Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2181 Encounter, he is the leading actor

Chapter 2181 Encounter, he is the leading actor
Chapter 2181: Meet, he is the hero
The word "I don't know" made Lu Ziran suddenly wake up, looking at the smiling woman in front of her, she said: "Qiqi, long time no see, I don't know you."

Long time no see, seven years, indeed a long time.

"Shu Shu, it's normal that you don't remember. My brother seldom returns to China these years."

After Yan Zishu grew up, she also knew how to be shy, and she couldn't get any response from Lan Ziran. She didn't tell anyone else about her liking for Lan Ziran.

I just occasionally learned something about Lan Ziran from Qiqi.

Occasionally, he would go find news about Lan Ziran by himself.

How much she looked forward to before, and how painful she was afterwards.

After that night, her whole body fell into the abyss.

She was not redeemed until the birth of her child.

She was living in such pain, but the man in front of her was still living a free and unrestrained life, shuttling between the two countries with his dreams in mind.

Lu Ziran looked at his younger sister, "Qiqi, I have to leave beforehand, and I will see you later." Her voice became much colder.

"Ah, okay, second brother." Lan Ziqi couldn't do anything but watch her second brother leave from the mirror.

As soon as Lan Ziran left, Yan Zishu's tense posture instantly relaxed a lot.


Until Lan Ziqi was about to get married, she saw Lu Ziran again, but the eyes of both of them were strange, as if they had never known each other before.

After that quick glance, it was another week later that she met Lu Ziran again at Huazhong Entertainment.

Yan Zishu became a screenwriter when he was a child because of the influence of Lan Ziqi.

If she wanted to be an actress, her father would definitely object, but she didn't have the urge to work hard in the entertainment industry.

After she became pregnant, she stayed at home while waiting to give birth while studying at university.

At the same time, he also manages his father's entertainment company.

I don't know what's going on with my father this time. He hasn't cooperated with Lu's Group Entertainment Company in these years, but this time he wants to cooperate.

She can only come here to work for a while.

Thinking of not being able to see her son and daughter for several months, she was actually in a bad mood.

But there is no way, she has to work hard to make money in order to make her daughter and son easier in the days to come.

Although the Yan family is rich, they are only middle-of-the-road compared to rich people.

This time after Lu Ziran returned to China, he stopped going abroad and stayed in China to develop.

This time we are working together on a romance film, [We fell in love because we met], which is adapted from a well-known novel.

During Mu Ziheng's meeting in the morning, Yan Zishu found out that the lead actor in this movie was Lu Ziran.

Yan Zishu was dumbfounded for a while, then looked at Lu Ziran who was sitting casually above Mu Ziheng.

He is the second young master of the Lu Group, and everyone in Huazhong Entertainment knows him.

Lan Ziran looked away at Yan Zishu indifferently.

Yan Zishu also looked away indifferently, being belittled to such an extent by him, she no longer wanted to pursue or forgive, she just wanted to let herself go and make her future better.

After the meeting, Mu Ziheng prepared a separate office for Yan Zishu's team.

Yan Zishu brought three people with him, a life assistant and his good friend Wei Shangxun, the two of them often cooperate.

Assistant Ye Wei and life assistant Jiang Xiao.

The four entered the office, and Ye Wei had already helped her clean the office.

Wei Shangxun looked at Yan Zishu in a bad mood, and was a little worried: "Zishu, what's the matter?"

The work is progressing smoothly, and the negotiation here is also very good.

She shouldn't be so downcast.

Yan Zishu looked at him and shook his head, then smiled slightly, "I'm fine, Shang Xun, don't worry, let's start working."

The director of this show is pressing hard. Over the years, she is quite well-known in the industry and has worked with several directors.

This time the director has a very temper, and it may be difficult to cooperate.

"Okay!" Wei Shangxun looked at her and smiled, "Zi Shu, don't be too tired."

Yan Zishu was a little helpless, her father invested in this TV series, and she was actually under pressure because it was her own money.

Yan Zishu looked at Jiang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, go buy something to drink, I want coffee."

Wei Shangxun: "Xiaoxiao, I want coffee too, please put less sugar."

The little beauty Ye Wei also smiled and said, "Bring me a big cup of milk tea with some ice cubes, I have to keep my head clear at all times."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiao nodded.

"Ha ha……"

The office is full of harmonious laughter.

When Lu Ziran came over, he heard this harmony.

Thinking of Yan Zishu's indifferent eyes, he always felt very uncomfortable.

Back then, when he was drunk and went to his bed, this woman acted as if nothing had happened. Did he think that this would make it through?

The door of the office is a transparent glass door, and he can see the smiling Yan Zishu sitting on the desk, seriously studying the outline in his hand.

On the other side of her is the handsome Wei Shangxun, who is also a well-known screenwriter and has worked with Yan Zishu many times. This is what he learned from Uncle Mu.

Wei Shangxun is almost as tall as him, but their temperaments are completely different. Wei Shangxun is elegant and easy-going, with a comfortable smile and eyes.

The two communicated occasionally, and Yan Zishu discussed with each other with a smile.

For Yan Zishu, a novel worth about 50 yuan has a compact plot, but each chapter has ups and downs. She has read the novel a day ago, and with a specific idea, she can work much more easily.

After Lu Ziran watched Jiang Xiao leave, he also went back to his office.

After walking a few steps, I heard Jiao Didi's voice.

"Zi Ran."

Song Jianing was wearing a pink dress, with soft hair, her facial features were soft and moving, and her every move was so gentle that it made people feel pity.

"Ziran, I can finally act as a couple with you." Song Jianing walked in front of Lu Ziran with a smile.

She had just arrived at the company, and she had already confirmed that [We fell in love because we met], she was the heroine of the show, and she knew that Lu Ziran had been helping her in secret.

Lu Ziran slightly hooked her lips, her voice was clear and clear, "Ning Ning, isn't this your dream all along?"

Song Jianing smiled dejectedly, "Yes, I have worked so hard all these years, and only now have I gotten the role of the heroine of this show. I feel that the entertainment industry is really difficult."

She worked as a model in Lu's Group since she was a child. Fortunately, her face has not grown into a disability. Because of Lu Ziran's relationship these years, she has also lived a prosperous life.

"It's all because of your hard work." Although he secretly helped, Song Jianing really worked hard.

"Zi Ran, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner at noon. What would you like to eat?" Song Jianing walked side by side with him, and the artists they met along the way looked at them curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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