Chapter 2161 One Year Covenant 2
Chapter 2161: One year appointment 2
Han Yuxuan quickly took Lan Ziqi into his arms, and whispered softly in her ear: "Qiqi, I didn't expect even God to help us. If I have the opportunity to meet that mother-in-law, I will definitely thank you very much." she."

Lan Ziqi smiled and nodded, her thin bangs brushed lightly on her forehead, and her smile gradually deepened: "I'm afraid we don't have that blessing, my mother has always been blessed, she has suffered a lot, and she has also had a lot of luck." .”

Han Yuxuan looked down at her with tenderness in his eyes: "Qiqi, we are also very lucky. Qiqi, please take me out for a walk. This place is very big and luxurious, but many people can't live in a house in their entire lives. .”

A wise man chooses water to live in!

One village hides ancient and modern times, and one garden looks at the world.

Qiqi's grandfather chose to live here, and I heard that Feng Shui is very good.

Lan Ziqi smiled and said: "Okay, my grandparents are asleep at this time, otherwise let my grandpa tell you about the feng shui here, my grandpa understands best. But there will be opportunities in the future."

Han Yuxuan also knew that Yi Tianqi was an amazing person. Over the years, the Lu Group's industries spread all over the world, and it really flourished, and the Lu Group grew stronger and stronger.

"Let's go, let's go to the back of the villa. My grandpa and grandma live in the backyard. They are old, they like to be quiet, and they like to farm. In the open space in the backyard, they grow a lot of vegetables, including tomatoes, leeks, and mint at home. , green onions, coriander, these are all grown by themselves, all natural."

Lan Ziqi introduced while walking.

On the walls of the home, there are paintings he carefully painted.

The idyllic landscape is lifelike, and the charm and customs show the world.

After leaving the first floor, turn left and you will see the backyard, swimming pool, and viewing platform. Even though it is covered by heavy snow, the garden is still very spectacular.

Stop once, linger for a lifetime.

Han Yuxuan was very surprised by this design, every building seemed to be carefully designed.

"Han Yuxuan, in summer, there are many flowers blooming together in the garden. It is very beautiful. I actually like this place very much. This is a superimposed villa. After my mother gave birth to three younger brothers, three more villas were built in the back row. It was also designed by my grandfather himself. My villa is on the far side. My grandfather told me that it is the most suitable place for me to live. After I get married, I can move to live in that villa. It is a small three-story building with a unit type. Very nice, but not renovated yet.”

"The Lu family gives every child the greatest freedom."

Han Yuxuan looked at her nervously, "Qiqi, do you plan to live here after we get married?"

Lan Ziqi smiled and asked him, "Don't you like this place?"

"Qiqi, will I become a door-to-door son-in-law?" Han Yuxuan joked with a smile.

In fact, for him, as long as he is with Qiqi, he can be anywhere.

"No. My father is not so domineering. Don't forget, my father has five sons, which are the most proud of him. In Jiang City, who can compare to my father? My father is among several uncles. Showing off every day, he still enjoys being blindsided."

"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan smiled and lowered his head slightly, "I've heard about it."

"That's right, my mother thought it was three daughters, and she didn't dare to check the gender during the inspection. She always hoped to be a daughter, but to my mother's disappointment, she gave birth to three more boys, but no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, My dad loves us as much as my mom."

Lan Ziqi looked at the snow scene in the distance, which made the night much brighter. She gathered up her coat and put her hands in Han Yuxuan's coat pocket.

"Han Yuxuan, your pockets are so warm."

Han Yuxuan held her slightly cold hand, and looked at her tenderly: "Qiqi, if the ratings of this TV show are good, I can make a lot of money, plus the money I made before, it is enough for me to buy a villa I've been wondering where we're going to live after we get married?" There's still one year left, enough.

Lan Ziqi was taken aback when she heard this, "Do you want to prepare the wedding room by yourself?"

"Yes, to marry you, the wedding room will be prepared by me, but it depends on whether you like it or not?"

Lan Ziqi thought about it, but in fact she hadn't thought about these things, and Han Yuxuan's family background would not treat her badly.

But these are all earned by Han Yuxuan himself, which is different from what his parents gave him.

"Han Yuxuan, I also own a lot of real estate. After my grandfather and his grandmother passed away, I was allocated several villas with good locations. There are two villas in Penghu."

Han Yuxuan was surprised, how could his future wife be richer than himself?
I can only work harder!

"Qiqi, I suddenly feel very stressed. I have worked very hard these years, earning money, and studying hard. I just want to move forward side by side with you, but now I feel that I am still far away from you. "

"What are you thinking? Does love really need to be well-matched?" Lan Ziqi's love is to really love each other.

Money is a good thing, but can money buy love?Can you buy sincerity?

"Qiqi, that's not the case. I just want to give you something better, and I don't want to wrong you." This was his true thought.

"Me, as long as you really love me, I won't feel wronged. We all work hard, as long as we live the life we ​​want."

There are many choices in life. What troubles me is not the problem itself, but my own heart.

Han Yuxuan stopped suddenly, and hugged her face to face with her, and said affectionately, "Qiqi, I have loved you for many years, and I don't want to let you be wronged."

Lan Ziqi raised her eyes and looked at him with a happy and sweet smile: "I know, I see everything you do for me, I see that you miss me every day, I see your hard work and dedication, I know how difficult it is for you now, and you have put in a lot of time and effort to make your company grow."

"Han Yuxuan, I know, we have all seen each other's past these years, Han Yuxuan, don't you think this kind of thing is really amazing? It seems that there is a force in the dark to help us, let us understand each other better. "

"Amazing, Qiqi, I love you!" Han Yuxuan finished affectionately, then lowered his head and brushed her lips like a superficial touch.

He didn't dare to be too presumptuous, for fear that he would not be able to restrain his love.

Lan Ziqi slept soundly this time, but she was still dreaming. She dreamed that when she first met Han Yuxuan, she and Han Yuxuan held their wedding in the rose garden.

Last time, Han Yuxuan disappeared, but this time, she and Han Yuxuan successfully held their wedding ceremony. When she woke up, she felt that she saw a vague figure, and her voice was a little old, but very kind: "Good boy, you will be happy." of."

Lan Ziqi opened her eyes abruptly, took the mobile phone aside and looked at the time, it was three o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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