Chapter 2182 Encounter, give up 1
Chapter 2182: Encounter, give up 1
This is what Song Jianing wanted.

She wants everyone here to know about her relationship with Lu Ziran. Because of her relationship with him these years, no matter where she goes, others will give her face.

And she also knew Lu Ziran's thoughts on her.

These years, she has been away as if away, but as long as she has something to do, as long as she calls him, he will immediately return to the country to be with her.

Some time ago, she accidentally broke her hand while filming, and he came back from abroad to accompany her the next day.

He was gentle with her, and she enjoyed all the benefits he brought her.

Lu Ziran was thinking about Yan Zishu's matter, and didn't answer her for a moment.

"Zi Ran, why don't you talk? What do you want to eat?" Song Jianing smiled, and lightly poked his arm with her thin white hand.

Lu Ziran came back to his senses, looked at her and smiled slightly: "It's okay, let's go downstairs to eat something casually, there are no announcements these days, and I don't want to go anywhere else."

"Okay, then let's go eat fish."

Lu Ziran smiled, looked at her sweet smiling face, and cheered up, "Okay!"

He didn't know why he had been distracted frequently today, anyway, he was in a very uncomfortable mood today.Usually seeing Ningning, he would be in a good mood, but today he didn't even bother to do it perfunctorily.

"Ning Ning, you go to work first, and we will go together when we eat later." He really didn't have any thoughts, he just felt that he didn't know what it was like.

Lost, or something, anyway, the whole person is very uncomfortable.

"Okay, Zi Ran, I'll call you later, you look very bad, did you not have a good rest last night?" Song Jianing looked at him with concern.

And he felt absent-minded today, when he was with himself, he was always very attentive.

Lu Ziran nodded with a smile, and answered according to her intention: "Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night. I'll go to the office to rest for a while, and I have to meet the director later." There is one thing he must understand clearly .

Why did the Yan family participate in this investment?

"Okay!" Song Jianing nodded gently, and walked to her lounge.

She has also signed with Huazhong Entertainment now, and she is the heroine this time, with her own separate lounge.

After so many years of hard work, she finally succeeded. In the near future, she will be able to get what she wanted, the position of the second wife of the Lu family.

Song Jianing hooked the corners of her lips, and her sweet smile was replaced by ambition.

Lu Ziran watched her walk away, then turned to look for the director.

The director is Yang Fenghua, a big-name director who has been ranked No. [-] in the box office for the past two years.

He is in his early forties, handsome and upright. He never hides the rules of actresses, and it is also because Huazhong Entertainment has a good atmosphere that he is willing to stay here, and the working environment is relatively comfortable.

When Lu Ziran arrived at Director Yang's office, he happened to be answering the phone. When he saw Lu Ziran coming, he exchanged some polite words with the other party, and then hung up the phone.

"Second Young Master, why are you here?" Director Yang smiled politely.

Lu Ziran slightly hooked his lips into a smile: "Look for Director Yang to learn something, do you have time?"

"Yes, sit down!"

The two sat down on the sofa not far away.

Director Yang: "Do you want some coffee?"

Lu Ziran: "No need, it will be fine in a while."

Yan Zishu, who came to find the director with the script, stopped abruptly when he heard Lu Ziran's voice.

"Director Yang, I just want to know one thing. Why did President Yan of Ningshi suddenly invest in this drama? And why did his daughter come here to be a screenwriter?"

When Yan Zishu heard this, he seemed to know what Lu Ziran was worried about?

Director Yang smiled: "Second Young Master, I'm very lucky this time. Boss Mu has been preparing for this drama, and he also intends to cooperate with them to invest. I also know Boss Yan. I talked to him on the phone a few days ago. At that time, he casually mentioned the matter of investment, and he agreed."

"As for the screenwriter Yan, she has been well-known in recent years, and the previous TV series she collaborated with were also very popular. I personally approached her, and the company voted unanimously to approve it."

"It was only later that I found out that she was Mr. Yan's daughter."

"Second Young Master, do you have any other questions?" Director Yang asked with a smile.

Lu Ziran pursed the corners of her lips slightly, and said with a smile, "No more."

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in." Director Yang looked towards the door.

Yan Zishu opened the door and walked in.

She is tall and slender, wearing a small off-white suit, her long hair is draped softly behind her shoulders, she has an elegant temperament, she smiles, and the corners of her eyes are a little raised, making her smile more sweet and moving.

"Director Yang."

"Oh, screenwriter Yan, you're here." Director Yang smiled. He was actually quite surprised that Yan Qing's daughter would do this kind of work.

"Yes, Director Yang, take a look first. This is the script for the first scene. If it doesn't work, let's discuss it." Yan Zishu handed the script to Director Yang before looking at Lu Ziran, "Director Yang, do you have any questions?" Guest, I'll be over later."

"it is good!"

Yan Zishu left with a smile, maintaining a perfect smile from the beginning to the end.

She once dared to love, and now she can give up bravely.

Yan Zishu, this is you, isn't that what love has to be like?When you are in love, your whole body is happy.

But if you decide not to love, then let it go happily, this is her Yan Zishu.

Lu Ziran looked at Yan Zishu's back, her eyes were a little stinging, seven years ago, she stopped pestering him suddenly in their year, that is, that night seven years later.

At that time, he was secretly glad that he finally didn't have to reply to her WeChat every day.

But there is always some unaccustomed, and now he knows, is that kind of unaccustomed because she has lost her concern?
That night, he didn't know that she was Yan Zishu, so he said that.

Thinking of this, Lan Ziran was stunned for a moment, how could he have such an idea?
Lan Ziran didn't know how he got back to the office, Yan Zishu pretended not to know him, shouldn't he be happy?

Why does he have to worry about gains and losses.

What he likes is Song Jianing, that lovely and gentle girl.

The blue sky is like the sea, the sky is cloudless, and the weather is very good.

Lu Ziran and Song Jianing walked to the elevator together, and went downstairs to the company for dinner.

It was lunch time, and people in the company went out for lunch one after another.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Yan Zishu and Wei Shangxun were also inside.

"Haha... Shang Xun, you are so funny. I didn't realize that you are so good at telling jokes." Yan Zishu's cheerful voice reached Lan Ziran's ears.

He frowned slightly, and didn't want to take this elevator, but Song Jianing had already walked in.

He can only follow in.

Yan Zishu stepped back slightly as if he hadn't seen Lu Ziran, and stood very close to Wei Shangxun.

(End of this chapter)

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