Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2168 You Men Don't Have One Good Thing

Chapter 2168 You Men Don't Have a Good Thing
Chapter 2168: You men don't have a good thing
Han Yuxuan looked at the innocent little girl and smiled, then leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words.

After Lan Ziqi listened, her entire face turned red.

Chu Feiyang: "Han Yuxuan, you are so bad, you have led Qiqi into a mess."

Lan Ziqi was taken aback for a moment, lowering her head to hide her shyness.

This is what all men know.

woo woo woo woo……

What about Yunyun?
"So, Bai Mo, what are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and coax Yunyun, she must be in pain when she has encountered such a thing."

Bai Mo looked at Lan Ziqi with an aggrieved expression, "Qiqi, you don't understand, it wasn't my fault at all last night."

Lan Ziqi became angry, "So, you are not wronged when you wrong Yunyun?" No matter how you say this kind of thing, girls suffer.

Moreover, Yunyun was hurt because of her boyfriend's betrayal before, and now she is being treated like this by Bai Mo, how wronged Yunyun must be.

"Qiqi, it really wasn't my fault last night." Bai Mo felt that this kind of thing had to be explained clearly, after all, Shiyun was her assistant.

"Are you still arguing?" In Lan Ziqi's heart, it was Bai Mo's fault. If men could control their lower bodies, how could such a thing happen.

woo woo woo woo…!
Bai Mo was even more wronged.

This matter really does not blame him.

"Qiqi, it was Yunyun who called me and told me to go to her house." Bai Mo felt even more aggrieved now, not to mention losing his virginity for no reason, and in the end he was disgusted.

The other three: "..."

Such a reversal is unacceptable.

"How is it possible?" Lan Ziqi stared blankly at Bai Mo, who had been wronged into a ball.

"How is it impossible? I... just lost the first time inexplicably." It was not the first time for Yunyun, so he was even more wronged.

Now this kind of society doesn't pay much attention to these things, but he is a man, so he would think too much.

The most important thing is that he was rejected, Shiyun said that he is not good at technology.

There is really no place to practice this thing.

Han Yuxuan looked at him and blinked, and said in disbelief, "You...the first time, why did I not believe it so much? Didn't you have many girlfriends when you were in college?"

Bai Mo looked at him eagerly: "A lot? It's only four or five. I haven't even held hands with them. They say that my skills are not good. How can I be good at the first time?"

Lan Ziqi didn't know what to say. She, a woman, wanted to discuss this kind of thing with the three big men here.

She knew that Yunyun had a boyfriend before, and he was going to get married.

Chu Feiyang: "So you were rejected because of your poor technique?"

"Hmm!" A deep sense of frustration rose in Bai Mo's heart.

She felt that Shi Yun was too deceitful, obviously she told him to come over, but he was the one who was wiped out, he didn't say anything, and was kicked out of bed early in the morning for no reason.

Is there anyone more frustrated than him?

Lan Ziqi: "..."

Han Yuxuan: "..."

Chu Feiyang looked at Bai Mo with sympathy: "Brother, you are miserable!"

Bai Mo looked at Chu Feiyang helplessly: "Brother, do you have an appointment tonight?"

"Ah..." Chu Feiyang looked at him tremblingly: "About... What about?"

Disliked by women and want to find a man?
No no no, no appointment.

He likes women!
He is definitely straight.

"Of course it's a drink date." Bai Mo looked at him strangely, "What else do you want to make a date with?"

Only then did Chu Feiyang's pale face turn ruddy a lot.

"Okay, okay, is it okay to have a drink?" Chu Feiyang relaxed.

Lan Ziqi stared blankly at Chu Feiyang, she knew Chu Feiyang's character very well, "So, Chu Feiyang, what were you thinking just now?"

Chu Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, did he act obviously just now?

He shook his head and smiled: "Qiqi, what did I think?"

"But your appearance just now tells me that you are thinking." Lan Ziqi was persistent.

Chu Feiyang had an expression of 'Qiqi, please let me go'.

This Qiqi is not smart when she should be smart, and blindly smart when she is not.

How can such a thing be said?
"Qiqi, I'm going to the bathroom, you guys talk." Chu Feiyang stood up and walked out without looking back.

Bai Mo also had great eyesight, seeing Chu Feiyang leave, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

Lan Ziqi looked at Han Yuxuan, feeling aggrieved: "You men don't have a good thing."

Han Yuxuan: "." He hasn't done anything, okay?

Why did Bai Mo's fire burn to him?

"Qiqi, I'm wronged too." Han Yuxuan reached out to hug her.

Lan Ziqi patted his hand quickly, and stared at him: "No matter how you look at this kind of thing, women suffer. Why are you men wronged?"

"I don't want to talk to you now, I'm going to see Yunyun."

Lan Ziqi left as soon as she said.

Han Yuxuan: "."

Lan Ziqi went to the studio to find Shiyun.

It's snowing heavily outside now, and all of their photos are indoors.

Also in this building.

Lan Ziqi walked quickly, and she walked towards the elevator.

But at the corner, I saw two figures, and the man's back looked like white ink.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Shi Yun's voice.

"Bai Mo, what are you hiding?" Shi Yun put Bai Mo against the wall and looked angrily at the handsome man in front of him.

Lan Ziqi stopped in an instant and listened to the corner of the wall. It seemed that this was the first time she had seen such a powerful Yunyun!

"Yunyun, I really didn't hide, I just couldn't figure it out, why did you kick me out of bed? It's my first time! The two of us practice a few more times, my technique will definitely be very good."

Bai Mo was very sad, he just needed time to digest what happened to him last night.

"What, what do you think I am? Use my training skills?" Shi Yun's voice was not loud, deep and pleasant, but full of threats and questions.

"No, no, Yunyun, you misunderstood, you really misunderstood, I mean we are already together, how about we get married." Bai Mo thought for a while, he and Shiyun got along for more than half a year, The two are also close friends.

"Yunyun, you also said last night that my handsome facial features and eight-pack abs are all things you like. Yunyun, just give me a chance, okay?"

Bai Mo thought for a while, he should also like Shi Yun, otherwise, even if he was drunk, he would not have easily slept in her bed.

"Really, you are willing to marry me, not because of what happened last night, but because of your heart?"

Shi Yun's voice was a little cautious.

"Yunyun, sincerely, with this person's temper, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be happy if you tied me up last night."

"Smelly man, if you get cheap, you'll act like a good boy, okay, then I'll promise to marry you.

Shiyun's voice was full of joy.

Lan Ziqi listened, and felt that Shi Yun had a sense of success.

(End of this chapter)

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