Chapter 2165 Want Rose Wedding

Chapter 2165: Want Rose Wedding

Han Yuxuan glanced at the position of the desk, but still sat still.

The phone ringing kept ringing.

Lan Ziqi looked up at him, urging him to answer the phone, "Hurry up and answer the phone."

Han Yuxuan smiled slightly, staring at her face: "I don't want to pick you up, I just want to hug you like this."

"Han Yuxuan, I find that you are becoming more and more like a child." Lan Ziqi looked at him with a smile.

She can't stand his affectionate eyes, okay, too bad, Han Yuxuan!
"Let's just be a kid, anyway, I'm not ashamed in front of you." Han Yuxuan's slender hand gently held her hand, looking at the ring on her finger, he suddenly remembered something.

"Qiqi, what about the ring, what kind do you like?"

Lan Ziqi suddenly remembered that she hadn't told Han Yuxuan about this matter yet: "Han Yuxuan, I forgot to tell you before, there is no need to buy a wedding ring, let's use the wedding ring given by my mother-in-law."

"How is this possible?" Han Yuxuan was a girl in her prime, exuding a youthful atmosphere all over her body.

"Why not, I just like this pair of rings, I think it can bring us good luck." Lan Ziqi looked down at the ring on her finger.

Under the sun, it exudes a bright light.

It always makes her feel a very mysterious feeling.

"Really?" Han Yuxuan also looked down at the ring on his finger, which was very suitable for his finger size, and he actually found it quite strange.

"Qiqi, then I'm ordering a pair of diamond rings, we usually wear them, what do you think?"

Lan Ziqi nodded with a smile, and did not object to her decision: "Okay, anyway, I like this ring, and I might not take it off easily."

"Qiqi, what other requirements do you have for the wedding? You can tell me. I will slowly prepare for this year." Han Yuxuan looked at her fair face gently.

With just such a sentence, she blushed.

She's really shy.

Lan Ziqi looked up at him, a little puzzled, "Isn't there still a year left? Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"Hehe..." Han Yuxuan smiled, "Silly girl, a year flies by quickly."

Ziqi was taken aback, there is still a full year left.There are many things that can happen in this year, how can he think so fast?
"Han Yuxuan, since you asked, I'll tell you. I like to hold my wedding in a place with many roses. The Rose Manor is better. You know that I like red roses."

She has always liked roses and lotus since she was a child, when others liked purple lavender.

"I know." Han Yuxuan's voice was a little hoarse, he smiled lightly, it was very eye-catching, Lan Ziqi looked away a little embarrassed, it was too dazzling and couldn't bear it.

"Is there any more? Kiki?" His girl's request was too simple.

He can do this, starting tomorrow, he will ask his assistant to find a place, and he will plant a rose garden by himself to surprise her.

Lan Ziqi thought about it, but she really didn't think of anything else.

"Han Yuxuan, I'll tell you when I remember."

"Okay." Han Yuxuan smiled, then got up to get the phone, and took the diary with him, it was still useful to him.

He also recorded their married life.

Looking at the white snowy sky outside the window, even if it was a one-year agreement, it might be a few months too late. He had some suspicions that Uncle Lu did it on purpose.

But compared to a year, it will be a lifetime for him and Kiki.

He casually grabbed the phone on the table and glanced at it. He knew that the call was from his father, and it really was.

Han Yuxuan didn't call back, usually he knew what dad was going to do?
Han Yuxuan took a look at the events at the end of this year. He will not be in the company for a while, so there will be nothing for the time being?
It will be even busier after next year. Now two TV series are waiting to be launched, and the other one is the script that Chu Feiyang went to Mr. Su's wife An Ke to get.

Encore's scripts are very popular, and ordinary people can't get them.

Chu Feiyang's mother, Lu Sisi, and President Su's wife are also friends, and it was easy for Chu Feiyang to get the script.

There is no problem with investment.

Then put Rose Manor on the agenda.

He bowed his head, and quickly typed a line of words on the phone with his slender fingers and sent it to his assistant, asking him to find the venue.

Just after sending the WeChat message, his cell phone rang again.

This time it was my mother calling, and he answered it.


"Yuxuan, why didn't you answer your dad's call?" Yi Xinyu didn't blame Han Yuxuan, thinking that he would have a lot of things to do when he went to the company today.

"Is there something wrong with him?" He was a little surprised when they were together, did mom forgive dad?
"It's okay, I just want you to bring Qiqi back for dinner at night. Mrs. Lu has entertained you several times, and you are also married now."

"I'm talking about the relationship between the two of you during this period, and the relationship between Lan Xin and I has become much closer, and the two have become friends who talk about everything."

Han Yuxuan understood, but he glanced at Qiqi who was reading a book with her head down. Thinking of tonight's banquet, he said, "Mom, I can't tonight. There is a banquet tonight at Jiangshi Hotel. Can I do it tomorrow night?"

"Yes, just call your mother before you come back, so that mother can prepare."

"Okay, Mom!"

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuxuan looked at Lan Ziqi again and asked her opinion: "Qiqi, come to my house for dinner tomorrow night, my mother wants to see you."

Lan Ziqi raised her head from her hands, and nodded at him: "Okay."

Seeing the girl nodding without hesitation, a faint smile overflowed his clear face.

At the party at night, everyone had a great time.

Both Chu Feiyang and Bai Mo are more relaxed and playful people. Driven by the two of them, the atmosphere is extremely high, and the noise in the banquet hall makes people feel upset and irritable.

Han Yuxuan and Lan Ziqi sat and chatted together, the two became a world by themselves, discarding all the noise around them, and only had each other in their eyes!

"Two tigers, two tigers run fast, run fast." After being drunk, Chu Feiyang and Bai Mo walked crookedly to the two of them.

"Qiqi, let's go, let's go play, you see they are crazy, what the hell are the two tigers, they also sing, hehe, what a group of elementary school students." Chu Feiyang was so drunk that he spoke with a tongue.

Lan Ziqi looked at him helplessly, her face was flushed, she smelled of alcohol, her eyes were blurred, she frowned and said, "Chu Feiyang, drink less, no one will take you back later, there are two tigers You sang it."

"Hey, Qiqi, are you joking? How could I sing such a childish song?" Chu Feiyang laughed like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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