Chapter 2185 Encounter, give up 4
Chapter 2185: Encounter, give up 4
Suddenly seeing Lu Ziran not far away, Yan Zishu's body froze slightly, she slightly lowered her eyes, and nodded slightly towards Lu Ziran, since she had met, it was considered a greeting when she met her.

Lu Ziran just glanced at her lightly, and stood there without moving.

Yan Zishu walked past him without looking sideways.

"Yan Zishu."

Lu Ziran suddenly made a sound, the voice was as cold as winter rain, which made people feel an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

The confident Yan Zishu suddenly stopped, the smile on his face froze, and he glanced behind him.

Never thought that he would take the initiative to talk to her.

She tried her best to raise the corners of her lips, and turned to look at Lu Ziran, Lu Ziran had just turned around, his eyes were as deep as the sea, red with bloodshot eyes, as if he hadn't rested well, while she was calm and without waves, with a smile on her lips.

"Is Master Lu okay?" She asked with a smile.

Lu Ziran: "Come with me to the office."

Yan Zishu's expression changed subtly, bit his lower lip, and followed him into the office.

Lu Ziran's office is on the same floor as hers.

Only hers are on the other side.

The office is in line with his temperament, the gray and simple collocation, and the paintings on the wall, she can tell that they were painted by Qiqi.

They picked a few pictures of children playing, and Yan Ziheng discovered that Lu Ziran was actually a young child, and there were Lego toys in the rest area not far away.

Seeing this, Yan Zishu's expression became more subtle.

She has loved such an immature man for many years.

"Master Lu, what do you want from me?" She stood far away from him.

Lu Ziran is dressed very casually, with a white sweater, black straight-leg pants, and white shoes, which are very casual everyday collocations, like a college student who has just left school, handsome and attractive.

Lu Ziran sneered, "You don't know me?"

Yan Zishu felt that his heart had already been trained to perfection, and he could still laugh in front of him at this moment.

"Isn't this what Young Master Lu wants?"

Lu Ziran: "..."

It was indeed what he wanted, but why was he so uncomfortable in his heart?
Lu Ziran: "I didn't know it was you seven years ago."

It was fine if he didn't say this, but when he said this, Yan Zishu felt uncomfortable and anxious, and she stood there tense.

So, is he going to apologize to her?
However, the next moment, Lu Ziran's words made her heartbroken again so that she couldn't breathe.

"But you designed it back then, you haven't forgotten this matter, have you?" Lu Ziran looked at her straight, there was no smile on her pale face, only boundless pain.

He chuckled in his heart, he was the one who was hurt back then, so why is she acting like she is falling into the abyss now.

Shouldn't she apologize?

"So, in your heart, you didn't even ask me why I appeared in your room, did you think I designed you?" When Yan Zishu asked this question, she didn't dare to look into Lu Ziran's eyes, she didn't dare to look, I'm afraid that if I guess right, she will become more distressed in the future.

Lu Ziran was taken aback for a moment, indeed, what happened back then was very sudden, he had just passed his birthday at that time, he was still young, and he didn't want to be bound by anyone.

He was flustered and frightened. He never mentioned this matter to anyone, nor did he pursue it afterwards.

Seven years passed by like this, and every night, he would still think about that night, and whenever he thought about it, his heart was filled with anger.

Anger itself has been designed.

He has a cleanliness in love, and he hopes that it will be the first time for both parties.

But he is not anymore, and he hasn't been in love again in these years.

His extravagant expectations of love stopped at that night seven years ago.

"Hehe..." Yan Zishu looked at him with a sneer, tears filled with tears, but she smiled brightly, "Lu Ziran, I thought you would become more mature in the past seven years, but I didn't expect you to be the same as before. At my age, I don't have such a dirty mind, I admit that I stalked you all those years because I like it."

"But I also have my own principles. I never ask the person I like to do what he is not willing to do. I didn't design you that night."

"I was so stupid. I knew you were back and it was your birthday, so I ran over non-stop, trying to celebrate your birthday..." In fact, she wanted to confess that night.

It's a pity, because she missed her flight, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning when she arrived in Jiang City.

She missed Lu Ziran's banquet.

So she was sad and sad that night.

Because they are all adults, they can fall in love, and she can confess to the person she likes. That day was the most exciting day in her life. Thinking of her bold confession, she was moved by herself in the end.

If she missed it, she could only go to the hotel. She was very caring along the way.

But when she arrived at the hotel entrance, she suddenly saw Lu Ziran, her eyes lit up, and she felt that the heavens still treated her kindly.

She was supported by a girl into the elevator, and she followed up excitedly...

Later, by coincidence, when she was looking for Lu Ziran, she actually saw him in the presidential suite on the top floor. He was completely drunk, his face was very red, unlike normal drunkenness, she looked around and helped him up just now. That girl is no more.

She excitedly called him a few times...

Thinking of this, Yan Ziheng closed his eyes in pain.

When she opened her eyes again, her world was clear again.

"Lu Ziran, since seven years ago, I have warned myself that I will never appear in front of you, never pester you, and never like you again. But this job was an accident, and I will go back after work , I will never come here again, you don't have to guard against me like this, I, Yan Zishu, am not so cheap that I send myself to be trampled by others." After speaking sharply, Yan Zishu turned around and left.

After loving him for so long, I finally realized that I was being self-indulgent.

What a ridiculous and sad feeling, in fact, she has been embarrassing herself.

Lu Ziran stood there in a daze, looking at her hurriedly leaving back, a little at a loss.

"Hey, Second Young Master, I met a beautiful woman when I came in just now, she is so beautiful, is she a new artist in our company?" Du Xin, Lu Ziran's life assistant, came in carrying breakfast.

Lu Ziran still stood there without moving, yes, isn't she giving up exactly what she wanted?

"Hey! Second Young Master, why don't you talk?" Du Xin is not tall, but he is smart, active, smart and humorous.

Lu Ziran regained consciousness, glanced at him lightly, and walked towards the swivel chair beside the desk, and after sitting down, he leaned back.

The voice was a little tired: "You can eat breakfast, I'm not hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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