Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2167 How can he have the face to say it

Chapter 2167 How can he have the face to say it

Chapter 2167: He has no face to say it

Unexpectedly, he had three more sons, and he competed with the three sons for his wife for many years. After finally raising the children, he is getting old too. Waiting for a few years, will he still have the strength to travel?
The more Lu Haocheng thought about it, the angrier he became.

He simply didn't say anything, stood up and took his wife's hand and went straight back to the room.

None of the six children made him feel at ease.

Lan Ziqi: "..."

I really can't speak to poke my father's heart.

Although Dad didn't take care of the three brothers and sisters much, Dang still loved them very much.

Later, my mother gave birth to three younger brothers, and my father spent a lot of energy on them, but the three younger brothers were also very obedient, and all of them were very good at studying, and all of them were very smart.

But what surprised her was the figure of the second brother running for his life.

The second brother has neither a good temper nor a bad temper. Of course, his temperament of liking to argue with her has changed a lot since he was a child. After all, they have grown up, and when they are angry, they will show each other's shortcomings. When Lan Ziran can't say no to her, Telling her embarrassing things often can often shock her dumbfounded, how could she have such a hateful brother.

Thinking of the past, Lan Ziqi suddenly smiled. In fact, she knew that her brother was also very nervous about her during the period of her coma.

The eldest brother has no one to tell him the news, so he probably doesn't know what happened to her.

Lan Ziqi got up slowly, turned off the light in the living room, and went back to the room to rest.

When he arrived at the door of the room, he saw Lan Ziqi leaning against the wall waiting for her. The loose clothes on his face really fully interpreted his ruffian character.

"Why?" Lan Ziqi smiled and walked over, thinking that he had fled back into the room.

Lu Ziran stood up straight, her slender figure like jade enveloped Lan Ziqi.

He lowered his head slightly, looked at his younger sister, and examined his face: "Sister, do you feel that your body is really okay?"

Lan Ziqi knew that he was waiting here not necessarily to ask her about this matter, "Okay, it's all right, Uncle Su also said that I am in good health."

"Hmm! Have you really decided to marry Han Yuxuan?" He suddenly became very serious.

Lan Ziqi smiled, and poked his handsome face: "As smart as you, can't you see it? You don't like Han Yuxuan?"

Lan Ziran shook his head slightly, after thinking about it, he didn't hate Han Yuxuan, on the contrary, Han Yuxuan's feelings were precious, but he just couldn't bear his sister.

"It's not that I don't like it. I just think that when you get married, you won't be able to live as freely as before. After all, you have a family. You can tell by looking at your mother. You have to worry about everything."

"It's fine if you like it, brother, you should probably find someone to marry. Let me tell you first, I don't like that girl named Jianing."

"What's wrong with you, you don't like him?" Lan Ziran smiled with curved lips, bright as the moon hanging in spring.

Lan Ziqi knew it was wrong to gossip about people behind their backs, so she didn't say much.

"Brother, anyway, you should see people clearly, don't be used by others, good night!" Lan Ziqi opened the door and went in.

Lan Ziran smiled, exuding laziness all over her body, and slowly went back to her room to rest.

Early the next morning, after Lan Ziqi woke up, she made an appointment with Lin Haotian to pick up cosmetics.

I went downstairs and took the clothes my mother had prepared, which were packed in exquisite gift boxes, and there was a bottle of top-quality red wine brought back by my mother.

Dad doesn't like drinking very much, he only drinks a little occasionally when eating with grandpa and grandpa.

Seeing the red wine, Lan Ziqi thought of Grandpa Lu, she lived a happy life, but she got sick when she got old, and she passed away early.

Grandpa also likes red wine very much.

Lan Ziqi went out with gifts, went to Lin Haotian's to get cosmetics back, went to the mall to buy gifts for Han Yuxuan's brother, and spent several hours.

After arriving at Han Yuxuan's company, it was already noon.

Han Yuxuan ordered lunch in advance, and it was just right when Lan Ziqi passed by.

"Qiqi, drink some hot water to warm up first." Han Yuxuan handed her a cup of hot water, and took the coat and bag from her hand.

Lan Ziqi sat down and quickly took a sip of water.

"I'm so thirsty." After speaking, he drank the rest in one gulp.

"Qiqi, where have you been? Didn't you say you came here early in the morning?" Sitting beside her, Han Yuxuan felt distressed on his handsome face.

Lan Ziqi pursed her lips, and looked at him sideways: "This is the first time I go to your house, and I have to bring a gift. Your brother is in his third year of high school. I will pick out gifts for him, and I don't know what to get. ?”

"I really want to give your brother a set of Five Three, and I feel that he is about to take the college entrance examination, and I'm afraid I don't have time to read it."

Han Yuxuan asked with a smile: "So, what did you buy? Yu Yan's English is not good, so he didn't study abroad."

"I bought a brand of pens and crystal car models. Don't boys like these? I've been shopping for a long time, but I don't know what to buy? Your family is also a family that lacks everything. I can't find anything to give as a gift. gone?"

Lan Ziqi really felt that buying gifts these days was not easy.

Especially people with good families have everything, but people who receive gifts will be very happy if they treat themselves like others.

She will also be happy to receive gifts from her parents and brothers.

"Qiqi, don't worry, Yuyan will like it. Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while."

"Okay! You eat too!"

The two chatted and ate, and after lunch, Chu Feiyang and Bai Mo came over to joke around for over an hour.

It's just that Lan Ziqi noticed that there was something wrong with Bai Mo's expression.

Angrily, as if encountering something important over and over again.

In the end, Han Yuxuan couldn't help but asked, "What's wrong with you? You've never been depressed before."

Bai Mo grinned and stopped talking.

Chu Feiyang: "No wonder I feel that you are always absent-minded when you speak today. Brother, if you have something to say, there is nothing that cannot be resolved with us?" Chu Feiyang has always been forthright, and his voice is also loud.

Bai Mo still smiled, but couldn't stop laughing, and said in a stuttering voice: "I'm afraid you can't solve it, didn't you send me home last night? I'll go back to you when you left." I went out, and then... I went to find Shiyun, and then, a man knows what's going on."

Lan Ziqi who was discriminated against: "."

"Bai Mo, please be clear, what's the matter with you and Yun Yun?" Lan Ziqi glared at him angrily.

Both Chu Feiyang and Han Yuxuan understood.

The two looked at each other, and then at the dejected Bai Mo.

"No wonder Shiyun has such a bad temper today?" Chu Feiyang looked at Bai Mo with the expression that you are done.

This kind of thing really can't help.

Lan Ziqi saw that the three big men knew it, but she didn't know it, and became angry: "Chu Feiyang, what are you talking about?"

Chu Feiyang: "." How could he have the face to say it?

(End of this chapter)

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