Chapter 2301 Dad, I'm sick

Chapter 2301: Dad, I'm sick

He clicked on the news and took a look. It was a picture of him holding Yan Zishu yesterday.

And the following content made Lu Ziran even more angry.

Come pick up our male god's girlfriend!
Speaking of Lu Ziran, everyone knows that the male god Lu Ziran has been a household name since he was a child star, and he has not given up on his dream after being abroad for several years. He is an international superstar who has won all the awards in the film and television industry. Curious who he will marry in the future?
Now, the shocking big melon is here, there are pictures and the truth, your male god is in love.

Come pick up who is the girlfriend of our male god?

Below is a photo of him leaving with Yan Zishu.

Yan Zishu kept his head down the whole time and did not speak.

He glanced at the comments casually.

[Looking at the photo, she looks very pretty, but unfortunately she is still not good enough for her brother, with her head bowed, looking downcast, she looks like a Kefu at first glance, bah bah bah... I'm sorry for my brother. ]
[Brother, look at me, this woman is not good enough for you! ]

[I also think this woman is not worthy of our male god, if you have the ability, please raise your head. ] This fan shouted from the air.

[Cut, what are you talking about here?What kind of girl does the male god like?Do you still have the final say? ]

"String your fake powder ... ah ah ... my brother's future wife is me."


Lu Ziran was not interested in reading any further. Millions of comments made people dazzled, but most of them were scolding Yan Zishu.

However, Lu Ziran was furious. Yesterday's incident was supposed to be very romantic, but it was distorted and reported by people who scolded Yanzi.

He returned to the page and quickly called Du Xin.

"Second Young Master, I have seen what happened on the Internet, and I have already called the company to deal with it."

Lu Ziran: "...Well, look at who posted the post, find her out for me, and delete all the news on the Internet immediately."

Now he only prays that Yanzi is busy with work and doesn't see things on the Internet.

He was also careless before, and he couldn't affect Yanzi's life because of his affairs. If his two children were exposed, it would have a great impact on the two children.

Now is not the time to announce the identities of the two children. Yanzi agreed to do so.

Du Xin said: "Second young master, people in the company are already dealing with it, wait a moment!"

Du Xin was standing on the third floor, and he could see Lu Ziran who was calling him when he looked down.

After Lu Ziran hung up the phone, he walked back angrily, feeling very bad early in the morning.

Butler Wu was a little worried when he saw that Lu Ziran came back with a bad face.

"Second Young Master, your body hasn't recovered yet, so you can't have such ups and downs in your mood."

Lu Ziran said in a deep voice, "Uncle Wu, I'm fine!"

He sat on the sofa, and the servant brought a cup of hot milk over and put it on the table, and immediately retreated. The air pressure on Lu Ziran's body was too low, and even the surroundings were chilly.

Uncle Wu also saw things on the Internet. Young people nowadays really know how to play. Isn't it good to live a good life?Why bother with other things.

"Second Young Master, what would you like to have for lunch?" In addition to giving Lu Ziran a specific nutritious meal, he will also cook Lu Ziran's favorite dishes.

Lu Ziran: "Wait a minute!"

He picked up his cell phone and dialed his daughter's cell phone. The little guy was very unhappy because his grandma had left.

"Honey, are you up yet?" Lu Ziran asked with a smile.

Yan Shutian's voice was weak: "Father, I'm sick."

Lu Ziran stood up abruptly, "Honey, Dad is coming over here."

Lu Ziran said as he walked, "Butler Wu, ask the servant to cook some light food, chicken porridge is also fine, Tiantian is sick."

"Oh, good." Butler Wu hurried to the kitchen to give orders.

When Lu Ziran ran to Yan Zishu's house, the servant was also going to wake Yan Shutian up.

Lu Ziran said, "I'll go."

It disappeared down the stairs like a gust of wind.

If it weren't for the footsteps on the stairs, the servant would have suspected that it was an auditory hallucination.

"Tiantian." Lu Ziran pushed the door open and went in.

Yan Shutian's face was pale, his hair was also covered, and he had just put on a light purple dress.

"Dad, I'm dizzy. I turned down the air conditioner last night. I caught a cold. Cough..."

Yan Shutian also felt that his throat was very uncomfortable, and he had no energy.

Lu Ziran's heart ached to death, seeing her pale face, her eyes also lost the bright colors of the past, her listless look made people feel distressed.

"Tian Tian, ​​Dad will take you to the hospital."

"No." Yan Shutian shook his head quickly, walked over and hugged his leg: "Father, I'm most afraid of injections, just take some medicine and sleep."

"That's okay, our baby can't be uncomfortable." Lu Ziran knelt down and smoothed the hair around her ear.

Her hair is black and shiny, tied into a ponytail, and her little face is very pretty.

Yan Shutian closed his eyes, a little uncomfortable, dizzy, weak, very uncomfortable!

"Dad, I really want you to hug me, but your hand is hurt again." She is half a head taller than children of the same age, and Dad should not be able to hold her with one hand.

"Okay, daddy hugs, Tiantian doesn't feel bad." Lu Ziran picked up her daughter with her uninjured hand and went downstairs directly.

He has only one hand now, so he can't help his daughter wash, so he can only ask the servant to wash and comb Tian Tian's hair.

After washing up, Lu Ziran took her back to his place for dinner.

Yan Shutian may be sick, and he is more clingy to his father, holding his father's hand all the time.

"Dad, when can we live together? I think Dad and Mom live together, and our family is happy."

Lu Ziran smiled and said, "Baby, Dad will work hard to get your mother's consent to let your mother marry me, and then our family will be happy together."

"Hmm! Daddy wants to work hard!" Xiao Shutian's voice was weak.

"Does dad know my girlfriend Mimi? Her dad treats her very well. Every time I go to Mimi's house, Mimi's dad will buy me a small cake. I'm so happy."

"Dad will accompany me to Mimi's house next time, and buy small cakes for Mimi too. I feel embarrassed that I can't ask Mimi's father to buy them every time."

She has a father, and she can let her father take her to find Mimi in the future.

Mimi also likes her father very much, and is a little fan of her father.

Lu Ziran looked at her daughter's little face full of expectations, and said with a smile, "Okay, Tiantian, when you recover from illness, Dad will accompany you to Mimi's house."

"En!" Yan Shutian nodded happily, because of dizziness, the arc of her nod was very small.

Lu Ziran felt uncomfortable looking at it, being sick is the most uncomfortable thing, and children are listless when they are sick.

Back home, Lu Ziran sat on the sofa with Yan Shutian in his arms.

The little girl leaned against her father's arms with her eyes closed, reluctant to leave.

It so happened that at this time, Lu Zijun called.

(End of this chapter)

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