Chapter 2184 Encounter, give up 3
Chapter 2184: Encounter, give up 3
Until Lu Ziran and the others came out, Yan Zishu and Wei Shangxun hadn't eaten well.

"Shang Xun, why don't you give me a chance to show off? I'll let you cook next time, and I'll wait for you to feed me."

Wei Shangxun smiled, and looked at her with a proud smile, "Aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

Yan Zishu pointed to himself, "Don't be afraid, I'm greedy, I want to eat anything, after I eat, I will lose weight and have strength."

Wei Shangxun: "Unreasonable, a reasonable diet can make you look good, but I haven't seen you gain weight in the past few years. If this is the case, I will be ready to feed you for the rest of my life." The last sentence is half-joking and half-joking real.

Yan Zishu pretended not to understand.

Wei Shangxun didn't continue the topic just now, and he knew that Shu Shu would understand.

"How about I go for a morning jog with you tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, but can you get up? I remember someone likes to sleep in in the morning." Yan Zishu said while eating, smiling brightly and charmingly.

Lu Ziran who passed by them happened to hear these words and saw her happy smile.

She is really obedient. Seven years ago, he told her not to appear in front of him, but she really never appeared in front of him again.

He pursed his sexy thin lips tightly, and without looking at Yan Zishu, he led Song Jianing out of the restaurant.

When Yan Zishu raised his eyes, he happened to see the backs of the two of them. At this moment, there seemed to be nothing left but heartache.

Yan Zishu, you have no backbone, how could you go back on your word like this, and make it clear that you don't love her.

Why is it so painful, so uncomfortable!
After Yan Zishu went back after having lunch, the director called her and said some of his opinions. After listening to Yan Zishu, he planned to go back and change it.

If she stayed in the company again, not only would she have no inspiration, but her heart would still be hurting.

Falling into love and despair, she seemed to have fallen into the abyss again.

In the afternoon, after handing over the matter to Wei Shangxun, Yan Zishu left the company directly.

She admitted that she was escaping, and she still needs some time to digest this matter.

Yan Zishu also warned himself in his heart that this was his last chance to breathe.

After the production of this drama was completed, she thought that she would never come to Jiang City again, and that she and that man would never have anything to do with each other again.

Yan's family also owns real estate in Jiang City. Yan Qing knew that his daughter would be working here for a while, so he specially arranged an apartment for her that was closer to the company.

She walked home, even in the afternoon, the sun was still shining brightly, there were only Yan Zishu in a hurry on the road, she was walking very slowly, she didn't know what was wrong with herself, she seemed to be sick, everything around her seemed to automatically calm down She is isolated, she can't hear what the people around her say, and everyone feels blurred.

She didn't know how she got back to the apartment. She didn't realize it until she was lying on the big soft bed. When she returned to the apartment, her heart relaxed instantly. Looking at the crystal lamp on the ceiling, her eyes blurred a lot .

Tears flowed from the corner of her eyes. She raised her weak hand and wiped away the tears gently. She was a little shocked. She actually shed tears, except for the night seven years ago, after she shed tears all night, she She never shed a tear. When she gave birth to a baby, she chose to give birth naturally. The doctor said that she was in good physical condition. How lucky she was to give birth naturally. She was looking forward to the arrival of the children, looking forward to meeting them, and looking forward to growing up with them. At that time, except for the excitement, she really never shed a tear.

But today, it seemed that the tears of the past seven years were going to flow out at once, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down no matter what.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the sobbing voice echoed in the room.

In the past, when she was in Ningshi, she thought that love was lost to distance, and distance was lost to time. Now she knows that she lost to herself.

Lost to the ignorant self.

How ridiculous, she loves alone, breaks up in love alone, and in the end she conceives and gives birth alone, and becomes a mother alone.

Aren't these all self-inflicted?After figuring this out, Yan Zishu felt his tears gradually stop.

The apartment is very large, and the light gold and white decoration style is a very beautiful decoration in the luxurious style. The sunset glow pours down, and the whole room is filled with fine light, making it a beautiful mess.

Yan Zishu didn't know how he fell asleep, and when he woke up, it was already the next morning.

She woke up from hunger, she opened her eyes, looked around in a daze, and then slowly remembered what happened yesterday.

Maybe it was because she cried yesterday, but she didn't feel the same mood today as yesterday, and she felt as sad as if the sky had fallen.

She slowly got up to wash up. After washing up, looking at the empty apartment, she inhaled slightly. Without the company of her children, she was really lonely.

She took a deep breath and smiled slightly. She thought it would take several days for her to recover, but after one night, she seemed to recover, and she could go to the company normally today.

That's right, this is just like her Yan Zishu, as long as she smiles after crying, nothing can be difficult.

From that night seven years ago, she decided not to pester Lu Ziran any more.

What's more, it's been seven years now, what else can't let go?

Why! !

After a while, Yan Zishu laughed at himself, the slight pain in his heart seemed to prove something.

Damn, I really can't let go of this scrambled egg life.

Since he couldn't let go of her, he didn't allow himself to escape, and he didn't allow himself to shrink back.

After Yan Zi tidied himself up beautifully, he went downstairs to have some breakfast, then called his mother and asked about the situation of the children. The children got up obediently and went to school today.

The brother and sister didn't stay up late to play games last night, and went to bed at nine o'clock.

Her two children have always been well-behaved and sensible, and their parents hurt to the bone.

After eating an energetic breakfast, Yan Zishu raised his eyes to glance at the morning sun, the corners of his lips raised, showing a confident smile.

Yan Zishu, be strong today!
After saying this to himself, Yan Zishu walked confidently to the company.

She is well-known in the industry. Many people heard that she is a screenwriter, and they also checked her information. Compared with yesterday, today's artists and others in the company are very friendly when they see her.

"Morning screenwriter Yan!"

People passing by will take the initiative to say hello to her.

"Morning!" she replied with a smile.

From a distance, Lu Ziran saw Yan Ziheng with a bright and charming smile. She was wearing a pomelo-colored light and luxurious slim-fitting small suit, and she was full of confidence in every move.

Lu Ziran felt that this woman was poisonous, he didn't sleep all night last night, why did she smile so happily?
(End of this chapter)

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