged, but packed up his mood and went to the next company.

One day he went to more than a dozen companies, but no company was willing to cooperate with him.

Lan Ziqi followed Han Yuxuan for more than a month. At the end of the month, he finally found a company willing to cooperate with him.

After he signed the contract, he was overwhelmed with joy. He smiled gently at her photo, "Qiqi, have you seen it? I've been working hard."

Lan Ziqi nodded behind him with tears in her eyes, "Han Yuxuan, I have seen it, I have seen you working so hard, I have seen your hard work and loneliness."

But Han Yuxuan still couldn't respond to him.

She watched Han Yuxuan writing plans day and night, seeking cooperation everywhere, being humiliated and ridiculed by others, but he never flinched, and when he was angry or sad, he would murmur to her picture Talking to herself, after a few minutes, she regained her confidence and started running around again. A year later, his career finally improved.


She was very happy to see Han Yuxuan, but she could only look at her photos and share this joy with her.

Lan Ziqi felt sad and wanted to share it with him, but Lan Ziqi couldn't see her.

She could feel the passing of time day by day, she could feel her mother's heartbroken calling, she could feel her father's painful voice telling her to wake up quickly, calling for his little princess one after another.

She wanted to respond to her mother, and wanted her father not to suffer so much. She was fine, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

Lan Ziqi was in incomparable pain, she often shuttled through the crowds, watching the seasons change, she could always see Han Yuxuan, but Han Yuxuan never responded to her.

She saw that there were many girls who liked Han Yuxuan, and she often gave Han Yuxuan gifts, but Han Yuxuan refused with a sullen face: "I'm sorry, I already like the girl again, she is very beautiful, and she is a talented painter."

When Han Yuxuan said this, his eyes were very gentle, and his tone was also very gentle.

Lan Ziqi knew that she was talking about her, and looked at Han Yuxuan with crooked eyes while smiling.

Soon, it was time for her to return home.

She has been abroad for a long time, and she suddenly wants to go back to China and return to her parents. Thinking about all these years, she has only cared about her dreams and did not accompany her parents well. She feels very guilty. The two brothers did not return to China. She has to go back too.

The night she decided to go back to China, she called her father and mother. They were very happy and even wanted to fly to pick her up.

At that time, she realized that her parents hoped that they could be by their side all these years.

Although there are three younger brothers in the family, parents will miss their children.

It has always been the wish of parents to grow up with them.

It's just that they have been busy living the life they want abroad for their dreams.

Lan Ziqi thought, people can't be so selfish in this world, they have worried their parents for more than ten years, it's time to go back.

She returned to China, thinking of her grandfather's wish, after returning to China, she asked her father for help, found a suitable place as a school, and started to develop her career.

Holding art exhibitions, opening a gallery, and then accepting some jobs related to acting props and costumes. In this way, a year passed by in a hurry.

On the second day after she broke up in love, she met Han Yuxuan whom she hadn't seen for many years. At first glance, she didn't recognize Han Yuxuan.

But that one glance is enough to look at ten thousand years. The man in front of her is really handsome. He is the most handsome and handsome man she has ever seen except for her two brothers. He is noble, elegant, and polite. Very comfortable.

When she got here, Lan Ziqi stood in the private room, looking at a pair of people sitting in the private room, she realized that as long as she turned around, that person was right behind her.

In the vast sea of ​​people, there is a person who is worried about her, and there is a person who loves her in the most tender way.

She remembered that when Han Yuxuan and her missed each other, he said a word in disappointment: "Qiqi, I hope that you will be safe and smooth everywhere in the world! I will wait for you to come to me in the crowd."

Lan Ziqi looked at the man across from her and smiled, and said affectionately, "Han Yuxuan, I hope everything in the world will be smooth and safe! I am waiting for you to come to me in the crowd."


Han Yuxuan was in a bad mood today. It was his first long journey to find his girl. Unfortunately, Qiqi had just left in a car. When he chased her out, the rear of the car just disappeared from his eyes.

He was depressed, he really wanted to see his girl again, he hadn't seen Kiki in so long, and he was going crazy thinking about her.

Time flies, time flies, in a white building, decorated in European style, there are crowds of people coming and going, in the crowd, he saw his girl at a glance, wearing a black dress, making her tall and bumpy The fine figure is displayed vividly.

She wears her hair high, wears delicate makeup, chats with people around her in fluent English, and handles every move calmly and with ease.

He could see the eyes of the opposite sex around her were glued to her opening and closing mouth, he was jealous and angry, and when he wanted to beat up those men, the scene changed again.

He was a little surprised, was he dreaming?Why is there such a situation?
However, he liked this change very much, because he saw his girl returned home, she seemed tired after a busy day.

The first thing I do when I get home is to take a shower, take off my high heels, take off my elegant dress, put on a pink sweater, and dress casually, pure and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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