Chapter 2164 Diary, love him
Chapter 2164: Diary, love him
Lan Ziqi made two cups of coffee, Han Yuxuan brought them over, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Han Yuxuan went to deal with the backlog of business affairs.

Lan Ziqi was sitting on the sofa reading a book, the two of them sat quietly without speaking, each doing their own things, the atmosphere was surprisingly warm and peaceful.

Lan Ziqi likes to read books, and what she holds in her hand is a book by a writer she likes.

This book is about the writer's life experience, which is her real life self.

When the heroine of the novel was in junior high school, because she liked the piano, her lifelong dream was to be a pianist.

The girl is very talented, she is good at piano learning, and she is beautiful, so she soon won the favor of various art academies.

Mom and Dad are happy and happy, and they go to pick up the girl and go home together every day.

It was just a trick of fate, because there was a car accident on the way back from piano practice, and she was the only one left in the happy family of three because of the car accident, and her hands were broken because of the car accident.

Since then, I have missed the piano!
Isolated and helpless, she was finally raised by her uncle's family. However, the uncle's family cheated her of all the money and was bullied by her sister, brother and aunt.

It's just that because of the eyes of outsiders, the heroine has been educated all the way until she graduated from high school, and then she is no longer ignored.

But fortunately, she met the beautiful man who loved her the most in her life. As a result, her lover became irritable due to family accidents, and accidentally injured others. He was sentenced to several years in prison.

In the years when her husband had an accident, she struggled while waiting for her lover to return. Her thinking was very clear, and the goals of her efforts were also very clear. Everything that can be easily obtained is the result of her own efforts.

Use your own hard work in exchange for success, and success will be like a big slap on the face of those who once looked down on her and bullied her. That kind of reversal is as good as it is.

In the end, she reunited with her lover and gave birth to a pair of lovely children, happy and complete.

After reading a book, Lan Ziqi's eyes turned red, she fell gorgeously, and rose again dazzlingly. The real strong, the real running person with tears in his eyes, the stars all over the sky are shining for her.

When Han Yuxuan raised his eyes to look at her, he saw that the corners of her eyes were red and tears were shining in her eyes.

Han Yuxuan immediately put down the pen in his hand, went to sit beside her, and asked in a low voice, "Qiqi, what's wrong?"

But Lan Ziqi smiled: "Han Yuxuan, those who live seriously will not be let down, because they love each other, and they can really face all difficulties."

Han Yuxuan was taken aback, and looked at her: "Qiqi, what you said is true"

Lan Ziqi smiled and raised the book in her hand, "I read the book, and I'm moved to tears."

She smiled and sniffed, squinting her beautiful big eyes with some embarrassment, and her long eyelashes had a crystal clear luster.

The smooth and fair face was stained with a faint blush, no matter why she shed tears, he felt distressed when he saw her.

"Silly girl!" Han Yuxuan hugged her with a smile.

Lan Ziqi thumped his chest lightly: "Are you stupid?"

She put the book on the table and said, "Didn't you buy this book?"

Han Yuxuan: "."

When he returned to China, he went to the bookstore to pick them up at will, but he forgot them after he bought them and never had time to read them.

Lan Ziqi suddenly remembered the diary she saw in her dream, and she stared at him with bright eyes: "Han Yuxuan, I want to read your diary."

Han Yuxuan's body froze slightly, he was a little embarrassed, that was the only little secret, there was a girl in his heart since he was a child, and he has always occupied his whole heart.

"What? Can't I watch?" Lan Ziqi looked at him hesitantly, and also felt his suddenly stiff body. He was very nervous, and she could clearly feel it.

Han Yuxuan felt that he couldn't describe it in words. He actually didn't want Qiqi to see it. Some of his ideas were too naive. All his thoughts, pains, and laughter were all in that thick diary.

"Han Yuxuan, you really don't want to show me?" Lan Ziqi looked at him.

"No, Qiqi." Han Yuxuan looked at her with some hesitation, "It's not that I won't give it, but" he didn't know what to say.

"Then take it out." Lan Ziqi insisted, she wanted to prove whether what she saw was true.

She loves him.

"Qiqi, after reading it, you are not allowed to laugh at me." Han Yuxuan had to get her guarantee.

"Okay!" Lan Ziqi knew the contents of the diary, so how could she laugh at him.

"Why don't you take it here and let's watch it together." She knew that his love for her hadn't changed all these years.

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan thought for a while, and now he couldn't hide this matter even if he wanted to.

He got up and walked to the desk. Compared to the hesitation just now, Han Yuxuan really didn't want to hesitate now.

This is the journey of his heart to love her, and the liking and love he spared no effort in.

A thick diary was placed in front of Lan Ziqi, and Lan Ziqi was shocked when she saw it. This was a familiar notebook in her memory.

The black leather case has few creases at the corners, which shows that his master cherishes it very much.

Lan Ziqi didn't dare to look at Han Yuxuan again at this time, she was a little afraid to face this heavy love at the moment.

When she was living the life she wanted carefree, he was spending it in pain and longing.

Her fingers were slender and beautiful, her nails were long and shiny, and she gently turned the first page, as if opening a new world, just like the one she saw at the beginning.

[Qiqi missed her on the first day she left. ]
[The day after Qiqi left, I miss her, miss her, miss her very much. ]
She looked back page by page, and for more than ten years, day after day, he never stopped writing the diary.

All his happiness, joy, pain, happiness, longing, waiting, and searching are all here.

The story was too long, and Lan Ziqi didn't finish reading it until it got dark.

When she raised her head, Han Yuxuan was still quietly sitting beside her, crying and laughing with her.

After closing the last page, Lan Ziqi felt very depressed.

"Han Yuxuan, so you have liked me since you were young, what kind of ambition is this?"

Han Yuxuan's eyes were very dark, as black as ink, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Qiqi, I like you, it's not just a wolf's ambition, it's a wicked heart!"

"Humph!" Lan Ziqi snorted at him.

But when she thought of his hard work and grievances, she felt sad again. She threw herself into the boy's arms and said distressedly: "Han Yuxuan, I will love you well in the future."

Because of you, I become gentle and cute, because of you, it just happens to be you!

What Han Yuxuan likes most is the moment when the girl falls into his arms, the feeling of embracing the whole world, not everyone can deeply understand it.

Han Yuxuan buried his head deeply in the hollow of her shoulder, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.

"Qiqi, I..." But before he could finish speaking, the phone on the desk rang.

(End of this chapter)

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