Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2300 Watching a movie with you at night

Chapter 2300 Watching a movie with you at night

Chapter 2300: Watch a movie with you at night

The butterfly effect is terrible, as long as one side surges, all directions will lose control.

Then, it might be difficult for him and Yanzi to escape.

Du Xin drove away quickly, and he could see from the rearview mirror that they were still chasing after them crazily.

Passion and liking for Lu Ziran are undisguised.

Finally, after seeing no fans at all, Lu Ziran breathed a sigh of relief and finally left safely.

Yan Zishu broke free from the hand he was holding with some embarrassment, but Lu Ziran did not let go.

"Swallow, I have been abstinent for many years, and I finally have a girlfriend today!" His smiling voice was as clear as the clear sky, and it was very comfortable to listen to.

Yan Zishu glared at him and pouted his red lips angrily.

In Lu Ziran's eyes, Yan Zishu's simple and generous attire is more attractive than the girl who was dressed in fashion and came up to say hello just now.

Yan Zishu recalled his behavior just now, she always felt that Lu Ziran was immature enough to be steady in everything, sometimes even terribly childish.

"Why are you always so self-righteous?"

Lu Ziran's clear and three-dimensional facial features were a little sluggish, and he was cowardly in an instant. Just now, he admitted that his girlfriend had a good time and forgot about the matter of settling accounts after autumn.

But he smiled, and moved slightly closer to Yan Zishu, his clear breath instantly surrounded Yan Zishu.

This familiar breath makes Yan Zishu's heart tremble every time.

"Swallow, you are mine." The soft and gentle voice penetrated into her five senses through the clear breath, and she looked at him as if bewitched.

He was too close to her, the car stopped and went, the temperature brought by the friction of the body and the atmosphere became extremely ambiguous in the small car.

Lu Ziran felt something beating with a "thump, boom, boom...".

It was only when he realized that it was his heartbeat.

Yan Zishu lowered her head, and no one dared to look at it. For her, this scene was exciting and exciting.

The male god leaned over slightly, leaning his body sideways. She rested her head on his heart, and could hear his fast-paced heartbeat.

Yan Zishu, who lowered her head, couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, and the sound of her heartbeat was like thunder at this moment.

Duxin felt like jumping out of the car through the rearview mirror and everything he felt.

His [-]-watt light bulb is really bright!

Lu Ziran felt her heart beating, and her nervous hands were covered with sweat.Yan Zishu, who was holding his hand, felt his palm was hot and sticky, but he was reluctant to take it out.

The two of them led the way home.

Du Xin felt that his [-]-watt light bulb was not useless, at least he was as quiet as if he didn't exist.

The atmosphere was surprisingly good, "Gulu..." A discordant voice completely broke the atmosphere.

Lu Ziran raised his brows slightly, his sword eyebrows were slightly drawn together, and his face was extremely embarrassed. Under such a beautiful atmosphere, why didn't he even let his stomach go.

It doesn't sound early, it doesn't sound late, but it happens at this time.

Yan Zishu glanced at him silently, those few mouthfuls of mango rice really couldn't feed him enough.

"Swallow, why don't we go out for lunch?" Lu Ziran still didn't give up the chance to be alone with her.

Yan Zishu: "We're all home, get out of the car, Aunt Xin is also worried about you, let's go back first."

"Oh!" Lu Ziran got out of the car slowly.

Lan Xin had already seen their car coming back, so she took Yan Shutian's hand and went out to greet them.

"Dad, Mom, you're back." Xiao Shutian smiled sweetly and brilliantly.

Lu Zijun walked over and said with a smile, "Baby, Dad is back."

Lan Xin looked at her son, worried all the time: "Of course, how is your recovery?"

Lu Ziran looked at his arm that could not move, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, mom, it will get better soon."

Yan Zishu walked over and said, "Aunt Xin, the doctor said that he is recovering well, but whether he can fully recover depends on the next examination."

Lan Xin took a distressed look, and told him: "Take a good rest and don't cause trouble. Mom is flying back to Jiangshi tonight."

"Hehe." Lu Ziran couldn't help laughing, "Mom, if you don't go back, my dad will appear in front of you tonight."

In his memory, father and mother had never been separated for such a long time.

I'm afraid my father's patience has reached the limit.

Lan Xin had no doubts about his statement.

Lu Haocheng p calls several times a day, she is very annoying!
If she didn't know that he has always been a paranoid favorite, she would really be angry.

She smiled and said, "Xiao Shu, go in with Aunt Xin and have lunch first, your mother has something to go out."

"Okay!" Yan Zishu would never say no to Lan Xin, because Lan Xin's smile was so healing, looking at her, he felt that the whole world was very peaceful, and all the impetuousness in his heart seemed to be gone.

After the family had lunch, Yan Zishu accompanied Lan Xin to the yard for a walk.

"Aunt Xin, are you really leaving today?" Yan Zishu actually felt a little bit reluctant for her to leave.

Lan Xin smiled and nodded: "Yes! If I don't leave, your Uncle Lu will definitely fly to Ningshi tonight. The company has been delayed for a long time." Going back will also become very busy.

"Xiaoshu, Aunt Xin won't force you to be with Ranran, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to make any decisions that you don't want to do for the sake of your child. Aunt Xin still said the same thing, I hope you two are happy with each other together so that you can live happily ever after."

"However, Aunt Xin likes you very much. I would be the happiest if you can finally get married with Ran Ran's lover." Lan Xin stopped and looked at her, her eyes full of kindness, "Xiao Shu, no matter what you decide , I support you."

Yan Zishu nodded with a smile: "Aunt Xin, thank you!"

She doesn't say too much, after all, the relationship between her and Lu Ziran is not close yet.

Lan Xin could actually see Yan Zishu's concern for Ranran during this time, but she knew that Yan Zishu was still hesitant.

In the afternoon, Lu Ziran and Yan Zishu sent Lan Xin to the airport together, and they went back after watching the plane take off.

Lu Ziran was not used to her mother leaving.

For him, wherever his mother is, that is his home.

Yan Zishu could also see that he was not feeling well, and he didn't say a few words on the way back.

Although Lu Ziran likes to cling to his mother, he is not considered a mother boy. He has his own opinions, and Lan Xin will not interfere with his choice.

The next day, Yan Zishu got up early to go to the company, but when Lu Ziran went to take her to work, he was in vain.

Yan Zishu also had a plan. She was going to the police station today.

Seeing the time when Lu Ziran went to see her off, she sent Lu Ziran a message.

[Lu Ziran, I have something to do in the company, I'll come out early and watch a movie with you tonight. ]
When Lu Ziran saw this news, he stood at the gate of Yan Zishu's house, almost fainted from excitement.

Can you be unhappy when your girlfriend agrees to watch a movie together?

But when he saw the push message on his phone, his face became stinky.

(End of this chapter)

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