Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2166 You eat this vinegar too

Chapter 2166 You eat this vinegar too

Chapter 2166: You eat this vinegar too

The other three present: "..."

"Hey, Chu Feiyang, I thought I heard you singing just now." Bai Mo also looked at him drunkenly, even more drunk than Chu Feiyang.

"Shut up, I didn't sing, Qiqi, you can play with me." Chu Feiyang dragged Lan Ziqi to play. He didn't know many friends, and usually he only liked to play with people he knew.

Han Yuxuan was inexplicably blocked by him in his heart.

In his memory, Han Yuxuan was indifferent and didn't know how to play at all.

Lan Ziqi refused him, "No, my body is just right, so I won't join in the fun."

"Qiqi, stay with me." Chu Feiyang was so drunk that he was completely out of shape, and coquettishly pulled Lan Ziqi's arm.

Lan Ziqi had no choice but to call Lan Ziran and ask him to come and send Chu Feiyang back.

Lan Ziran seemed to be nearby, and arrived at the banquet venue in a few minutes.

Looking at the chaotic banquet hall, he couldn't help frowning.

What kind of people are in Han Yuxuan's company, the top floor is almost overturned by them.

He quickly found Lan Ziqi, Han Yuxuan, Chu Feiyang and the others.

Seeing Chu Feiyang's drunken appearance, Lan Ziran looked at his sister with some unhappiness, "Just call him a substitute driver, why did you call me over?"

Lan Ziqi pointed at Chu Feiyang: "Brother, he's drunk."

"So he's going to find me when he's drunk?" Lan Ziran looked at his sister very depressed, what's wrong with him?Why bother him?

Lan Ziqi: "He listens to you the most when he's drunk."

Lan Ziran: "..." suddenly felt speechless.

"Hey! Dude, why do I think you are so familiar?" Chu Feiyang looked at Lan Ziran and smiled, half of his body was already leaning on him, smelling of alcohol.

Lan Ziran took a few steps away in disgust, seeing Chu Feiyang's posture, he was so drunk that he couldn't even recognize him.

"Alas, Chu Feiyang, wake up." Lan Ziran patted Chu Feiyang's face vigorously.

"Well, you're awake, buddy, it's really fun, and it's good to go out to work." Chu Feiyang said to himself, with the corners of his mouth raised high.

Lan Ziran was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Looking at the drunk Chu Feiyang with a dandy smile, "Hehe, you kid, do you finally want to come out to work?"

Chu Feiyang smiled "hehe", almost unable to stand still.

"It turned out to be Ranran, Ran, my idol, here you come, come, come, give me a kiss."

"Kiss you!" Lan Ziran angrily pulled Chu Feiyang away.

The drunk Chu Feiyang was not fooling around, but just talking nonsense, Lan Ziran pulled Chu Feiyang away without much effort.

Lan Ziqi and Han Yuxuan sent Bai Mo home together, and everyone left slowly, having fun.

After delivering Bai Mo, Han Yuxuan sent Lan Ziqi home.

The winter night is very cold, covered with heavy snow, the city is still very bustling at night, with tall buildings and buildings everywhere, brightly lit.

When we arrived at Lan Ziqi's house, Han Yuxuan parked the car, pulled Lan Ziqi into his arms, "Qiqi, I suddenly realized that the one-year agreement is too long, and I can't bear you to leave. Before you left, I already wanted to see you." is you."

Yes, he has loved this girl for so long, and he is really reluctant to let go.

Lan Ziqi smiled, and patted him on the back lightly: "Han Yuxuan, can't we meet tomorrow morning? It's too late today, sleep more tomorrow, I'll go directly to the company to find you."

She was thinking about what gifts to bring to Han Yuxuan's house.

She did learn about Yi Xinyu's hobbies, she likes cosmetics very much, she thought about going to see Uncle Lin tomorrow, his cosmetics are very popular.

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan's hoarse voice was full of tenderness, and he reluctantly let her go.

After Lan Ziqi got off the car, he sat for a while before leaving.

He was in a very good mood all the way back. After thinking about it, he was not as good as Qiqi, but he could still give Qiqi a lot of things, such as understanding, trust, support, and finally his preference and love!
When Lan Ziqi returned home, she was a little surprised to see her father, mother, and brother were all there, "Mom, you haven't slept so much tonight!"

Lan Ziran: "I thought you weren't coming back?"

Lan Ziqi blushed and looked at him angrily, "Why didn't I come back?"

Lan Ziran smiled: "You have a boyfriend now."

"What's wrong with having a boyfriend?" Lan Ziqi knew what her brother was going to say?
Han Yuxuan respected her very much. Apart from kissing her, hugging her, and holding her hand, he didn't make any other overstepping gestures.

"Hey." Lan Ziran smiled, looking at her younger sister's red face, "You know."

Lan Ziqi blushed even more.

Lan Ziran had to sigh that her sister had really grown up.

He turned his head to look at his father, with an unhappy expression on his face, "Dad, that boy Han Yuxuan is really cheap, you let him marry Qiqi ten years later."

Lu Haocheng's black eyes were deep and stern: "When you have a daughter in the future, are you willing to make her an old girl?"

"Yes, but it's not that I can't afford it!" Lan Ziran thought, if he had a daughter in the future, he must take good care of it and never be bullied.

Lu Haocheng twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, this second child was never reliable, he could listen to what he said, and his name, Lu Haocheng, could be written upside down.

Lan Xin looked at her daughter, asked her to sit down, and asked, "Has Yu Xuan gone back?"

"En!" Lan Ziqi nodded.

"Father, Mom, Aunt Han asked me to go to their house for dinner tomorrow. Besides cosmetics, what else should I bring?" Parents are more experienced in these aspects.

Lan Xin thought for a while, after spending time with Yi Xinyu, she would be a good mother-in-law candidate.

"I'm bringing her a painting. Mom has a lot of new clothes in many sizes. I will pick two sets in a while. Mrs. Han is elegant and noble, and I like suits. I will choose them. I will put them in the living room tomorrow morning. You Remember to bring it with you, as for Yuxuan's father, you should also bring a bottle of good wine from your father's collection, Mr. Han seems to like red wine."

"Oh, good mother, I see." Now don't worry, she can sleep soundly again tonight.

"Honey, do you know Han Jin's preferences so well?" Lu Haocheng was jealous, his brows and eyes were furrowed, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

"Hey, Dad, you're so jealous."

"Mama, how did you get through these years?"

"Shut up!" Lu Haocheng tapped his son on the forehead, "You have been back for a while, do you just want to settle down like this? You still want to inherit the company."

Lan Ziran didn't say anything, stood up and ran.

Lu Haocheng: "."

Is it so difficult for them to come back and inherit the family property?

Lan Ziqi looked at her father's depressed face, and said with a smile, "Dad, you are waiting for your eldest brother for two years. He promised to come back to inherit the Lu Group after two years. Then you and your mother can travel frequently."

"Hmph! Your elder brother means what he says, but now he doesn't know where he is." As expected of a graduate from an elite school, even Ou Jingyao couldn't find him.

(End of this chapter)

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