Chapter 2162 One Year Covenant 3
Chapter 2162: One year appointment 3
"Huh..." She let out a breath, feeling completely drowsy.

Recalling the dream just now, she felt really miraculous that she had the same dream twice, and this time it ended perfectly.

Lan Ziqi no longer felt sleepy, she got up, put on her slippers, got herself a cup of hot water, took a few sips, and then sat on the sofa beside the bed, hugging her knees and recalling the dream just now.

It was the first time she dreamed of such a scene, and she thought it was because she had just met Han Yuxuan and was bewitched by his beauty, but she was surprised to have such a dream again tonight.

Lan Ziqi was very confused, but the light in her eyes was clear. It was really strange to say this, but it was all a good thing, wasn't it?
In the end, she and Han Yuxuan completed a romantic wedding.

Han Yuxuan knelt down on one knee and put a ring on her.

And that ring...

Lan Ziqi looked at her finger sharply. This ring was given to her mother by the mother-in-law, and was later put on her and Han Yuxuan's hands by her mother.

This ring is very beautiful, silver, and the rose carved on it seems to flow with water, very beautiful, and the size of her finger seems to be tailor-made.

Lan Ziqi looked at the ring and smiled foolishly. She had an idea in her heart, since this ring brought them all good luck, she wanted to use this ring as a wedding ring.

Lan Ziqi sat for more than an hour before she felt sleepy. This time, she fell asleep until after nine o'clock the next day before waking up, but she was still very sleepy.

I wanted to sleep for a while, but someone knocked on the door.

"Dong dong..."

With dazed eyes, Lan Ziqi got out of bed and staggered to open the door, obviously not awake yet.

She slammed the door open, thinking it was her mother who hadn't woken up yet, she muttered: "Mom, let me sleep a little longer."

Han Yuxuan standing outside: "..."

Looking at the little woman in front of him with her eyes closed, he smiled dotingly.

"Qiqi, open your eyes." The voice was low and sweet, like the rising sun, warming one's heart.

Lan Ziqi opened her eyes abruptly, looking at the handsome man smiling in front of her, she dozed off and ran away.

She said quickly: "Wait for me." The door was closed by her again with a bang.

"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan smiled helplessly. In fact, no matter what she was, he liked her, and she was still pretty when she just woke up.

Lan Ziqi tidied herself up as quickly as possible, then changed into a pink sweater, black slim-fit pants, and fluffy slippers before opening the door.

Han Yuxuan was still standing at the door. The tall and handsome man was wearing a white shirt and a black coat. His slender body and perfect facial features were amazing.

Seeing that she opened the door, he smiled softly. She didn't have any makeup on, she was the kind of pure natural beauty from the inside out, her hair was scattered, she was amazingly beautiful, and such a beautiful girl belonged to him.

"Qiqi, Auntie asked me to come up and tell you to go down for breakfast."

"Oh! Then come in first, I have something to tell you." Lan Ziqi turned and walked inside.

Han Yuxuan followed her in with a smile.

Although I have seen her room in the video, it still feels different from walking into her room in person. Her room is very clean, everything is neatly arranged, and it has a sense of art.

"Sit." Lan Ziqi sat down on the sofa and looked at him.

"Han Yuxuan, did you sleep well last night?" After she woke up from a dream last night, she slept in late today.

Han Yuxuan nodded: "Although I changed to another place, I slept well with you here."

Lan Ziqi smiled shyly, looked at her curiously and asked, "Then are you dreaming?"

Han Yuxuan: "No."

Lan Ziqi was obviously stunned for a moment, could it be that she just had this dream?
My mother said that the dream in the morning would not work well, so I will tell him later.

"Okay, then let's go down to eat." Lan Ziqi smiled. She had recovered well these days and wanted to rest.

Before the accident, I felt that I had endless strength and energy, running around in the bustling city every day, and occasionally when I was free, when winter went to spring, the sycamore trees on both sides of the road were already lush with green leaves. I feel that time flies so fast, and I am so busy that I even ignore the scenery along the way.

After going through life and death, she suddenly felt that money and work were not so important, the important thing was to live comfortably.

It was very cold in Jiang City in November, and the wind was blowing outside the window.

Yi Tianqi and Mu Qing were always in the backyard.

After taking care of her parents in the morning, Lan Xin came back to the front yard to cook breakfast with the servants.

It was past nine o'clock, and seeing that her daughter hadn't woken up yet, Han Yuxuan was still at home. This little girl was usually very active, and she was reluctant to sleep in. She always focused on work, and today she started to sleep in.

She simply asked Han Yuxuan to go up and call her daughter, after all, her daughter would marry him sooner or later.

Get to know each other better and increase your relationship.

Ah Cheng gave them a year, and she actually agreed.

Even with that strange dream, she still felt that giving each other some time would make it easier to see each other's hearts clearly.

After the family had breakfast, Han Yuxuan wanted to visit the company. He had been lying down for more than half a year and had many things to deal with.

Lan Ziqi's affairs were handled with the help of her parents, but not much was left behind.

But she was with Han Yuxuan, so she went to the company with Han Yuxuan.

Everything in the company is still the same, nothing has changed.

The only change was that after Han Yuxuan was injured, Chu Feiyang started to work and study in the company.

After more than half a year, his frizzy temper has changed a lot.

Seeing Lan Ziqi, he ran over quickly and gave Lan Ziqi a big hug.

"Qiqi, I'm sorry, I was on a business trip when you woke up, and I just came back this morning. I originally planned to visit you at home later." Chu Feiyang was heartbroken, excited, and blamed himself. He was perfect in his heart. How could my little Kiki encounter such a terrible thing?
Han Yuxuan was not in such a good mood watching from the side.

He watched Chu Feiyang drop Lan Ziqi's hand with heavy eyes.

Lan Ziqi patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Feiyang, it's great to see you, I heard from my dad that you've had a good time."

Chu Feiyang immediately let her go, with a sad face about to cry, "Qiqi, I'm not bad, I was forced, after my uncle knew that I invested a sum of money in Han Yuxuan's company, he forced me Come to work."

"He said that when Han Yuxuan wakes up, if the company doesn't improve, he will send me abroad to study, so that I won't have to wait to die. I hate foreign countries the most, so during the time when Han Yuxuan is away, Mr. Han, Bai Mo, and I, Gao Jie worked hard together, and the company gradually became better than before."

(End of this chapter)

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