Chapter 2186 Encounter, give up 5
Chapter 2186: Encounter, give up 5
"Oh, Second Young Master is waiting for you to speak. I've been waiting for a light year." Du Xin was sitting on the sofa beside him with breakfast, and his breakfast was porridge.

Lu Ziran generally likes porridge for breakfast, he likes different kinds of porridge.

But since he came back, he ate at home, and he didn't know what happened today. It seemed that he was in the company a long time ago, and he was also troubled when he was on a business trip yesterday.

His manager is still his mother, Le Jinyan.

"Second Young Master, I bought eight-treasure porridge, which is fragrant and glutinous, and delicious." Because no sugar was added, he didn't say the word sweet.

"Don't eat!" Lu Ziran closed her eyes, her mind was full of Yan Zishu's state just now.

"Lu Ziran, since seven years ago, I have warned myself that I will never appear in front of you, never pester you, and never like you again. But this job was an accident, and I will go back after work , I will never come here again, you don't have to guard against me like this, I, Yan Zishu, am not so cheap that I send myself to the door to be trampled on by others."

These words kept recurring in his mind.

No woman has ever been able to affect his emotions, except Song Jianing.

This is the girl he loved since he was a child.

Yes, who else is important?

The person he likes is Ningning.

Lu Ziran suppressed all the discomfort in his heart, opened his eyes, and saw Song Jianing walking in with breakfast.

Du Xin saw that the second young master didn't eat the breakfast he bought, because he was waiting for the woman he liked to bring it over.

So sour! !
It's time for him to change places.

"Miss Song, you're here. You guys eat, I'll go out to eat." The assistant had good eyesight, and walked out with her own breakfast with a smile on her face.

"Zi Ran, I made breakfast, come over and eat together." Song Jianing was wearing a white dress today, simple and generous, with a bright smile.

As Lu Ziran watched, the smile on his face gradually increased.

"Yeah!" He walked over and sat across from her.

"Zi Ran, I made eight-treasure porridge. I know you always like to drink eight-treasure porridge. Try it." Song Jianing handed him the disposable spoon.

"Thank you Ningning! Thank you for your hard work, and you don't have to work so hard in the future." Lu Ziran took the spoon to drink the porridge, her movements were graceful.

There was sugar in the eight-treasure porridge. After he took a sip, he didn't feel the sweetness in his heart. Instead, he glanced at Song Jianing lightly. He never put sugar in his porridge.

After a mouthful or two, he put the spoon down.

Song Jianing looked at him nervously.

"What's the matter, Zi Ran, isn't it delicious?" She also ate it herself, it was sweet, fragrant and delicious.

Lu Ziran shook his head, "It's delicious, but I don't have much appetite, you can eat."

Lu Ziran couldn't help re-examining the girl in front of him.

He knew all her preferences, but she didn't seem to care much about him.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in." Lu Ziran looked at the door with a bad expression.

Le Jinxi pushed the door open, and Lu Ziran got up with a smile: "Mommy, why are you here?"

Le Jinyan looked at her son happily, and reached out to pat his head: "Mommy, come and have a look. Your mother said that you came out without breakfast, and I'm worried that you will be hungry."

After Le Jinyan finished speaking, she realized that there was someone in his office. Seeing that it was Song Jianing, her expression changed.

"Director Le, good morning!" Song Jianing greeted obediently, automatically ignoring the indifference in Le Jinyan's eyes.

Le Jinyan smiled faintly, "Morning!"

Looking at the two breakfasts on the table, she understood instantly.

"Of course, let's have breakfast first, and go out with Mommy for lunch." Le Jinyan is almost 50 years old, her appearance has not changed much, she is still so charming and charming.

"Okay, Mommy." Lu Ziran nodded obediently.

"Be good!" Le Jinyan smiled, turned and left.

When she reached the door, she suddenly thought of something again.

"By the way, Ranran, your mother asked me to tell you that Shu Shu will be in the company all the time. You are now the chief screenwriter of this TV series. Do you remember? Your childhood fan, your mother likes her very much. "

"Let you take Shushu home for a meal at night, don't forget, your mother went out to buy vegetables early in the morning, and said that she wanted to make delicious food for Shushu, Qiqi and Yuxuan will also go back to Longcheng Villa , I can't go because of something, you must take Shushu there safely."

Lu Ziran: "...!"

When he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Le Jinyan had already left.

When Song Jianing heard this, her face was as pale as snow. The Yan Zishu that Le Jinyan mentioned just now had known Zi Ran since childhood, and Mrs. Lu liked her very much.

Lu Ziran stood in the same place a little slumped, how could he handle this matter well, no one wanted to see him.

"Zi Ran, so you know the screenwriter Yan, and you didn't introduce her when you saw her yesterday." Song Jianing blamed a little bit, and in Lu Ziran's ears, it was a coquettish coquettish.

Lu Ziran looked back at her: "I didn't know her before, I met her when I was a child, and I don't remember it when I grow up."

"Oh, is that so?" Song Jianing looked at the man quietly, her brows and eyes slightly lowered, and her expression was stern. Compared with when he was, he was much more mature.

Thinking of the look in his eyes yesterday, it's no wonder that he kept looking in Yan Zishu's direction yesterday, that look didn't look like someone he didn't know.

"En!" Lu Ziran nodded.

Lu Ziran turned around and came in, just after walking a few steps, the phone on the desk rang.

Lan Ziran grabbed it and saw that it was his mother. The slumped expression on his face dissipated, "Mom." His voice was always smiling.

Lan Xin: "Of course, what do you want to eat tonight? Mom is shopping in the supermarket now."

Lu Ziran: "Mom, you don't have to do it yourself, it's so hard!"

Lan Xin smiled and said: "Oh! My son has finally grown up, and I know that I have worked hard as a mother. Cooking for you, mother is not hard. Mom is afraid that your mother will forget to tell you. I still remember you. Uncle's daughter?"

"The relationship between our two families has been very good these years, and the cooperative relationship has always been very good. Zishu has come to Jiangshi, and we must do our best to be the landlord. You bring her here at night."

Lu Ziran knew about it, "Mom, but I have something to do tonight."

Lan Xin: "Really? Then I'll ask the driver to pick up Shu Shu. I'll call her later."

"Okay!" After hanging up the phone, Lu Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, so that he and Yan Zishu would no longer be able to run into each other.

Song Jianing looked at him with a sigh of relief, and frowned slightly. She was a woman, and she was the first careful woman. Lu Ziran reflected in her eyes, as if the two of them had something.


After Yan Zishu came back from Lu Ziran's office, she didn't know what was going on, but she was in a very relaxed mood. It seemed that she was in such a good mood after she told about her secret love all these years, or after she vented to Lu Ziran.

Yan Zishu encouraged himself in his heart, Yan Zishu, this is the right thing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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